Hi Guys,
As you may know I have been trying to get the best coverage of my ACE CAFE 350Z day
on Saturday 31st October 11am-4pm.
I got this email today from CHRIS REES editor of JAP PERFORMANCE MAGAZINE:
Hi Jerry
Many thanks for your email.
Unfortunately we won't be able to attend the event ourselves due to other
commitments, but I'd be delighted to receive some pics from the day and a
few words about it, which I'd be very happy to consider publishing in
Japanese Performance.
Good luck on the day
Kind regards
Chris Rees
Japanese Performance magazine
I am of course disappointed that they cant attend in person, but will consider featuring the event in a future issue of the mag.
I think Darren-B and Bulletmagnet amongst other will be taking a few shots worthy of appearing in the mag
BTW, If you can come to this , GET YOUR NAME DOWN!!