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Everything posted by TADDY

  1. TADDY

    Wanted: UK OEM Parts

    ive got black GT leather seats from a 55 plate uk car, make me an offer
  2. will be a shame to see this beauty split up having only come together so soon.
  3. love these wheels......................if only i had the cashola
  4. Cheers pal, yes its my first mag feature and this is my first modded car too
  5. probaly sell them to fund my addiction, just need to save up some cash first
  6. not sold yet as ive not got round to putting them up for sale yet open to offers though cheers chrisUUC, my seats will be going soon to fund a carbon addiction i have
  7. Do you mean November?? Dohh!!!! Lol yes i ment 18th November but there is a pic in the back of this months Cheers for the coments guys
  8. TADDY

    Part Out

    stop posting pics!!! bride matts are sooooooo nice
  9. Well I wasn't going to say anything till it was out but since Redline have gone and stuck a 2 page pic of my car in this months mag i figured it would be ok to tell you all The full feature will be in next months mag on sale 18th november, make sure you all pick up a copy
  10. TADDY

    Ooo shiny!

    my most favourite wheels ever!!!
  11. ive been looking at doing this for ages now just havent got the money together yet subzero is the best guy to speak to as he run/ use to run this kit and has alot to do with STS. Come to think of it Husky is this who your dealing with by any chance?
  12. jdm clears tinted using vinyl tinting film cool
  13. looks awesome pal which rear lights are they?
  14. im toying with going 19x10 allround prob run et0 allround aswell. If you do go for this sort of set up with slamming then you WILL need arch rolling allround. my current set up is 19x8.5 et-5 front and 19x9.5 et-10 rear lowerd around 40mm, im running slightly streched tyres aswell for clearence and looks if your not going to be tracking it then go for it
  15. looks awesome pal still amaze's me that such a sutle kit can make such a massive improvement deffo need better wheels than them, whats your budget? i might have something of interest for you????
  16. TADDY

    Part Out

    ian ile pm you later about a couple of things but im on my phone at the mo. For now though can i put dibs on the exhaust and also reserve dibs on the seat rails please? Cheers, Tad
  17. TADDY

    Part Out

    yours says dibs at 9:28am Thats fine, its just when i looked at 2:56pm posts were going on from the afternoon but mine (plus others) from the morning and even the nite before were no where to be seen so just didn't want people thinking they had first dibs on things when they didn't.
  18. TADDY

    Part Out

    WTF I posted on this advert at 9am this mornig to pu my name on things and yet someone who posts in the afternoon get their post strait on? Hows that gonna work with dibs thingy???
  19. TADDY

    Part Out

    dibs on the wing mirrors and slam panel what happening with your seats? dibs if there going too and i have leather oem seats too
  20. TADDY

    CF accessories

    chilli or EPRacing both traders on here
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