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Everything posted by jerry3167

  1. Just got a quote for my p1 from Abbey, £70 No oil change as I do it myself!
  2. The wafer thin difference between a P2 and P3 service are well documented and often lamented topics on the forum!!
  3. Hi Guys. I have indeed been out in my Z since the secret session at Abbey All I will say is "WOW"
  4. Just wanted to say a BIG THANKS to Mark and all at Abbey for Tuning my Zed on 1st March!! Nice to finally meet you all, and the car now feels alive!!
  5. Quite possibly the most awesome Mods list ever offered for sale on the forum!!
  6. I have a set, let me know if you still want a pair?
  7. To be honest, a service at a reputable garage is just as good, if not better than the STEALERS
  8. Think Nissan charge £16.88+ vat
  9. Glad youre ok!! S2000`s are a car that greenlight insurance wont insure, and they are the car that has the Highest single car accidents in the UK!!
  10. Nicely looked after example, should sell easy, good luck with the sale!!
  11. jerry3167

    Width ?

    Was it GT models that had folding mirrors or were they standard on all Zeds?
  12. cowboy clampers again, you gotta watch out for them, they keep watch nearby waiting!!
  13. Nope, its true, not much torque, but a lovely sound at 9K RPM I pushed the Limits, but not my luck
  14. CS about time you opened another shop in Surrey, croydon
  15. While at Nurburg, my CTR was never below 5000RPM yet, I worried more about the engine than losing grip on the 040s
  16. I did try to explain to Husky Ive driven my CTR with RE040s on track, at the Nurburg, and public roads for 3 and half years, and they did just fine, in the wet, yes, they slid a bit, but always progressive with loads of feedback
  17. Yep, summer is probably the only time you`ll get good use from the RE040s, but on public roads, in the wet, cold , ice etc, if you drive like you stole it with 040s on you will probably end up in a ditch or worst, but drive like a p**t and thats what happens, drive sensibly and the 040s will be like any other good tyre.
  18. I dont think the RE040s are a terrible tyre, they just need a bit of heat to work well. On a dry surface, with a good warm up, the RE040s are hard to beat, in the wet and poodling around, sure they`ll wheelspin if you have a heavy foot. I drove around the icy, wet and had no problems with them You have to tailor your driving to the road conditions.
  19. Jerry, what about your tyres, brakes , exhaust, plugs ect... you know what i mean Youre quite right, although the fit of those items is a little more assured as, brakes and tyres have bolts and threads that hold it as it was meant to be, whereas a windscreen requires a degree of skill, sealant, precision to hopefully ensure it fits snug and true.
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