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Posts posted by Bundus

  1. There really is no point in asking that type of question to a wide audience as all you will get is mixed answers.


    Its totally a personal taste thing and will depend on your other mods. I wouldnt think NEONS would look out of place on a show car but I do look at people with them on at night driving round and think what a chav (even though I used to have them myself many moons ago) Most people think Neons look chav but then there are a huge crowd of MAX Power readers that love them so it just depends on who you are trying to impress. I always think that if you saw them and you liked them then get them. You cant ask for more then personal opinion and if your opinion is that they look cool then get them - just be prepared to receive a shed load of negative comments from those that dont share your opinion.


    Modding is all personal but lets be honest most people want everyone to like what theyve done. You get NEONS then be prepared to have half the world think "wow bright lights" and the other half think "oh my god what a plank!"

  2. My photocard was issued in 2002 and expires on 2012. One thing that grinds me though is that I lost my licence a year ago and paid the £30 for a renewal. When I got my renewal through it says on it that it expires in 2012 like the original.


    Fair enough I shouldnt have lost it but when I renewed I paid more then the cost of a new one and had to send a new picture so why on earth would it not be valid for another 10 years? I now need to spend the cash again in a couple of years for yet another one even though this one is practically brand new (well a year old)


    Balls to the DVLA - motorists get ripped off left right and centre, dont know why I expected anything different here.

  3. Look awesome mate. Cant wait to get mine back even more now lol. Should be on their way to you in the next week.


    I know some people think they look tacky but thats only because of the cheap replicas and diy efforts out there. Anyone who has seen Pauls work can see the level of quality that goes into these. The sheer craftsmanship and level of detail on this is as far from tacky as you can get.


    If people think that the actual leds themselves look tacky then thats their own opinion but as far as im concerned its another mod and they look wicked.

  4. Welcome mate. I live in Shortlands and have seen a couple of other Zeds in the area. Which one are you? Lets see some pics (or at least the last few letters of your plate so I know when I see ya.


    My cars off at the garage at the mo so you wont see me around but when its back we should meet up for a few quick piccies and a hello.


    Take it easy bud!



  5. I can recommend PHD stuff. Its my sole supplement now purely because it taste soooooo good. Ive tried so many all in ones and meal replacements that made me physically gag - the PHD all in one in Strawberry Cheesecake flavour is the best tasting supplement Ive had. Ive even tried the Chocolate Orange and the Banana and all of them are really nice but the Strawberry is unbeatable. Id drink it even if I werent training as its nicer then most standard milkshakes out there :p


    Give it a go - you wont be dissappointed :thumbs:

  6. Hi guys


    I really want to start taking nice pics like some of the ones ive seen posted on here. Ive seen some that look like movie stills and really want to know how you achieve that.


    I know Im not going to be able to do that with my 6 mega pixel Sony T9 digital so where would be a good place to start? When camera shopping what things should I be looking out for? Is it the pixel rating or something else that achieves that nice looking image?


    As I said I already have a compact digital camera so Im looking for something a bit more chunky with a proper zoom and perhaps a changeable lens (if thats a good thing lol)


    Dont want to spend loads of money perhaps just something entry level that I can start taking some nicer quality shots with. If someone can recommend a good start then I can take a look when I get to Vegas tomorrow and see if I can pick something up out there - I just need to know what im looking for.


    Cheers guys - much appreciated as always!



  7. Wow thanks so much for all the tips guys. That link to Sarnies post was awesome and has given me some great ideas.


    Im even more excited now. Been online and found out that I can skydive over the Nevada desert - awesome. Will also be doing all the Stratosphere rides over and over again lol.


    Cheers guys - Ill be sure to get a load of pics and vids while Im out there. Just out of interest what would be a good daily budget? Im planning to gamble but that wont be most of my money - Im more interested in doing activities, tours and adventures.

  8. Just wanted to share my excitement that I am off to Vegas this Friday and wondered if anyone had some tips on some really exciting things to do?


    Im a big gambler and I know pretty much where to go for the best games. I also know about all the usual stuff (stratosphere rides, dancing fountains etc) so what Im really after is some advice that you wouldnt read in the books from people who have been. Where did you find were the best places to eat, drink and generally live it up? Any cool tips for fitting in and enjoying the real Vegas rather then spending my 4 days looking like a tourist and hanging out in all the same places as everyone else who has read the rough guide?


    Im a massive thrill seeker so if anyone can recommend any high adrenaline, once in a lifetime activities that would be great.



  9. Yeah you can basically bypass the loom altogether if you know which wire is which. Hopefully someone will provide you a diagram. The only reason for the loom is to make the headunit compatible with the car and make for an easy plug and play. I know a lot of people that never buy ISO boxes - they just cut and splice the wires into the correct wire coming from the car.


    Hope you get it sorted mate - looking forward to seeing some progress photos!

  10. Im trying to get all the bits together to fit my KW V3 suspension and one part in question is the rubber cones that are used when fitting the standard rear springs. See link


    http://students.washington.edu/nguyenh6 ... Precut.jpg


    Does anyone know if I need to re-use this part when fitting the KW's or do they get removed? There are 4 rubber bits in total (2 as in the link and 2 smaller ones) Are any or all of these things necessary when fitting the V3's?


