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Everything posted by mc

  1. could be worse, my bumper has melted
  2. mc

    Toyota FT 86

    I agree with that!
  3. mc

    Toyota FT 86

    I thought it was aimed at getting younger people interested in Toyota again, with less bhp and a lower price?
  4. mc

    Toyota FT 86

    styling looks good (at least the outside) but would be nice if it ends up with more than 146 BHP http://www.topgear.com/uk/car-news/toyota-ft-86-2009-10-06
  5. I'd just get a basic service done this time, and next time go for a bigger one when its 4 years old edit: just read the last post properly.. thats what you've done! at that rate I'd do about 7 oil changes a year!
  6. maybe go for the gold Z badge for extra bling too? http://www.ctd-germany.com/shop/Nissan-350Z/Exterior/Z-Emblem-Gold::1573.html nice!
  7. I've seen some that you can drive onto with them flat, then jack them up just like a trolley jack Can't remember where I saw them but they were quite pricey I think...
  8. I love watching videos of people who obviously can't drive, doing damage to themselves and their cars! Mostly it seems to be people who can't drive a car with a manual gearbox... I saw a vid on youtube once of an american trying to give a demonstration of clutch control on a slight incline... he just couldn't get it
  9. A white van did the same to me, but even closer, outside a pub some years ago, lets just say I can't mention what happened to his van on a public forum! lol
  10. I know these sound good at full chat. Any drone on the m-way? no, pretty quiet when at a steady speed
  11. I went with Greenlight, they were the cheapest again for me this year.
  12. mc


    how many set of keys do you have?!
  13. mc

    Night shots...

    great photos! can I ask what are the squares on the front bumper above the reflectors?
  14. I've got a scorpion which I think sounds good, but I don't really have much to compare it to
  15. Oops yeah i got a bit confused there Haha
  16. but now you can't adjust the vents from side to side?
  17. parked up overnight in Beltoft (near Scunny), I rattle through the village on my way to work...
  18. M6 around B'ham, or M42 in the variable speed limit area. Or at the moment the 16 miles of roadworks on the M1 with average speed cameras
  19. thats it, I was trying to work out how to type it like its said... bostin'!
  20. no, in a brummy accent its "fish, chips n pies"
  21. haha pretty convincing effort if he was in drag
  22. this morning, Private plate, nurburgring sticker, blonde driving
  23. I've heard of the 'outdoor'.. its a fairly common saying round here!
  24. black coupe with a private plate, pulled in behind me at the Shell garage in Northfield, Birmingham
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