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Everything posted by Greekman

  1. you can have a go on my door m8...if i pay you in dog food it should be ok with the mods
  2. No m8. he said if you press the clutch...if you press the clutch it disappears. sounds like thrust bearing. but others will comment soon with more accurate comments.
  3. I always change gear when the red light comes on. currently set at 7200rpm... What does economical mean? sorry i am not english
  4. I agree far too often with this guy lately and its getting a bit annoying just like we can shop from alex, sarah, cs, adam, lee, opie, rhd and everywhere else. i v bought personally parts from more than 10 different places and that doesnt include ebay. If you ask me how much i paid for smth i will tell you if i remember. No trader here has ever asked me not to mention a price i v paid. EVER. and i v spent on traders here more than what people on this forum have paid to buy their Zed in the first place. Traders dont do charity. They make a living this way. They do business we are the market. We dont like the way they do business we dont buy. I think the whole thing is upsetting people here because some parts cant easily be found anywhere else. So they think they are getting robbed in style by some traders. Which is not true. Its business. And every trader does business his way. One last thing. Never in any case have i felt i have paid more than what i should have for anything i bought from traders here. Priced in advance or not. I have always been treated with respect and dignity and the service was excellent. And i am more than grateful to Alex, Sarah, Lee, Adam, Dixcon, Opie oils, CS etc etc for the great business and the great prices. And i could go on for ages if i started giving examples. pointless thread if you are asking me. hope i proved it My 2p.
  5. dont worry m8. i am sure he ll get back to you asap. never had an issue with alex. ever. he is spot on!
  6. LMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw the state of that last set of calipers Oi they were not heavily used. but now i think i v sorted the breaking issue. Front 2 piece performance friction with the racing pads or smth. alex knows exactly. the best but sqeaky. more when i get back home from work.
  7. I v tried a few set ups
  8. ooops...i would expect the front left to go first from that hairpin. hope you get it sorted soon m8.
  9. £100ish at mallory park, from £100 to £200 cadwell park, from £80 to £250 oulton park, north of £150 silverstone south, around £100-200 bedford and brands hatch. about £150 knockhill. £240 ish donington park. only bad thing is the weather forecast for friday i am using a few web sites to book the days but SteveH here is always very good value. let me know. currently oulton park running on the 12th of nov i think for £120. needless to say i ll be there knockhill on the 30ieth of september. pm Alex. a long drive but everything else is great. plus alex will show you a few things. unfortunately i cant make that one
  10. Thats the one i am going on the 10th and it looks like the weather will be awful!!! £239 give you unlimited track time from about 9 in the morning till about 5 in the avo. they do the noise test there but unless you v got a K1 with high flow cats or decatted, you ll be fine on most tracks. this session's noise limit at doni is race. you can pop by if you want. darren does only avo sessions and that as well. that way it is cheaper. but price has to do with time of the year, track etc. anything else just ask
  11. M8 i did 10 mins with a passenger, overfilled boot and totally wrong cambers. the understeer was epic!!! haha couldnt do more than 2 laps at a time as the brakes were getting cooked and they were upgraded ones as well. Best thing to do get granturismo for the psp like i did. me and my nurse have been watching the vidoes at work and i was telling her the corners in advance lmao she thought i was a ring legend or smth hahaha thats after 200-300 laps of the ring on the psp. i bet you can easily do 10min with the car as it is if you get to know the track and improve the lines. btw last time i went there it was exactly a year ago. i only got the granturismo a few months ago awesome trip nevertheless. sooooooooooooooooo jealous I probably could achieve 10mins if I tried a little harder. I had issues though with cooking my brake fluid. This meant for most corners, or any crests that I came upon, I would have to pre-brake and then brake again, due to the fact I only had 40% brakes by the time I had gone halfway round the track. I am going to try and do some UK tracks to get the right control, direction and understand "how much" I can give the Zed on the corners. I was probably only driving at about 90% capability, due to the fact I didn't want to crash and fork out loads for closing the track! With the new fluid and lines I would hope - with a bit more practice the 10min mark is achievable. I also played GT4 on the PS3 to understand the length and corners of the track, but it doesn't prepare you for the size of the hills on the track, or the adverse camber you experience on a number of corners. On the video (Once I get the sound sorted) you will see that I have a bit of tyre squeal on an adverse corner, I correct the car, but then for some reason the car twitches and I lose the front slightly which was a bit odd. So future is - a good old practice on the UK tracks with correct braking mods installed and maybe a little guidance or tuition from a pro!! You just described the "ring in the zed" experience haha if you fancy a joined track day let me know
  12. M8 i did 10 mins with a passenger, overfilled boot and totally wrong cambers. the understeer was epic!!! haha couldnt do more than 2 laps at a time as the brakes were getting cooked and they were upgraded ones as well. Best thing to do get granturismo for the psp like i did. me and my nurse have been watching the vidoes at work and i was telling her the corners in advance lmao she thought i was a ring legend or smth hahaha thats after 200-300 laps of the ring on the psp. i bet you can easily do 10min with the car as it is if you get to know the track and improve the lines. btw last time i went there it was exactly a year ago. i only got the granturismo a few months ago awesome trip nevertheless. sooooooooooooooooo jealous
  13. will keep you posted. it will be after 7 this avo.
  14. thats a first i think...how about 4 new right size tyres? sizes as mentioned above.
  15. i can try and weight my stock one this avo if that helps m8.
  16. Of course you do. and brake pads and fluids and jacks and a helmet
  17. details...i said you can...never said you should the rear mirror is clear and there are a good few cars around without a wing mirror
  18. Thats already sorted by the mods dude. you ll be sleeping properly from now on
  19. final result. If you pack the boot properly you can even fit clothes for the night before. and as Darren says... merry sideways Detail....i havent figured out where my helmet goes....i may have to wear it on the way to Donington park
  20. Then go back and fill the boot with the essentials. Racing jack, stock jack, tool kit, oil, brake fluid, brake pads etc etc
  21. Then the passenger seat is adjusted as forward and upright as possible. tight squeeze to reach the switches on the side but doable. the tyres will be tight between the dashboard and the back of the seat. fit the last front tyre behind the passenger seat and then move seat backwards so that all 3 tyres are relatively tight and dont move about.
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