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Everything posted by TADDY

  1. TADDY

    Spongey brakes

    ive been abit worried by my brakes recently as my mate has a zed and drove my car the other day and he couldn't believe how spongey mine were compared to his!!! both 55 plates with brembo pads and all that. perhaps i need to change my fluid then
  2. i would of thought so as these are well over £200 new!!!! and a dam sight better than the JWT pop charger as it has surround.
  3. pain in the arse to fit! a mate of mine had a real HKS one and had to get a jdm diff fitted to his uk car just so that it would fit! I have a copy so just got it tweeked slightly. Not seen any on ebay for quite a while now been keeping an eye out for another member.
  4. looking good pal 20mm spacers and a set of tein springs should be fine with no arch rolling you should see how low mine is without arch rolling .........................
  5. Is it the AC dominator edition? I was so close to having one of these before the zed but the left hand drive thing put me off. Couldn't justify the £5000 conversion to right hand drive Awesome looking thing tho
  6. well looks like your off to a good start pal Just done loads of little things really, full nismo V1 bodykit and spoiler, custom wheels, colour coding of handles/badges, induction kit, spacer, de-cat's, y-pipe, exhaust, coilovers, wheel spacers and other bits n bobs hmmm didn't realise just how much ive done no wonder my girlfriend keeps moaning
  7. cheers pal, yeah its the nismo V1. What other plans you got for her then?
  8. Grab ya balls in one hand and ya can of tint spray in the other and go for it IMO if your going to spend money on new lights then you might aswell get these below rather then spending money on new set of nissan lights to then just spray anyway http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/02-05-Nissan-350Z ... 1c123f6e8a
  9. ile take that..............................i think lol
  10. thanks for the coments evil starfighter, well that sounds good to me!
  11. ahhhh please dont paint the cf hood ide cry lol keep the hood as it is and paint the roof black instead of the rap that would look awesome
  12. That'll just leave the callipers ........... any plans for those ? K-sport 8 pot front and k-sport 6 pot rear
  13. thanks for the coments guys My headlight internals are being done black very, very soon by a mates garrage
  14. sure thing pal im on my way with my special gear...................................................... Thanks for the remarks pal
  15. Went out for a drive yesterday and my mate took a snap from his car, thought it looked quite snazzy
  16. we had a busy month so I bought 3 takeaway pizzas for all the staff for a treat. there gorgeous bud lol ! Love your stealthy zed btw Did you do the back lights black ? I want to do mine but not sure how easy it is ? cheers pal The pizzas are good I like the chicken bake things hmmmmm and then a hotdog for the way home but then im greedy Yeah did all my back lights with e-tech tinting spray, the brake lights are easy but the fog/indicator lights are a pain as i didn't want to remove my bumper but probaly should of done as i now need to do them again get them done pal, will look awesome with your wheels and a really cheap mod
  17. me too where do you work pal? my girlfriend use to work at the jjb gym there.
  18. i was down at cosco derby yesterday, LOVE the place! did you see the massive outdoor apple bed thing? awesome
  19. dude if this hasn't been sorted yet ile swop you my stock exhaust done 12000 miles when i took it off of my 55 plate uk car and i can drive up with it in my van
  20. TADDY

    350Z vs GTR

    i had a play with a white r35 the other week, not had anything round me make my car feel as slow as what that did! made me feel like i was stood still!!! got home to my girlfriend and demanded i was having a turbo kit............................ didn't go down well
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