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Everything posted by TADDY

  1. cheers pal, looks like ile be getting that one sprayed black aswell as the front 3 then rather than the debadge
  2. sorry for the post jack but dose the standard rear burger badge have location holes? im haveing mine debadged this week, just wondering how much work they will have to do. (work = cost lol)
  3. ive also been wanting to put buckets in for a long while but not sure how i would fit a harness as i dont really like the idea of a harness bar and the standard seat belt buckle comes out with the seat.
  4. 1. Scott 2. 3FiddyZ 3. Shire350z 4. Bladesgrant 5. Lincolnbaggie 6. Tonser 7. G18FAN soz pal my name shouldn't of been down to start
  5. TADDY

    Police in my car!

    oh she was lovely! just kept saying "oh i love it, i love it" what can i say lol
  6. sound like decent people to deal with
  7. i think that very bonnet has been on ebay from knight racer for months, looks mint! good buy
  8. the japspeed decats are £129 and if you look at the pic of there manifold you can see that they are much larger than a normal manifold and have two resanator holes one were it would be in the manifold and one were it would be in the cat. if you picture what a manifold and decat would look like bolted together off the car you'll see what i mean, maybe!
  9. nice one mate! were abouts are you?
  10. the japspeed ones are the ones i was looking at actually as their a manifold and decat in one! japspeed are a big name tho aren't they???? surely there would be some sort of warranty perhaps????
  11. how much would you be looking at adrian? pm me if you prefer
  12. ive just had a full p3 service at nissan derby and they said it would have been £346.00 total. but i get free serviceing
  13. thanx for that 3fiddyz, with the looks of that kit it would apear that going FI would be the better way forward. tho for now decat, pulleys and a remap are on the cards
  14. some food for thort then just not sure, as the manifolds and decats i was looking at are all in one peace so when it comes to removeing them for mot its gonna be a bitch with the sounds of it. hmmm what to do...... little question please dont laugh, whats a stroker kit?
  15. even if it did, kinetix covered them with a lifetime warrenty so you just send it back and get a new one for free even tho i havent boght it from new? dose look cool, thanx paul
  16. have you seen the one on ebay? £360 but you can make him an offer their new think he produces them in derby.
  17. TADDY

    exhaust OEM

    out of interest whos your insurer pal? as im 22 and my insurance hasn't gone up at all after having an true dual exhaust and intake?
  18. more noise is one thing that im after but also working towards a worth while remap if you know what i mean. are these really hard to fit then they do look difficult
  19. TADDY

    Police in my car!

    even so i feel like its a great achievment
  20. TADDY

    Police in my car!

    not sure were to put this but thort it was quite funny
  21. Just a qiuck question, im thinking of going down the decat route but wondering wether having the manifolds changed aswell will really make a worth while difference considering the awkwardness? or should i just stick to the decat? i will be having a remap aswell of cause any guidence would be greately recieved
  22. hey coops, youve got me excited now lol ive been waiting for these bonnets. is it the old shape or the one with the bump?
  23. thats what i thort, and as theres bin no talk of the bonnets yet i thort ide ask
  24. im iterested in the kinetix plenum but ive heard of these spliting? can anyone reasure me lol
  25. hi pal are these still for sale and if so do you have any pics?
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