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Everything posted by TADDY

  1. cheers pal, been meaning to order one of the black mesh grills from ZMANALEX for ages now, even before i had the hood
  2. TADDY


    and it's about the only thing on your car that's still standard lol is it? dam ile have to change that Pink could be nice wouldn't want to steel ian's thunder
  3. TADDY


    and it's about the only thing on your car that's still standard lol is it? dam ile have to change that
  4. dose seem a good fit tho it did Take some messing about, had to move the catch and that but all the margines seem prety even now cheers for all the coments guys Can you get some close ups of where it meets the wings when you get chance Its dark now ile do it tomoz pal
  5. TADDY


    mine had a black roof in 2005 from the factory
  6. dose seem a good fit tho it did Take some messing about, had to move the catch and that but all the margines seem prety even now cheers for all the coments guys
  7. Finaly after ages and ages of wanting, I finaly have it on my car Sorry not great pics as there seems to be alot of glare but never mind................ weekend job is to spray the vents black as there just not stealth
  8. what do you mean pal?
  9. Still deciding what to get. Its between the Asuka V3, 08 Seibon TSII, ASM or OEM bulge with custom vents I spoke to Adam at Z1-auto about the Asuka hood and he told me to stay way clear of it apparently their poo to say the least. I should be getting mine tomoz after almost a month!!!! Which one did you get? I'm a bit wary about the Seibon one aswell because of fitment issues. The ASM & OEM will fit perfectly but the ASM is big money & the I can't find anyone to give me a reasonable price for cutting vents into an oem bonnet oooh should i tell or wait till i get it lol The ASM is MEGA money!!!! OEM will look boring, carbon is the future. So that would leave seibon I thought there porducts were top quality, didn't realise they had any issues. Alt least with seibon if there are any issues there is somewhere on this side that you can take it back to (Amber Performance) Seibon 07+ TSII
  10. Still deciding what to get. Its between the Asuka V3, 08 Seibon TSII, ASM or OEM bulge with custom vents I spoke to Adam at Z1-auto about the Asuka hood and he told me to stay way clear of it apparently their poo to say the least. I should be getting mine tomoz after almost a month!!!!
  11. looks awesome dude you orded your new hood yet?
  12. cant wait to see this at the next meet pal, looking
  13. sorry guys but me and quiksilver already have a club stand at this so we will see you there
  14. what do you need it for pal? could lend you mine at our next local meet
  15. .......................................................................................................................
  16. Before: After: Sorry there not great pics didn't get to take many as they weren't on long lol
  17. Your wheels look great on your car TADDY ... in fact I love your car full stop. Let's have another look at your wheels please well ok sorry dont have any close up's
  18. Attack you could always buy my wheels black would look good you could even have my hood too
  19. my car only gets driven at weekends and last year i was looking at: Loan-£TO MUCH Insurance-£200 Petrol-£150 Tax-£20 so thats £a small mortgage per month and thats without mot/servicing/MODS!!!!!!!!!
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