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Everything posted by nrenz123

  1. What year is your car mate? if you could measure the thread on your towing eye and let me know wether its 16 or 22mm that would be great I have to make a few this week ao they should be ready by the end of the week.
  2. was going to ask about £25 delivered each?
  3. It's a replica mate, it had some caving of the outer layer when i bought it, i should have sent it back. the seller said the bodyshop would sort it though. They filled the areas where it had caved in but i guess i should have just sent it back.
  4. p.s how much do you think ill be looking at to get this fixed?
  5. just got back to the car after shopping with the mrs to find a nice chunk missing out of the side of my n2 bumper! looks like some one has either hit it with a door our something else heavy to do the damage as it has literally taken a chunk out of the side of the bumper near to where it meets the wing. im also a bit pi**ed off because you can clearly tell that the bumper itself was not moulded thoroughly for the bumper to just collapse like it has. looks like there was little our no resin under the surface. fair enough the damage isn't huge but its massively noticeable im so annoyed. pics to follow.
  6. If you could do that, i would appreciate it a lot. Could you price it for the kits you do plus the plenum and stainless strut bolts? Nathan.
  7. p.s the first pic is alos my car
  8. They are et12 in 18 with 275 rear tyre and i get no rubbing whatsoever, not even over massive speed bumps.
  9. Here's the pic you asked for mate, hope its what you wanted.
  10. Chilli, Does the bolt kit that envy sell include the bolts for the plenum? Ideally i'd like the ones i've listed above, but it depends if anyone else is interested :
  11. Hi guys, I'm looking at seeing if i can arrange a group buy on the items listed below, i've requested the strut bar bolts, nuts and washers to be in stainless and the the other bolts in the buyers choice. I've sent them an e-mail to see if this is possible, if so would anyone else be interested? Plenum Long Bolt 6mm x 1.00 x 60mm (1ea) Center Bolts 6mm x 1.00 x 50mm (6ea) Outer Bolts 6mm x 1.00 x 30mm (9ea) Washers 6mm FW Chrome (16ea) Head Light Bolts 6mm x 1.00 x 20mm (2ea) Washers 6mm FW Chrome (2ea) Front brace bolts 8mm x 1.25 x 30mm (6ea) Washers 8mm FW Chrome (6ea) Strut Bar Bolts 10mm x 1.25 x 30mm (6ea) Nut 10mm x 1.25 (2ea) Washers 10mm FW Chrome (8ea)
  12. The earlier cars are definately a standard M16 thread mate
  13. i'll have to get back to you guys as cash is tight this month, i would be looking to sell them for about 80 on an exchange polished up.
  14. Thanks for the feedback mate, appreciate it! I'll have about 3-5 of these ready by tomorrow depending on how much free time i get. both 22mm and 16mm.
  15. haha love the whooosh noise he makes as he pans down the car!
  16. Yeah, i have two bars one in 16mm and the other 22mm. As stated i can make them to any length so that they sit exactly as you want them For the moment im just seeing if there is enough interest to warrant making them in numbers Nath.
  17. Stew, i can make the mounting bar any length so people can get to plate to sit exactly where they want. the best way i can think of is to screw in your towing eye and using the tape measure give me the length at which you would like the end of the bar to be. Basically i need the length as shown in the picture, that will make sure it sits exactly where you want it. P.S. Who needs cad or photoshop!
  18. I shall be driving back down monday afternoon mate.
  19. Now that the other number plate bracket group buy has finished (i didnt want to step on anyones toes) i am going to put out a feeler to see wether there would be any interest in the bracket i've made to mount the number plate on my V2 bumper. Basically the bracket consists of a stainless steel bar that screws into the towing eye thread, onto which an aluminium plate is then bolted on to. The number plate is then fixed using double sided tape. There will be a slight gap where the number plate goes over the bolt which attaches the bracket to the bar but it is hardly noticable. I've had mine fitted for over a month now and i've had no issues with the plate coming loose so i've decided to see if anyone else would like one. I'm going to offer them for £25 Delivered, which is a cheap way of mounting the plate to the car. Currently i can do them for the uk style plates but if anyone would like one in a custom size or JDM im sure that can be arranged. I should add that i am making these as a DIY project, so the plates wont be polished or anything, but they arent visable and do the job! 1. Stew 2. Clarkie34 - Paid & Posted. 3. Maz0
  20. I'm looking at starting to sell polished plenums on an exchange basis but i need a plenum or two to get the ball rolling. does anyone have one for sale on the cheap that they dont need?
  21. I'm having a clear out to raise some cash to pay fome some new coilovers, starting with a pile of PC games on my shelf. If there is any interest id be willing to sell the lot, individually or as a lot. ARMA 2 Assasins Creed Bioshock Battlefield 1942 Brothers in arms : road to hill 30 Battlestations : Midway Battlestations : Pacific Crysis (Special Edition) Crysis Warhead Company of Heroes Call of Duty Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Cossacks 2 Enter the Matrix Empire Total War F/A 18 Hornet Football manager 2006 Football Manager 2010 Far Cry 2 Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter IL2 Forgotten Battles IL2 1946 Lock On GOLD Medieval Total War Max Payne Operation Flashpoint Silent Hunter 4 Supreme Commander World War 2 : Frontline Command Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War World in Conflict All in there's a few hundred quids worth there, obviously that was when they were new. I know its a long shot but worth a punt! Nathan.
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