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Everything posted by TADDY

  1. TADDY

    Going wide

    here you go viewtopic.php?f=32&t=42411
  2. TADDY

    Going wide

    How much you looking to spend on wheels? cuz if you dont want to use spacers then your looking BIG money for something like a set of 19x10 et0 front and 19x11 et0 rear, even then you may still need a small spacer eg 20mm to bring them propper flush. Best bet imo would be to buy Attacks 20" wheels in the for sale section and then run some decent spacers to get the look you want, this way you can play about with different size spacers to acheive different offsets till you get what you want
  3. here's one of mine, and you lot are sick!
  4. saw this car down at pod last year, AWESOME car!!!! and awesome build!!! its a Do-luck body kit
  5. get yourself down to halfords and buy a box set of mixed nuts n bolts and get some big ass washers to go behind the bolt to give it a more secure fitment. Should only cost you about £8 and then you can try them all out to see which is the rite size. Thats all i did with my seibon hood. Its a bit more trikey with this kind of fitment as you have to get a couple of mates to hold it in place while you put the bolts in where as with the oem ones the pre fitted threads hold it for you well kind of ile take a pick of mine tomoz so you can see
  6. sorry to go off topic but what Archery club are they apart of?
  7. yes but im coming round to the idea of keeping them PM me and ile get back to you
  8. im gonna try and make it on the 23rd if i can get the time of work
  9. Yeah that was me, first time she had been out since november. Im glad u dint pull me over i would of shat myself!!! Wasso all good fun mate :wink:
  10. cheers Attack Its just i didn't realise it was on there so when i stumbled accross it I thought it was kinda cool and worth a post, If its not "technically" correct then ile get a mod to move it to the general section.
  11. Just been doing some random google crap and stumbled across an article of my Redline feature I had in November on the Japspeed web site! How cool is that scroll down the page a little my real name is Simon Froggatt http://www.teamjapspeed.co.uk/page/2/
  12. nice to see youve got it sorted mate ive got mine back on now aswell, was gonna scrap it after the backbox gave up but long story short ive had to put it back on so got my mate to weld it up for now and ive took an angle grinder to my diff to cut some of the fins off so now im rattle free UK diffs have cooling fins on them one thing you jdm boys dont have to worry about
  13. ok only joking i haven't orded one yet im just really jealous!
  14. well thanks for sharing only joking mate hopefully ile have mine by the next weekend wonder if we got them from the same place
  15. JOIN THE DARK SIDE We'll never see you, "your black" us azures might run over you? I think what you mean black = stealth assasin by night, sex panther by day!
  16. 1. charlotte-sparkles 2. purple&black 3. martinmac 4.SwanageDave 5.jollyranchers 6. Cragus 7. scubapics 8. matty316 9. Doug86 10. Rothers2901 11. Taddy the Don
  17. Seriously though, looks like an ATI Procharger. For anyone interested info can be found here: http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/ATI_Proc ... harger_Kit GIT!!
  18. Not seen one of these before, guessing its POO!!! what do you guys know about them? Im not looking to buy just curious perhaps Nicad7 maybe interested if its any good. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350z-super ... 3a62c832d8
  19. my mate has just bought one of these even though i kept telling him to stay WELL CLEAR!!!! we will see............
  20. all the cars shown above do look awesome!!! but those offsets will only look rite if the car is propper slammed and therefore you dont mind your tyres scrubbing all the time and not being able to get over speed bumps! just a thought if your cars a daily
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