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Everything posted by larsdowg

  1. think they are doing a deal there for xmas at £75 quid....... its only 4 laps I think. Petrol runs through my veins so even 4 laps in a car like the R8 or a Lambo would go down a treat! Will have to see if can make it a joint family xmas gift
  2. Hi everyone, does anyone know where I can get a good deal on a Red Letter type Track Day....... not in my 350Z even though that is tempting. But maybe a drive in a Nissan GTR35 or a Lambo or something..... Missus is asking about xmas presents and quite fancy something like this but don't want it to cost the earth Cheers
  3. ha ha take it the K1 is pretty loud then? not sure what mine has on it, but know its non standard.......... not managed to get it up on ramps since I bought it to have a good nose under. Chap before didn't know what it was either as no receipts for it, all I kow is it sounds sweet
  4. How? yeah would be interest as I have literally just done mine and got my new tax disk and the old one paid out in form of a cheque for remaining months
  5. Mine ended Jan next year so cashed it it last month........ then bought a new one at £200 odd instead of £300 odd next year.... and will renew this time next year for £300 odd instead of paying the £450 the following year! it will catch up with me but saved few hundred quid by just being bit cheeky
  6. Is this a good price? seems a bit steep for a bluetooth module? But maybe I am wrong, are there any other makes?
  7. larsdowg


    Nope just not too sure about the new 370........... the back end doesn't do a great deal for me..... Sure it will grow on me, but then again I've thought that about other cars and still think they are ugly!!
  8. ahhhhh this is nothing surely it will T-Cut out Gutted!!!!!!! think I might have gone out with this nutter!
  9. Hi everyone, read some posts on forum regarding the armrest cradle being able to take a bluetooth module which intergrates with the cars already installed systems...... just like the original Nokia brick? is this right? If so does anyone know what models are available by different companies which will fully integrate? If anyone has sites or prices it would be greatly appreciated.... Also is there a bulk purchase going on the forum for this at the moment I can join to bring the price down? Thanks Larsdowg
  10. Good idea but makes my eyes go mental Once I spot the windscreen has them, I can't stop 'Focusing' on them!! Sorry could'nt help the pun!....... I won't 'Probe' into this one any deeper
  11. I'll give you a winter prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life. (Bill Murray - Ground Hog Day) ...............but at least I have heated seats!!! Its getting cold now, but the ZED warned me it was ICY, and the temp and heated my buttocks on the way to work......... I love this car!!!
  12. ha ha cheers not done it since, but will keep posts if it does but just seemed kinda odd sure it was nothing..... cheers for your post though, checked both readouts and showed same so will just have to keep an eye on it
  13. why do you think they are for sale? Hey someone out there might like them?? Lets see if they sell......................this time
  14. And you didn't like the Mustang Zed! Damb right I didn't like the Mustang Got them with the 350Z, the guy who bought them said he didn't have time to fit them........................thank god! Do you think 99p is asking too much?
  15. Gunning it down the motorway last night then tried to set my cruise control and lights started to flash........ I could turn it on and off but it came on and the set light kept flashing, and it would'nt set?? I have been out in the Zed this morning and all is well, must have been unhappy yesterday (system blip) Had something similar on my Scooby with the engine management light, and after 4 key starts if there was nothing major it would reset itself. Assume this is along the same lines? Anyone had something like this? Cheers Lars
  16. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0267471010
  17. did you get sorted in the end with a 350? you find a good GT?
  18. I was gonna say no comment............... but......... HOLLY CR@P!!!
  19. Looks very very sweet! I do love RAYS, looked for 3 months for mine and ended up finding a good GT with RAYS had t nearly one month now and loving it!!! Had an issue with my stereo this morning, used to get it on my Scooby, took the CD out and it was very cold and had 'fog' on it (car has been in shade and was very cold inside) so polished the CD and it worked fine. Then changed CD and it happened again, so check ya CD's...... it might be something simple....... fingers crossed. Enjoy the Zed anyways and welcome Lars
  20. assume they go back to a non expanded state then? like the grey one...... and not slack like a wizards sleeve? will wait till after the weekend got lots of stuff selling on Ebay and that should pop some cash into my paypal account cheers
  21. Waiting for my birthday will mean i have another years NCB and another years driving experience and will knock £300-£400 of my insurance quotes. it will also allow me to get closer to finishing the finance on my current car, a 1.5l Suzuki Swift I do love it though So im hoping to go from this: (try to ignore the cat) To: very nice one on pistonheads good luck, nice bday present but just treat yourself to an early xmas present instead. just joined myself as an the proud owner of a 350Z now after some wait too! I hope its the pic, but it looks like your Suzuki has been hand sprayed with Silver Hammerite...... I'm sure its not???
  22. might be a daft question but hey here goes, what colour are they as notice they are black and grey or look to be in the picture? and what kinda kit can you pop under it i.e. how expandable is it? Also how do you pay? If I fancy one? Also need to stop myself fron being hit by a disklok
  23. Maybe thats why he wants so much for it as it has a magic engine built by pixies to runs on unicorn tears
  24. How does a 350Z handle on 20's? I had a car I put wheels 2" larger than stock Rims and it handled like a pile of cr@p!
  25. prices are coming down, just been looking at other sales on Autotrader and Ebay........... but hey we dont buy these things for investments do we!! Just to put a huge smile on our faces
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