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Everything posted by mc

  1. I'm staying at a hotel right next to J25. Police and ambulance were around ready to use the hotel for those caught up in it if needed. Heard a loud boom last night and thought it was a big firework, but soon found out that it was more likely something exploding as it was right at the time the crash happened... I'm no accident investigator, but the crash was right next to the slip road on to the M5, its my guess is that someone joined the motorway and some evasive action had to be taken resulting in the trucks jack-knifing. It's an uphill slip road and two lanes merge into one before joining the main carriageway. It was a bit foggy and the road was wet but it wasn't raining at the time. Also there was a lot of traffic due to Bridgwater carnival. Its not a good junction at the best of times. Was a terrible accident and my thoughts go out to those affected
  2. I think they lasted 2-3 months, probably a combination of heat from the xenons and vibration that did them in . Think mine were from ultraleds.
  3. I had these LEDs fitted for a while and they were great until they started falling to bits! Hope yours last a bit longer than mine, I've still got a little yellow disc stuck at the bottom of one headlight :lol
  4. I always liked the soarer, a work colleague of mine has one and it is very quick, he says it will do 170mph.
  5. yeah but I'm hardly ever there have a look in the West Midlands subforum in the regional meets section
  6. sounds like constructive dismissal? hope things are much better for you now you're back with the old company
  7. mc

    Fault code help

    Thanks for your help, now just need to find time to get the remap done!
  8. mc

    Fault code help

    ah ok, not so worried now, thanks. I did reset the codes so will see what comes up next time. so as I am planning on getting the UpRev now that mods are complete, will I not require the spacers? if the lambda's aren't functioning correctly, doesn't that mean that the AFR will be wrong? could be running lean?
  9. Today I got my first CEL appear. I read the codes using the flashing light method, and got the following: P0139 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 2) I'm assuming that 10 slow flashes after that code mean its the only code that is current, and the ones after are old stored codes? I think the next codes were P0159 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0146 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0166 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0147 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0167 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 3) then the 10 slow flashes again. So I might be jumping to a conclusion here, but these would be due to having the Berk HFC's fitted 500 miles ago? Would they have been caused by disconnecting the lambda sensors, or do I need the spacers from Zmanalex? (I thought it was only decats that needed these?) And lastly, could I cause damage by driving with the check engine light on, if it comes back? Cheers Mike
  10. never used that one before, sorry
  11. As above, parked outside the hotel as I drove past on my way to work this morning.
  12. mc

    LMGT4 nuts

    Are these ones any good? They seem a bit too cheap compared to the others I've seen? Also I can't work out what they are made out of, from the description given. It mentions light weight and anodised finish, but then talks about the open-ended alloy nuts...? I already have some KEI tuner style locking nuts so these would match (if they are any good).
  13. mc

    LMGT4 nuts

    Thanks for the replies, I had a feeling I'd need new nuts! not cheap are they?!
  14. mc

    LMGT4 nuts

    Can anyone recommend where is a good place to get some black wheel nuts for the LMGT4s, and can I just use standard nuts from the RAYS in the meantime? (wheels aren't with me at the moment or I would check myself!)
  15. No monkeys at West Mids any more. We've been there in the girlfriend's Megane a few times, nothing has ever got damaged on that, even feeding the camels and giraffes through the sunroof, but you never know...
  16. I get it quite often, people don't always know what the car is but they still like it
  17. mc

    Advice please

    I'd keep the old bits if you have space to store them, you might want them if you decide to sell the car as stock in future. I'm getting my Berk HFCs fitted soon
  18. amazing, but what a nut job not something that's easy to practice!
  19. I would fundamentally disagree here. Everybody can see the obstruction, everybody politely queues up to get past and the idiots who feel they can use this as an opportunity to "overtake" and bypass everybody are incredibly annoying. Everybody else is just being sensible about it rather than pushing past each other just right by the cones. The Highway Code actually says merge in turn, but if the outside lane is empty then the proper thing to do is get in the inside lane. You arent "merging in turn", you are beeing bloody impatient and holding up the people who are already queueing. So if the queue is almost backed up to the previous roundabout, you should keep filling up the inside lane? I'm not saying I push in at the last moment because that is just rude, but do you think its right that someone decides to block off the outside lane hundreds of meters from the cones just because they feel like it? Do they think they are some sort of hero? If everyone just used both lanes and merged in turn then there wouldn't be a long queue, and everyone would still get past it in the same time?
  20. rear ones have two screws with the metal clips behind, the fronts have one screw and one plastic rivet thing (where the centre pops up), and one screw/bolt underneath.
  21. And another thing that drives me mad... In the following situation: when you are on a dual carriageway, and the outside lane is coned off about half a mile or so in the distance, everyone is queued up in the left lane only, making the queue twice as long as it needs to be, you drive down the outside lane as it is empty - then some muppet pulls out of the left lane and parks in the right lane, just to stop you getting past! Does he own the road??! What does he stand to gain by this? The idea is that you merge in turn at the obstruction! rant over
  22. mc

    Speed bumps

    I find I can straddle most of the square type speed bumps, at least the ones I've found, only scraped on a couple but you can tell usually when they look huge, and avoid them. Just make sure you're not braking as you go over it, as the nose dips a little.
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