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Everything posted by mc

  1. Mark told me these were caused by the rear sensors and they dont normally have to turn those codes off.
  2. I have 147 and 167 come up occasionally, only happens at low rpm I think.
  3. Nope, won't erase it if that's what you are worried about what error codes did you get for the lambda sensors?
  4. Gave me a wave, which was nice!
  5. Mine fell off ages ago. I think it is something that stops static build up. I've not noticed a problem since
  6. So someone was behind you, but trying to overtake? So you drove in to a kerb? why not just drive on and she would have had to back off? Also it sounds like you must have driven like a loony to stop her after you had stopped to inspect the damage, and then openly admit you parked in the middle of the road?! have you seen the CCTV footage?
  7. mc

    BMW 6 series

    I wouldn't normally even consider the convertible, mostly cos I burn too easily in the sun, but that is one car that looks good with the roof up. An M6 would be awesome... think that's out my league though. why do BMW have so many options on their cars,
  8. mc

    BMW 6 series

    I'm not sure, I'm happy with the Zed and want to keep it, almost got it how I want it now. but started thinking about something a bit bigger for every day use... I don't want anything too boring though. The problem is that the more I think about something else, the more the budget gets stretched!
  9. mc

    BMW 6 series

    Anyone got experience of the E63? I've always like the shape, seen a few advertised locally and got me thinking.... I guess if anything breaks it won't be cheap though.
  10. Is it still installed behind the door card?
  11. I like that, although I prefer the rear to the front (oo-er) with that daft splitter thingy.
  12. mc


    +1 Lets be honest, a £50 Timex will keep time just as well as a £15,000 Rolex, so the only point in having a really expensive watch is for the wrist bling. I wouldn't bat an eyelid if you told me that Victorinox was only £100, and it doesn't seem like it actually does anything special to earn its pricetag. DB Yeah I didn't even know they did watches until recently. But it's swiss and automatic and well made I would think. I don't know what special features you expect from a watch? I was going to get a blue Omega Seamaster, second hand from a colleague, but it needed too much work to tidy it up. Not too keen on most of the Tags really. For something that I'll use every day and probably keep forever, I don't mind spending a few quid. (not enough for a gold Rolex though!) Thanks for the link Martin, some interesting ideas there.
  13. Anyone on here into their watches? I'm liking the look of this at the moment, a bit more chunky than I'd normally go for, but looks cool I think. http://www.swissarmywatches.co.uk/proddetail.asp?prod=241356 anyone got any thoughts on it or something similar? (or tips where to get a good deal) Cheers Mike
  14. yeah I always worry too... although last year the MOT man said it was all fine, in fact the words he used were "tight as a nun's ....."!
  15. mc

    Help with bug!

    sinspeed.co.uk do repairs for this problem I think
  16. very nice! I'm definitely doing the wrong job!
  17. I agree, would be good with wheels that look a bit more 'agressive', I do like the colour though. what about doing the burger badge on the front, or the Z on the wing?
  18. looking good, nice wheels
  19. Mine went from 242.2 to 259.9 at hubs after mods and remap. I think Mark said that would be 295 bhp if I remember correctly edit: meant at hubs not at wheels...
  20. I can't find a vid of these? how much are they?
  21. Bit low on the estimate fella i was thinking 5 at least! +1.... I don't know why people keep talking the prices down?
  22. They look rather funky, I like the reverse and indicator lights too.
  23. It's always about making money for the government. They put the tax up on everything they say is 'bad', saying it's for our own good to make it too expensive and therefor stop us buying it... they make a load of money from that until people change their habits, then find something new to make up the lost revenue!
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