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Everything posted by andyvvc

  1. Hmm..maybe that's where i have gone wrong. I'll have to try the quick-press method tonight and see if it turns the Hero2 on or not.
  2. Yep - 720p @ 60 fps all the way for me from now on. It doesn't look too much grainier than 1080p when made full-screen. And TBH videos like this i usually watch windowed on a PC anyway, rarely on my TV. For the little over £180 i paid for it, the Hero2 seems like a great little camera. Im a bit annoyed at the power-on process tho. Hold the front button until it beeps...but each time i power it on it seems to beep an extra beep and set the mode to 'picture' instead of the 'movie' mode, grr! Annoying when its in its cradle and you have to release it to change the ruddy setting cos you cant see the front panel when its mounted on the car window lol
  3. Here's the 720p footage - not certain how long it takes Youtube to offer a 720HD viewing option... but eben at 480p on Youtube it looks smoother than the 1080p stuff i uploaded. The camera has a load of additional bits of kit that can be purchased - im sure an external mic could be one of them. Checkout their main website: http://gopro.com/products/?gclid=CLO866 ... tAodEDVn2g
  4. I've filmed some 720 @ 60fps footage. It's noticeably smoother than the 1080p 30fps footage, so much so that i'll be using the 720p @ 60fps setting from now on. With a little messing about in Movie Maker (creating a custom file save setting), I've managed to save a basic video in that which maintains the 60fps setting. Once it's uploaded to my Youtube account I'll add a link here so people can see the 1080p 30 v 720p 60 differences. To my eye, there isnt much detail lost. But the 60fps mode is a damn sight easier to watch than the 30fps stuff!
  5. I bought the GoPro Hero2 Motorsport. It came with the large suction cup and load of different extension arms that you can connect to it, plus the plastic 'cage' that the camera sits in. I mounted it just under the left-side of the rear view mirror, and tested with windows closed/open etc. Anything below 55mph is great with the window open. Above that speed the wind noise becomes a bit too much (the last shot where i overtake the car is a good example of this - it gets pretty noisey) Looking at the settings, there is actually a 720p @ 60 fps mode, so i will try that later today to see if the video looks smoother or not.
  6. Nowt special, just some 1080p @30fps shots. I need to try the 720p @ 45 fps next - apparently that gives a smoother video and doesn't lose too much in terms of detail. EDIT - AK350Z's GoPro test footage here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=59791
  7. lol - i missed that totally Colin I can't really justify the petrol cost from Nottingham for *two* trips to Nissan - it's a bit of a long way! I'm afraid I'll have to miss the Nissan-only day. I hope everyone else has a blast there - get some piccies up asap that night
  8. Anyone going? I signed up. There are a few GTRs and one 370 so far i think...anyone on here? http://pistonheads.co.uk/news/default.asp?storyId=25605
  9. I have to say the longer i leave the first rear-alloy that i have polished, the more inclined i am to not bother with a re-laquer. In the last month all i have done is wash the car as normal, and the lip doesn't seem to be corroding or fading at all. Autosol seems to offer a very quick solution to the problem if it does start to tarnish I really need to get one of these 'Multi-tools' - im assuming not something that Halfrauds or B&Q are likely to stock? Do they come with spinning tips that can be used to polish surfaces as they rotate? That seems like a lot less hassle then elbow grease...!
  10. What did you 'suck' it to for the internal shot?
  11. Which GoPro and mount are you using? Videos look very stable! EDIT - stoopid question - camera name is on the first video lol! http://gopro.com/cameras/hd-motorsports-hero-camera/
  12. Love the third pic from the end, with that glint of sunshine and the dark, almost misting landscape behind
  13. Took a few shiny pics at the weekend. Also had a nice blast back home along a deserted A6 linking up with a deserted Viagellia road towards Matlock Bath...in the afternoon...on a Sunday....and not a single biker in my way!
  14. The sub woofer seems lost in the 370 boot floor. I assume its not *that* awesome? And can be removed by just unclipping the connector and unscrewing it from the mount...? This means LOTS more boot space if i then get someone to professionally upholster the boot floor with carpet etc...... not that i'm considering a 370z of course. Terrible cars [Andy taps his feet and tries to wish another year or so of depreciation off second-hand 370z values..... must.....resist......370.....purchase.....]
  15. It's why i upgraded from a 276! Four grand well spent if you ask me Oh, and the bonnet bulge... And the nicer interior... And the cupholders.... And the nicer lights.... And the rarer paint colours... And the revvy engine that feels as good stock as my UP Rev'd 276 did... And the, erm, the, erm, the fact that it isnt a 370z... If i could afford a 370z i would have bought one. Im not jealous of 370z owners at all...honestly. Im not. B'stards!
  16. This one? viewtopic.php?f=103&t=58524&p=840956&hilit=370z+boot+space#p840956
  17. Just a quick question: Does anyuone have any pics of what is under the boot carpet in the 370z? Is it similar to the 350z with essentially wasted space (space saver and a few tools) or is there little that can be removed from below the 370x boot carpet? It does seem like there is actually a bit less boot space in the 370 coupe compared to the 350. I was hoping some space could be freed-up by removing the carpet and anything under it that isnt needed? I seem to recall at the NEC Auto show last year the Nissan reps told me there was an amp and some other bits below the carpet which can't be removed, unlike the space-saver in the 350z. Is that right?
  18. *** SOLD *** to Kavik. Thanks for the smooth purchase fella!
  19. Provisionally sold to Kavik - pending payment and pickup.
  20. Lots of water-soaked "Oakey" wet+dry (400 weight initially) from B&Q. To finish i might have to get some even finer stuff to leave as clean a surface as i can. There's still laquer/corrosion left to sort out on the alloy i have been working on.... it's been over an hour of manual labour so far
  21. At the moment the rear still looks slightly duller (rim wise) than the front. I think i can get away with a really small amount of Autosol metal polish for a few more polishes. Then it's gonna be a case of tidying up the edges and scratches/stone chips as best i can before i get them professionally laquered. From anything other than up-close they look flawless already. A massive improvement on the state it had got to before. I just wish i had a spinning polishing tool to make it less hard work! Have a few people on here used some kind of power tool to polish their engine plenums/covers? Or has it always been done by hand?
  22. ....is easier than i thought it would be. Both rears wheels on my Zed are pretty shot in the lip department. One is poor, the other really poor. Laquer has peeled and dirt/corrosion has gotten underneath it. I've had a few specialists people look at them, and they have all said: 1 - LOTS of manual labour to take-back the laquer and then polish the lip 2 - OR pay a specialist £150+ to us a CNC machine on both rears to clean them up, then polish and laquer I've gone for option 1 for now. With only 1 hour spent on the 'worst' rear alloy, it looks a lot better! Closer than 0.5m and you can still see some dirt/corrosion. I will need to spend more time polishing! Which begs the question - is there a small 'Dremel' style power tool that i can buy that will speed-up the polishing etc? Once ive got that to a good standard, all i need to do is get it professionally laquered and they should look like new (centre caps and edges need doing yet!) (After just 1 hours work) (Close up - still needs a few scratches and corrosion polishing out) (How the other alloy looks - not corroded as badly as the one i'm working on, but you get the idea)
  23. **BUMP** I stil have this. Had a PM from someone so it might be going soon... problem is the PM was mid-Feb and I have only just logged back in again doh! Anyone else interested incase it doesn't go?
  24. Spent a long weekend in the Brecon Beacons the other week. Had to engage in a spot of 350z+Greddy sheep herding (needs audio!)
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