thanks i know... im always conscious of my body position, look in to the corner and head first not, hips there but head leaning away
Michelin pilot power 2ct... great tyres
im getting a power commander PCV so that will have 2 maps, one for speed and one for winter/rain conditions... hopefully that will help too... also im getting the autotune for the PCV so it tweaks your base map according to the condtions... great idea and product imo
power commander always good I use BT003 and now lately rear BT016PRO, can't fault them, sticky as hell but you'll be replacing them often. I used to have pilots, good for longer commutes
Used to have avon storms = holy crap they're ruthless... great for loooooooooooooooong mileage but what good is that if you end up in a ditch... not sure why the heck you're not using full leathers dude.