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Everything posted by nrenz123

  1. They are both being polished now should hope to have them done by early/mid next week.
  2. I have two plenums here, they arent polished though. one is reserved for someone here already but the other is available. Im going to stop doing these after these two as to be honest it is a right pain in the arse. I am selling the other one for £160 on a non exchange basis, if either of you are interested let me know, first come first served though im afraid. Nath.
  3. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... :MESELX:IT Selling this fit is terrible, might be able to do something with it witha lot of time and patience! - no reserve. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... :MESELX:IT Came off my car when i fitted the N2 front bumper, were working fine!
  4. Upper plenums for sale, ideal if anyone needs a spare or one to polish. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350z-Intak ... 20b241e515
  5. yes mate, carterton oxfordshire.
  6. Im after a set of Falken 452's but everywhere is sold out and camskill think they will be about 4-6 weeks. there is no way my tyres will last untill then, does anyone know of anywhere i can get a pair? camskill charge £140 each so around that price would be ideal! Nath Also what was the name of the guy who was doing the second hand tyres?
  7. He went to Afghanistan on the 5th he said he would be back in a few weeks, im waiting to hear from him too about stuff. Apparently he logged in yesterday so maybe he is back now. If there are any problems i am in the RAF too and know how to get in touch if needs be when he hets back.
  8. Hi mate sorry for not replying to this i have been ill with a chest infection the last few days. The design of the plate holder allows some adjustment in the height that the plate will sit, however if yopu wanted one i would need the dimentions for the plate you need to fit so i can get one made up. I'm off work for the next week though so it will take a week atleast to get it made.
  9. Any interest in the next one of these? if not its going on my car lol
  10. Its on hold at the moment mate, i have money tied up in the plenum polishing. i hope to have it finished soon enough though. all depending on how the polishing goes. Nate
  11. I have received the first of the two exchange plenums today, i'll get onto polishing it ASAP. Is anyone interested in it? Nath.
  12. Looking very shiny mate, nice wheels too!
  13. I have one buts its in GM.
  14. To be honest i dont think they will be that bad to fit, there will be a bit of flex in them in i think you will get them on.
  15. I have come from a fiat coupe, i was nathr on fccuk.org. I have seen a few zed's about and i always wave, but id say its been 50/50 wether i get anything back. Keep waving/flashing though im sure you will bump into someone off here
  16. Thanks for the positive comments guts i appreciate it after all the time gone into these. For the amount of time going into them im hardly making anything, im not going to put the prices up, not yet anyway hopefully i can find a quicker way of doing them As soon as i get the replacements back then i will be polishing them straight away. Nath.
  17. Second one done now, this one was a right pain in the arse to do!
  18. Alternatively Zmanalex does them
  19. If thats the same as the 04 box i have one mate.
  20. I tell you what one thing i have learned from doing this is that it is a hell of a lot of work to get these polished. Iif anyone says that £100 is a bit expensive then they should have a go themselves lol.
  21. Coops should be at mine soon and we will be fitting the kit then, will have to have a wash first as i am black from polishing this plenum lol.
  22. Just in case no one is familiar with blueflame, on the fiat coupe forum from my last car this was THE exhaust to have, they are top notch
  23. Second one almost done, this one is sold too im afraid.
  24. The fisrt trim kit will be fitted to my car this weekend, im sure coops will have lots of pics once they are fitted! Nath.
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