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Everything posted by mc

  1. It was that colour, those wheels, but not the reg plate and no big spoiler. I want those wheels now!
  2. I got my service at TDI North today, I got a full service, all fluids checked and ok, they used Millers CFS 5/40 fully syn oil, also said they changed the gear/diff oil, and fitted my spacers. was put down as a P3 service in the book. £300
  3. I think it was an 06, and the interior had the slidey cover on the arm-rest cubby and the knurly knobs, like this also the wheels looked like rays but chunkier
  4. This completes the little trio I've spotted over the past couple of days! Not sure what the proper name of the colour is but I quite like it, although it was as dirty as mine was before I cleaned it last week!
  5. was on the ramps when I came to collect mine after a service and getting spacers fitted
  6. appeared behind me in the inside lane going through the roadworks, had a square front plate
  7. well my 50 mile commute home last night didn't cause any funny smells (from the car!) I'm thinking that the plastic bag theory could be what caused it, will have to see if it happens again. Thanks for the link Ebized, my exhaust needs re-hanging as its slightly higher on one side and virtually touches the bumper.
  8. Mine quite often smells 'hot' if you know what I mean lol... not like burning plastic which is quite pungent, but something maybe like rubber although I can't find anything under the bonnet, it has done it for a while now
  9. I work at power stations doing control instrumentation and mechanical commissioning on the turbines.
  10. yes that price includes fitting and balance when you say delivery only, does that mean delivery to your house/work, or to a tyre fitter? my local garage use vredestein a fair amount so he says they get good deals on the price. (Longbridge tyres in Birmingham if any locals are interested!)
  11. cheers for the replies I've just checked with my local garage, they're ordering the ultrac sessantas for me, £122 each for the fronts and £125 each for the rears, all-in! I'm happy with that price, although I suspect he made a mistake with pricing the rears... lol still about 1mm left before changing the rears so if it dries up soon I might have a play to wear them out first
  12. Thanks for the info, these were just the normal ultracs I'd had a look on tyrereviews, I'll have to see if I can get the sessantas for a good price I think
  13. My front's are virtually on the wear indicators.... so from my local tyre place that has been quite good in the past, I can get Vredestein Ultrac's for £100 front, £125 rear or Dunlop SP01's for £115 front, £155 rear. I had a search and whilst not all that popular, the Vredesteins seem to be good tyres, look good too. And not a bad price I think? anyone heard about them? cheers Mike
  14. I call it the Z, my girlfriend keeps calling it the Z350 which is annoying! other people refer to it as the tango car... I found 'micra sport' that someone on here mentioned is quite amusing!
  15. appeared behind me on the M42, let you past and you got off at M6 J2 God I hate the M42, 2 hours to do 50 miles today!
  16. mc

    350z Tonneaus

    I'd like one, can you put me on the list for the next batch please? cheers mike
  17. mine only makes a weird ringing noise when someone calls...
  18. just park across two spaces then it doesn't matter if its straight
  19. what lady? I don't have one of those.... but I always thought it should bleep or something when you get a text
  20. as above, spotted as I was going north today, saw you in the fast lane going the other way
  21. carpet on the wall is the way forward! i've got my bike hanging on a big hook on the garage wall, its been there for a couple of months now but I still open the garage expecting to find a bonnet with a bike embedded in it
  22. Or bump it up onto a couple of planks of wood. Thats what most people do to raise it. I'm tempted to dig myself a pit in my garage, far easier i'd love a pit in my garage. one of my friends has one. but he also has a huge double garage. i only have a single garage, and don't really think there is the space for it. not enough room to move around the outsidfe. i am planning a work bench for the end of it though. going to have tool boards and clamps, everything with its own hook etc. just got to wait to buy the shed to move all the other stuff out the way so i can put it in. I'm quite lucky in that although I only have a single garage, its quite spacious. If it was much longer I could fit 2x my missus Corsa in there and its wide enough that once my Zed is in there you have about a 2-3ft each side at least, so really wide of a single. My Evo owning mate only has about 1ft each side in his and theres no room to do anything on it in there! you're lucky, mine only just fits in the garage with just enough room for me to get out! there's only a few inches clearance on the wing mirrors driving in...
  23. on my last car I used a block of wood with a groove cut in it, on top of the trolley jack. It worked but you needed quite a low jack to get under the sills.
  24. I'll try and make this meet next year, although mine will be put to shame judging by those pics!
  25. Mine beeps if I lock it with the boot open
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