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Everything posted by Adriank

  1. Same as you, but just the fronts, rears are still ok atm. Carbon slot front discs and the matching pads.
  2. Yeah the forum discout on these is great, cost me over £200 less for these than std ones from nissan would of :-) When you having yours fitted stew, see whos getting them on first!
  3. Indeed "wraps front to back", I have a dent and a scratch on my roof atm, needs repainting... so a carbon style wrap over it looks fat and can be done when I get it sorted Same boat for me mate, got a scratch on the roof, am tempted by a carbon wrap/ black painted roof, as colour matching is always difficult! Where did you get it done mate?
  4. I have the nismo on mine atm, and a brand new 5Zigen Miracle Fireball exhaust ready to go on when i decide i want to! Has anyone in UK got a miracle fireball, its lighter / louder than the Pro Racer ones...
  5. As said the read out is way off anyhow, i worked it on mine and it was reading over 5mpg better than the figure actually was lol.
  6. OK great thanks, i think i might have a cleaner kit like that left over from an old pipercross kit or somesuch, will have a look.
  7. Good to see it all back looking pristine again mate!
  8. Welcome and it looks good, i like weds wheels aswell, altho the rays are nice aswell!
  9. Do you need to do this with the Nismo element, i am guessing its a long life one that needs cleaning every now and again? What do you use to clean it if it does, many thanks.
  10. A pic might help you sell it mate!
  11. i'll stick with your red ones mate, have my mind made up lol. Once i get em ian, ill consider it if they look silly once put on!
  12. You already have some, dont be greedy
  13. Guess i am going to find out, a set of red rays nuts on the way, will post up pics when they arrive (if it doesnt look too silly lol)
  14. It's got the exhaust, and i am already the owner of the rear spats, just saving for the spoiler and other bits atm :-)
  15. you have pm on nuts! :-P
  16. Didnt make it in the end, sorry guys, dindt get home till loads later than i expected.
  17. I stay down at a mates in bournemouth at times, maybe i can sort it out for you to do it whilst i am down there sometime. I'll pm you when i know i will be down there again, thanks
  18. im in newbury mate, is that within your area?
  19. Nismo boot sticker, thanks Phil. Chuffed with it, phil even did me a deal on the stickers, nice one! Adrian
  20. Quite pleased how good it looks with only that done. I need to get someone to go over it properlyt tho, get rid of the spiders webs in the paint!
  21. Finally, been a while, but i got a great deal on them from Dixon at Dixcel Brake. Im just hoping they are as good as he says, got the FCR Carbon discs and their Fast road Carbon Pads, very impressed with the packing, lots of little extras i wasnt expecting! Will get some more pics and opinions up once they are on!
  22. lol, yes so 2 people have bought them then, oh dear!
  23. lol thanks mike, not sure if i really want a red/blue set, might look a bit silly on an orange Z with the std wheels...
  24. ok ill meet you guys there later on then, i dont want to get stuck in RFC traffic much either.
  25. From that picture of yours, id just remount the 13W7 in a new box, facing the cabin under the strut bar, you wont have the air space issues then. If you still think the W7 is too big, why not get a smaller W7, i have an 8W7 and its great, but you could go for a 10/12 W7, or if you want 2 subs, why not 2 10W6v2's?
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