That is far to low , it will wear the front compression arms bushes out in no time , rear driveshaft angle will be excessive as well for constant running. I would say a max of 25mm is the most you can lower the 350Z to keep reasonable suspension angles. SPC make a nice front suspension top arm to allow the camber to be adjusted, not cheap thou.
Raise it up a few MM I am sure it will ride far better and be more usable.
dangerously low mate. Had mine that low for a while and could easily knock the cats eyes off the road On standard rays
Car would get unsettled easily too.
About 25mm all over and the front cambers were about 1.4 degrees. I dont understand why your cambers are so different tho.
I got the spc front camber arms and adjusted the front camber to 2.5 to eliminate understeer but Tyres don't like it. Neither the bushes.
Spc kit is great with easy and more precise adjustment. Before that I had another kit (don't remember the name-blue with lots of Allen bolts on the plane) which was ok but had to adjust to 0.01 of the degree.