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Everything posted by andlid

  1. Right, quick update. New cusco strut installed, replaced crappy steel clip with high torq steel clip, mad difference in quality! Managed to mount my ECU too! Helmets in boot, tools in boot, oil and coolant in boot... guess what I'm doing tomorrow Looks like a wet day though so will probably just use it to check the car out...
  2. Wonder why they went with springs rear rather then true coilovers. Not seen many installs with true ones. This reminded me to order some bushes of you
  3. just as well as I can't go this year... come next year it's probably going to be 60km/h speed restriction...
  4. Cool duct setup diy turbo kit from boosted performance on my350z S60r brake kit from a volvo with fitting kit long da...y more will come
  5. Do you want to try that again, you dont make any sense sometimes. The SV-2 Snow (Nankangs!) sounds like the perform well in snow as OP described. ME MYSELF are looking for a set of tyres that perform just as well in the snow as they would do in the wet. THE OP didn't state that they where bang on the buck in the wet. See... I'm going to replace my Vredestein on the Volvo with a set of winter tyres when it's time... the Z needs slicks
  6. Sounds like they perform in snow condition so. Want some winter tyre thats the best in wet and snow
  7. That because he has a willing helper and he gets more then 30min slots I'm guessing,and probably not spending 50% of that time to get set up and look for bits ... oh and has a garage ... and plenty of helpers it seems, he's own little santa army
  8. yeah used the one you had, so that'll keep oem operations. feels a bit odd not getting the engine to hot
  9. crappy photo but you can see the rad
  10. Right, took the oem plugs and cables out and sat at the table and finally managed to get some heat through those crappy copper wires. Anyway (managed a photo or too two!) I started the engine let it get warm and had a look under the hood, looks like the way I've plugged them in retains factory fan operation... not sure that's a great thing. The passenger fan goes on when AC is turned on and the other one supposedly comes on when the engine gets 'hot', not sure at what temp but with my new rad it never hit that temperature Not sure I'll use the oem setup or just hook it up to the haltech and control it a bit better. photos to be posted later on. bring on trackday! (after I get a jubilee clip for the tb... noticed it had snapped! Made in germany tut tut, made in UK to be bought tomorrow) later, a.
  11. will be more then that... great job, you get so flipping much done in a weekend mate I'm happy to solder some cables together that is very tight! suppose that shrowd make a huge difference on space, and the fans don't look to be slim types. looking great though
  12. My 016's has 3 compounds 003 only soft rather change more often then go down...
  13. To cold to solder! Managed to prepare the fan side since the copper was finer... No hope on the oem stuff, tool the plugs out and will try again later indoors! I plugged the fan straight to the battery so at least I know its working powerful to! Later A.
  14. that'll be the guy that's been naughty the previous week...
  15. thanks i know... im always conscious of my body position, look in to the corner and head first not, hips there but head leaning away Michelin pilot power 2ct... great tyres im getting a power commander PCV so that will have 2 maps, one for speed and one for winter/rain conditions... hopefully that will help too... also im getting the autotune for the PCV so it tweaks your base map according to the condtions... great idea and product imo power commander always good I use BT003 and now lately rear BT016PRO, can't fault them, sticky as hell but you'll be replacing them often. I used to have pilots, good for longer commutes Used to have avon storms = holy crap they're ruthless... great for loooooooooooooooong mileage but what good is that if you end up in a ditch... not sure why the heck you're not using full leathers dude.
  16. will do, hoping I can wing some time to do this tomorrow
  17. you got a new bike? didnt it get stolen??? what tyres do you have on it? I decided against going in on the bike friday when it was frost out, black ice is a pain... try and lean off the bike and keep the most part of the tire on the road and be carefull with power glad to hear you're ok!
  18. didn't people tell you not to get an slk anyway fair play for the honest writing...
  19. Right so got 30min available to do the fans today, no photos since I hardly had time to slice the cables properly Any long story short, the guide above was no good once I confirmed my oem cables didn't have the same colour codes. HOWEVER Keyser had provided me with another way of doing this and those colours matched so I went with that, see below: 1. Cut the ends of both wire leads long and short that connect directly to the stock fans. 2. Strip off the black heat jacket. 3. Take Blue wires from each harness and solder them to the Blue wire on fan 2. 4. Take Yellow wires from each harness and solder them to the Black wire on fan 2. 5. Take Green wires from each harness and solder them to the Blue wire on fan 1. 6. Take Black wires from each harness and solder them to the Black wire on fan 1. 7. Heat shrink all connections and then slide some sort of loom over them for protection. 8. Connect everything up and that should be that? Since I was short on time and just wanted to see if I need to order some more bits I decided to use crocodile connectors (hate them...). Once all done I heated up the engine to temp... at 84c (probably before but didn't check) one of the fans where pulling (not pushing...) air through the rad the other one did not, guessing one connection faulty (crocodile tut tut). Didn't have time to troubleshoot. Will be back at it hopefully tomorrow if I get some spare time! (need to be sorted before the 11th trackday either way!). Don't think I'll have time to do my brake duct install though. (might get time to do some minor cutting at the front though ) later A.
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