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Everything posted by jerry3167

  1. I got torque steer doing a 3-point turn and ended up in a ditch
  2. That little burst could of used up that missing Oil lol
  3. Very nice!! LED REAR lights would be a nice addition too!
  4. jerry3167


    Hopefully, and that is a Big hope, the oil that you did have in the engine managed to coat the crucial parts enough to afford the barest protection But as above, the damage could already be done, when you see the Light, its already too late.
  5. Paid Ancaster Croydon a visit today saw a Black Zed YH54*** having a service. After leaving Ancaster`s, saw the 2nd Zed, A SUNSET, at south croydon. Was it yours? Jerry
  6. Hello and welcome to the club! Lucky you with a GT4!!
  7. Hate the roads during winter, salt, grit, dirty spray from car in front. Think I might get the bus into work at least 2-3 times a week now.
  8. I am about to change mine JWT with a clean, fresh, oiled one, I also have the K&N cleaning kit to restore the dirty one!
  9. Would they penalise you on the spot or give you a VDRS form? Never had any dealings with VOSA, probably wouldn't even stop for them if they tried to pull me. As far as I know they penalise you, and give you the VDRS form, always have the Police in attendance to do the initial stop.
  10. Hey Scott, Im still up for my pair, sounds like you are going to get these looking spot on
  11. Im surprised the men in white coats at Nissan didnt think about saving weight.
  12. How much is the job to change ALL the front suspension bushes?
  13. Be careful of the VOSA units, if youre stopped and tested...
  14. Hello and welcome to the club! Best get to a meet near you and see some fine examples of Modded and non-modded Zeds!
  15. Does getting a new screen affect insurance premium or No claims??
  16. Sorry to hear of this!! Majority of people are not enthusiasts or petrolheads, they simply see a car as a means of transport, not the object of their affections. To them dings, dents, scratches are just part of everyday life, whether is happens to their car or someone elses, so what. Car parks are a means to an end, get parked up no matter what, or how close you get to the next car.
  17. Ouch! Sounds like he`s from "Marley and Me"!
  18. Hello and welcome, another Minted new Zed owner!!
  19. Any work needed would be done on my drive, which is indeed on a slope
  20. +1..standard set up is IMO fine for general fast road use! If you want a bit more control and stiffness get some POLY BUSHES for the control arms and maybe upgrade the roll bar, oh and get some Viagra too
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