    Reason I ask is that Im not sure if I already have them on my car as it has HKS suspension on there at the moment. The HKS has different top mounts so I think it may have different or no rubber cones at all. I would take a look but the car is away being worked on. I have access to another set of rubbers but I need to act fast and I dont want to buy them if they are not needed on the KW's.


    Any help would be great.


    Cheers guys.



  11. 1) Required - 7 x 8" subs - (Any brand recommendations / product?)


    Audiobhan comes to mind for the bling factor since thats obviously a big factor in a set up like this


    2) Appropriate Amplifier to power 7 subs (Will this power the speakers based on questions 3 and 4)


    Youll need to take into account the Ohm rating of the subs and amp and weather you are wiring them in series or in paralell. Its a simple enough process to follow - this link will help you




    Its all about impedence - if you are running more subs then there are channels on the amp then the impedence will change and affect the rms of each sub. An amp would be rated say 1000RMS x 2 at 4ohm or 2000RMS x 2 at 2 ohm. Before you buy the kit you need to calculate how to get the most RMS out of it buy buying the subs at the correct OHM rating to compliment your amp and how you plan to wire it up (series or paralell.



    3) Advise on whether to replace / upgrade or remove speakers behind seats?


    You may as well upgrade them. You can get a nice set for not too much money and if youve stripped the whole car is no extra effort to fit them and amp them up.


    4) Advise on whether to replace / upgrade or remove door speakers.


    A must.


    5) Headunit advise - looking for DVD touchscreen with pre-amps (possibly sat nav) mp3 / IPOD interface etc. I've just got a new parrot car kit with IPOD connevtivity that doesn't interface with the BOSE so hoping to reuse with new headunit. (its the parrot nki9100)

    I would also really lick to retain the steering wheel controls if possible.


    So many options but the Kenwood one is a favourite Think its the 7200 or something? You can get one for around £600 - no need to spend a grand here.


    6) Battery upgrade - should this be required and what should i buy?


    You can do - get a yellow top or one thats higher power - Also a power capacitor is essential otherwise your headlights will dip when you are cranking the system (amongst other power problems). A capacitor runs in between the power and the system and stores a large charge to kick out when the system needs it so the car doesnt suffer.


    7) Sound deadning - Dynamat comes to mind but can i buy this in bulk in the UK or perhaps someone might know somewhere in the Ireland?


    Buy "brown bread" as its cheaper in bulk - use fleabay.


    8) Wiring and cooling for the amp - i plan on mounting a number of fans to cool the amp but not sure what way would be best for air circulation, i'll post a diagram of this along with the box unit i'm getting built.


    I would avoid fans as the noise of them will be annoying at best. Its also not necessary as long as the top of your amps where the heat escapes is not covered. As for wiring expect one hell of a shock when you get the bill. It can be one of the most expensive aspects. Youll need distribution blocks for the power cable, plenty of speaker, power, earth and RCA cabling, a power cap, terminal covers, fuse block or even better circuit breaker......

    I spent over £200 on mine as I wanted flat cables and high quality and that was just for one 3 amps, 2 subs and the 4 speakers - I wanted an amp for each sub and a 4 channel one for the speakers.


    Hope thats been some help to you mate - cant wait to see it and dont change from your plan, it will be a great show car install.



  12. Thanks guys - if only it sounded as nice when driving. Dont get me wrong it still sounds awesome but that metal sound at the peak revs is apparent throughout the rev range when putting your foot down hard on the road.


    I may still try changing my centre pipe back to my other one but Im not deterred lol. Still love the sound.

  13. Well I finally got around to making a video clip of my exhaust sound.


    My set-up is:


    Plenum Spacer

    Nismo Y Pipe

    Cutom made unsilenced centre section

    Amuse Titan R1 Back Box


    Funnily enough the reason I wanted to post the video was for suggestions on eliminating the rattling sound when accelerating - but the noise doesnt seem to happen when depressing the pedal when stationary. Its only noticable when actually accelerating.


    Also it does sound a little deeper in the flesh but the vid is a pretty good representation.


    http://s223.photobucket.com/albums/dd23 ... V01503.flv



  14. It seems that there will definitely be a loss then from what people have said but how noticeable is that for a normal spirited driver? Unless Im going out on a track trying to beat lap times I dont think I would even notice the loss. As long as I can put my foot down, feel my head fly back and smile at the lovely exhaust note then Im happy ;)


    Id also like to think that any loss from the unsilenced centre section is negated by my plenum spacer, hi flow cats and nismo y-pipe - although with most of this stuff the placebo effect is most likely bigger then any actual gains.

  15. Hello Andrew,


    I am looking for some sort of induction kit, I am a bit new at this so dont know all there is to know, I see you have a few for £60 what make are they? saw you were selling a few others too, what is the difference? any advice?


    Def wanna get my hands on one just dont know which yet, also any pics?






    May be a while before Andrew gets back to you as he is taking a well deserved break. Many people on the forum recommend the JWT Popcharger so if Andrew has any of those left then snap one up and you wont go wrong :thumbs:

  16. Id like to go 20's at some point too just for the summer and the shows. Ive not really made my mind up on Chrome yet but I would say that if you like it do it - its all personal choice, just be prepared that some wont like them and some will go as far as to slate them but at the end of the day thats their opinion just as buying the chrome wheels was yours.


    This is my choice for when I can afford 20's - 5Ziegen 5ZR's


    ahh... why didnt you say.. you are forgiven B)


    Only when I can afford them but they are definitely in the pipeline :D

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