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Everything posted by andlid

  1. Where are the pics? We welcome you anyway... I guess!
  2. I'll take a photo later on today, need to go out and get the fans wired up. That'll be fun again it's flipping raining outside... I'm going to try the below to get the oem harness working with these aftermarket ones, fingers crossed he didn't have his wires crossed when he did his On aftermarket fan 1, the power wire should be connected to the blue wire on connector 1 and the red/white wire on connector 2. The ground wire from this fan should be connected to the black wire and the yellow/red wire on connector 2. On aftermarket fan 2, the power wire should be connected to the black/yellow wire on connector 1 and the white wire on connector 2. The ground wire from this fan should be connected to the black wire and the yellow wire on connector 1.
  3. good news in bad I guess... Well you wont want to drive the Z during the winter months
  4. No problem, just some smalltalk mate www.google.ie/translate Swedish to English Point taken though.
  5. You could import one straight from the us too...
  6. Have a look on www.donedeal.ie ireland has no money for them cars anymore so a deal could be had, never seen them this low. I can go look if you need me to.prices are very negotiable too.
  7. tjena! =) Just nu bor jag faktiskt på Gran Canaria men flyttar hem till Sverige i början på april och då blir det troligen Örebro men är ursprungligen från Trollhättan. Haha ja Alby är ju rätt tungt område! Irland låter trevligt, hur hamnade du där? Okej, det låter bra, har du företag eller kontakter vad gäller delar? skicka mig ett mess om vad du letar efter så hjälper jag till Örebro, där ser man! Jag hamnade här pga flicka (vad annars) numera eget företag och gift mig och skaffat barn! haha... finns ett par galna zs i sverige, men inte så mycket, vart hade du tänkt hitta den någonstans?
  8. andlid

    Brembos to JDM

    pm keyser on here, he has a set for sale.
  9. andlid

    Brembos to JDM

    that was a class price, for a conversion you need to get bolts for the rear calipers and thats it. well you need discs too (if you had bought the one on the ebay)and pads. if you keep your eyes out you can get a full set including everything you need less bolts for 500£ if you only get calipers... well then discs and pads and I'd upgrade to hel brake lines will get the price up a big bit depending on what you are after. what type of driver are you and what type of braking performance are you after? Depending on that you'll know what type of discs and pads you'd need. All obviously going upwards the more you demand I did the conversion from jdm to brembo and difference is mental once you push on, I did find that with ebc yellows (outside trackwork) they performed ok for 2-3 hard braking with good bite, once they got up to temp... the brakes failed badly, maybe a set of better pads might do you? (what pads do you have now?)
  10. Tja, svensk här också, bor på irland... vart i svedala bor du? alby... rough... finns massor med godis att hämta härifrån, skicka ett pm om du letar efter något speciellt, så jag kan hjälpa till så du undviker en del fällor
  11. Neil, I think you should edit some of the posts on here for your own sake.
  12. I thought I had it in th the bad ....
  13. You can sort shipping for far less then 50 though
  14. some fecker sniped it at 310£... Should have known z***m( 253)
  15. cheers dude, hoping the extra 14mm will make all the difference
  16. me likey them wheels, do need lowering what width tyres are you running?
  17. you can always get a tt kit or sc kit that will make it less loud get a set of bungs though, they should not cost to much.
  18. Quick update, actually went out to sort my radiator install out today! even though it was bucketing down nothing would stop me to see if it actually would fit or not, needed some time to source another radiator if that was the case. So spent a good while getting the old radiator out, managed to brake almost the full fan shrowd, very brittle it seems, no bother since I'm not planning on reusing it. It's very tight there with the APS TT kit and the AC pipes looks like they've been bent away a less positive way for me to easy fit the new radiator and fans got the old shrowd radiator out after some muscle effort, not much to save so installed my very thin two fans onto the new radiator and started to try and fit it... no chance took some brackets off and cable tied most things that I could move out of the way. Still to tight, the lower brackets (guessing for the AC) was catching the AC condenser fins. Almost gave up when I decided to bend the lower brackets inwards/backwards. Then setup slotted nicely in after that, made sure the pegs went into the holes and locked the radiator into place at the top, screwed the ac condenser into the new rad. Tried to move the radiator (rock solid) (result) stuck all the screws and bits back together (had to cut the upper rad hose since the new width made it far to long). At the last screw to put back it snapped on me half in half out. It's a screw holding the intake pipe (APS) going into one of the front cam covers? (so need to figure out if I need to address this urgently or if I can get an expert to sort it out for me). No photos since it was a daily shower out there all day today. Hoping this rad isn't leaking since I never did a leak test of it before fitting. 7l gone in now, will be getting some more concentrate tomorrow. hope this new radiator (50mm) will help my cooling problems. In summary: A 50mm rad with 2x10mm thin fans fits in the engine bay with APS TT kit
  19. so theirs 24 places left? How's that hotel booking looking? Might try and attend this if my ring trip isnt materialising...
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