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Everything posted by Adriank

  1. i did take some but uploading pics is such a pain in the a** i can tbe bothered, lol ill surprise you with pics in the middle of the month. It was fantastic weather too, where was everyone!!!
  2. Where abouts in reading you based mate, never seen your car about. Would be interesting to compare heights, and have a look at where your rubbing, but id be willing to bet its the flexis...
  3. TGM can get you deals on mapping etc.. at other places tho, they work with TDI for instance...
  4. I was there, and met an owner with a nice black 350z :bye:
  5. I used to scrape underneath a lot, its the Y-pipe flexi joints that touch... Now i have a y with no flexis, only the front lip touchs, i dont ground out underneath at all anymore
  6. You have UK CTR Anniversary model recaro's actually mark, nicer than the DC5 ones in some ways, with the extensions. I'd love to change the seats but i think its just one thing too many!
  7. No its not as shoddy as yours Are you coming this time as it will be sunny sunset?
  8. I would be interested in a well designedcooling plate (a bit like the varis) and a rear diffuser ala..
  9. For me its the blasted whistling from the window, and thevarious interior rattles!
  10. It should bolt through the normal holes as far as i am aware...
  11. Indeed for pops etc... u need de-cat ideally, sports cats will give some but not as much. Headers dont seem to make much difference to noise on a 350z according to those that have them fitted. Also true dual exhausts are quieter anyhow arent they?
  12. Indeed im interested in the warrenty issue aswell , as i have heard of some of these braking apart inside, and would like to know im covered if this occurs here.
  13. Indeed look forward to seeing you at the jap meet in reading mate!
  14. Veilside V1 and the mines are pretty damn similar, the veilside just doesnt fit aswell and is a fair bit cheaper!
  15. My V2 should be arriving next week and fitted shortly after, will let you know on the visibility once its on. I went V2, V1 is too common for me, and i like the aggressive look of the V2 without it being too huge like the veilside etc...
  16. As above, would be great, you could go as aggressive as +15 and still be ok without work id say...
  17. Any pics of your car with the 5Zigen on??
  18. Indeed Ian, but the front is going to look a LOT more aggressive than the rears, due to them being the same size... The rears needed to be 10.5 if the fronts are 9.5 IMO.
  19. I thought people would say that! I actually made a consious choice to put it on 'upside down' i like the way its wider at the top as the rea lights sweep out the same way... maybe just me then i suppose I'm deffo not going to get another one, took ages for this to arrive!
  20. ... i got myself outside and put a couple of bits on the car i have been meaning to do for a while, really happy with both. First of all my Super Secret rear badge replacement... What do you guys think, i believe its the first badge of it's kind to find its way onto a 350z Secondly (Big thanks to P15UL T) my carbon wrap covered rear strut cover (sorry also to paul for the delay from me!)... Really happy with both mods, feel free to post up your opinions on one or both!
  21. My front wheels are 9" wide ET20, and they are close to rubbing as it is. Yours are half inch wider and more aggressive offset. Also they wont look staggered still, your tyres will just be different shapes at the sidewalls... Look forward to seeing the pics once they are fitted though, good luck! You might want some small spacers on the rear to get them to match up more with the fronts.
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