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Everything posted by Adriank

  1. Are they the right bore for the Nismo/ or is the nismo the same. If they will fit can i have them off you mate?
  2. This is what i do when im posting 'cloak and dagger' stylee from work, no time to read/think here!
  3. Hey adam, yeah just seen this old for sale post.. viewtopic.php?f=32&t=16540&start=0&hilit=pipes Ersen had something called 'non foulers' that space the sensors out of the flow. Any ideas on where i could get a pair of these?? Thanks
  4. My car is at 53k with original clutch still, i think i would benefit from a replacement.
  5. V.Loud, raspy too, its pretty damn ricey now, unsure how much i like it will wait and see once im used to it On a side note, where/who would be my best bet for getting 2 new gaskets, to go between the Nismo Y and the D-cats???
  6. Any way to fix this? On test drive and First drive (1hr) no error, now tho every time i start the car the CEL light is lit within seconds... Any ideas on what i can do? Thanks Adrian
  7. ill do my paypal on thursday if thats ok, i get paid then :-)
  8. What is your price for an OEM clutch Alex? Also for a daily driver car, is there much popint in going to an exeddy organic 'street' clutch or similar, or are these specced similar to OEM? Also if changing clutch, is a lightened flywheel a good way to go. Asking because i am beginning to think my clutch might be on its way...
  9. Adriank

    18x10 ET15

    Id definately say that a 10" front wheel at ET15 will stick completely out of the arch and rub on the slightest bump... My front wheels fill the arch so they are flush with the outside and are 9" ET20 at the front... I would NOT buy these if it was me. Also why so thin tyres on the rear? Should be 275 on that width of wheeel really. If you could get a 9" pair for the fronts with 245 tyres on, then you would probably be ok.
  10. Im going to look at mine in the morning if its looking less than prestine (very likely) ill have one.
  11. Adriank

    offset & et???

    My wheels are ET20, 9" front, 10" rear, fit is perfect, fills the archs but doesnt rub lowered on eibach springs. I dont think you could get a better fit.
  12. This is why i dont like custom systems, too many welds (from the pics darren posted), piping with different grades of stainless and a complete reliance on the person doing the job to know what they are doing! Most off the shelf exhausts are machine made, so at least you are guarenteeing the quality of the welding and pipework.
  13. that is a bargain, roast your devauing these things :-P remember the retail price now is upto £210 or something
  14. Still could buy the doors, take out the motors, fit the one you need, and keep/sell the other, then sell the dorrs as stripped on ebay. Might only end up costing you £100
  15. any joy? keen to get one of these!
  16. Do we run one at any of the summer shows? I'm really up for doing as many shjows as possible this year but would like to see the car on the stand! Does this get organised on here or do i need to look elsewhere?
  17. They look great gold Ersen mate, id keep them like that!
  18. What happens if you don't use any oil...
  19. Mine atm: Will be getting additional bits shortly too...
  20. I knew you was gonna say that Chris :-p The only thing that bothers me about the Ings is its a lot of money, and it doesnt look that much different to standard, would most people even notice?
  21. Im at a dilema, i cant decide what spoiler to get! My main choices are Nismo V2 Carbon Blade or The Ings LX, heres some pics of each: Ings LX Nismo V2 Carbon I like both but the dilema is.... I want to deburger the back end. If i get the ings i can pull it off and it covers it, so all is well. With the Nismo, i will need to get the holes filled and the tailgate painted aswell as having the spoiler fitted! What to do!
  22. Just me and Adrian Again! Good to see you on the M4 this morning mate, didnt know you went along that way.
  23. You can't as far as im aware buy the exhaust i have anymore, its a one off for the UK :-) Other 5Zigens are available, just not the Miracle Fireball that i have. 'Might' out it up for sale at some point, will have to see how it is once bedded in and with the Cats sorted.
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