If youre free on saturday 31st October, there will be close to 50 Zeds at the world famous ACE CAFE for what will hopefully be a great day for Zed Owners!!
Good opportunity to meet the owners, chit chat about anything and everything on the Z!!
Yeah..I suppose they do know what they`re doing!! Havent really got up close and personal with the Filter yet, but in light of the above I`ll get the filter out and look inside!!
Cheers Chris.
Actually it makes sense to do them as the hole is facing the intake pipe, so naturally air would get in more so from there
But if the air goes straight in surely, it doesnt get filtered?
I have the K&N kit!
at the front of the JWT there is a wide opening going into the filter, with other filters it is closed, not open, I take it you dont have to spray into the inner pleats?
Hi Rob, welcome to the club!
I too was a member, and still am of civic type-r.co.uk, You may have been to or Heard one of my famous Bluewater Honda Meets over the last few years?!
Im about to replace my JWT Filter element with a clean, new fresh one, how much oil is needed to coat it, and do you need to put oil through the front hole along the pleats?
WTF..not the usual thing to nick, although going for the headlights is possible, they must have been disturbed and didnt finish the job! good luck finding a replacement.
I just signed up to the site and bought a Z T-shirt!!
This one....http://www.zazzle.com/silver_350z_in_mo ... 0348587964
Might wear it to the ACE meet if it arrives in time!!