Or bump it up onto a couple of planks of wood. Thats what most people do to raise it. I'm tempted to dig myself a pit in my garage, far easier
i'd love a pit in my garage. one of my friends has one. but he also has a huge double garage.
i only have a single garage, and don't really think there is the space for it. not enough room to move around the outsidfe. i am planning a work bench for the end of it though. going to have tool boards and clamps, everything with its own hook etc. just got to wait to buy the shed to move all the other stuff out the way so i can put it in.
I'm quite lucky in that although I only have a single garage, its quite spacious. If it was much longer I could fit 2x my missus Corsa in there and its wide enough that once my Zed is in there you have about a 2-3ft each side at least, so really wide of a single. My Evo owning mate only has about 1ft each side in his and theres no room to do anything on it in there!
you're lucky, mine only just fits in the garage with just enough room for me to get out! there's only a few inches clearance on the wing mirrors driving in...