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Everything posted by jonah

  1. Hi, Ended up going out in a blue 55 GT. Could not believe the power it had in every single gear. It felt quite nice just taking it easy as well. He did try selling it to me for 22K. I was like er no thanks. Going to up my budget i think and get an 04 plate. I do 30 miles round trip a day to work. I would have thought that isn't excessive considering the mpg of the car. I suppose its what you can afford though. The blue did look sweet. Going to look at that or gun metal. Cheers
  2. no idea thats what the bloke in the garage said. I got the impression i knew more about them than he did. Typical car salesman. No offence to anyone on here who is one.
  3. Have got my first test drive this afternoon in a 350Z. Its a 2007 model with the older engine. Really looking forward to it. Am either going to love it or hate it i reckon. Never really had a fast car so should be fun. I'll be looking to buy an 04 hopefully but it should give me a good idea by test driving this one. Will let you know how i get on. Cheers
  4. yeah just waying up the pros and cons of an import. Will keep looking. Am leaning towards a full spec import to be honest and getting a low mileage one. The black one looks nice but i read the 350 gets a lot of stone chips on the front and these would drive me crazy on a black car. saw a 350Z on autotrader in Chilslehurst for 11.5k. The thing had sold just before i called!!! hows your luck.
  5. Yeah can afford the running costs not a probem. The trouble is it looks like the cheapest uk ones are around 13 or 14k. Quite a jump. May have to just keep my eye out for a good import. My other option is a 406 coupe V6. Same running costs but less than half the price. (but maybe half the car aswell)
  6. Hi guys, My budget is £10k. What can i expect for this. What year and mileage would i be able to get. I think it may have to be an import? What does everyone think? Just need to know whether or not to scrap my plan of getting a 350Z Thanks Paul
  7. Hi guys, I am looking to possibly buy a 350z. What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting an second hand import? What are the major spec differences? Thanks for your help. Paul
  8. Hi, Thanks for the replies. Yeah my 406 coupe looks the part. I'm not sure there are many better looking cars out there. Mines the 2.0l and it is so slow. I'm not a boy racer but i need something faster now but i don't want something that has a standard 2 litre with a hundred turbos attached to it. What would be the best year to get? I am not rich so could probably stretch to 11k. Did Nissan make any major changes to the model over the years i should look out for? Is it worth getting an import? I am not too fussed about the mpg, it maintenance that worries me. I know cars go wrong but how is the 350Z for reliability..honestly? Cheers
  9. Hi guys, I currently own a 2.0l 406 coupe and have been searching for the same car but with the V6 for ages. Haven't had much luck. Have always liked the 350Z but always thought it was well out of my price range...but it appears not. It is a great looking car. I have read reviews on the web but was wondering if anyone could give me a brief introduction about the car from performance, problems, maintenance costs etc. I am a member of the 406 coupe forum and i know how helpful these forum can be. How does the 350Z compare to say a Megane R26. A guy at work has just got one? Thanks for your help. Paul
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