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Everything posted by andlid

  1. Buy a Torque wrench it will save you a fortune if your playing diy mechanics good luck with the repair +1 - never try and do anything by hand when it comes to torque! You just cant judge it. From what I remember the plenum bolts dont need to be dont up more than hand tight as they heat cycling somehow keeps them tight. Not too sure other than my torque wrench didnt go down low enough, so let Phils lot do it used the correct torque on the wrench but had to tighten the bolts every now and then... micky mouse bolts... thats what I recon, think I'll sell that off and get myself a 4*times more expensive one
  2. mmm that sounds a bit sheit... well waiting for my low quote
  3. Sure my tuner didn't believe it either!
  4. The words in bold has nothing to do with the fact of whether its believable or not. We are not a fraternity its an open forum and treat everyone equally, hence why its free to be a member, cos its open to all. And all opinions are taken in to considerations whether you are new or old, we are all equal, except Louis who suffers from hiding in the closet and Sarnie who has little big man syndrome If you buy because of its looks and for name sake to have cosworth under your bonnet then good on ya. Its a shame that the person previously who was selling claimed and estimated output without one shred of evidence to back it up. The majority of people would like some evidence into the claimed 24bhp increase in order to entice them into a sale. But for someone to turn around and say well buy it first then see for yourself, is not the kind of truth or dare game most of us wish to play especially at that price. By all means if you do a dyno test on this and post it on here, Im sure all of us would be interested to see the gains if any and can make our decision from there. (at the bold statement point) Also if this person tried selling it saying 24hp, put the buck where the mouth is. If I was 100% sure that a car (std) would get to 24hp -+ 7 with the kit. I'd offer money back if it didn't... Just as a quick hunch I'd say it would give about 10-15 hp, we will just have to wait and see (not sure it will be sooner, just blew the engine on one of my bikes... )
  5. can you get replacement 'bushings' for these? Heard that Cusco aren't the best dealing with if you need spare's later on... anyone else had any experience with this?
  6. +1 Thanks Steve, was looking into that myself with my JDM
  7. Would go (more then likely will myself) FI just to have a few more HP under the hood wouldn't get it to be able to drive faster during a twistie track / road etc. But for cruising along in motorway speed and just be able to floor it and shoot off would be nice.... wolf in... type of thing. (trying to find any other reasons to go FI but can't)
  8. Why don't you just go out and get a lock bolt set (the ones you replace one of the standard ones with a lock one?)
  9. also the other thing to say it's all that matters what actually goes into the ground
  10. hmm thats real bad if they say it like that, again if I went out and bought it and did a pre dyno and an after dyno it would not be believed in.. since I'm not a member for very long here and not on a proven dyno j/k, anyway I think I MIGHT depending on what quotes I'm getting on the plenum go ahead in the new year and replace the pure plenum spacer... (will be up for grabs... ) Might ask the guy pingu2 is using for a quote seem to be a lot more competivite prices then I get over here...
  11. Now I'm confused... are they not really the same? (think it's 17% btw).... Next time I'll ask to get it into Kw Tried to figure it out but got even more confused (bhp vs hp) so it's goodnight for me whp = wheel horsepower, so the power the car makes at the tires as measured on a chassis dyno HP and BHP, are power measured at the crank. Only really possible to get an approximate unless you have the engine connected to an engine dyno 15%, 17%....one never will really be able to tell, but I use 15% - I'd rather err on the side of caution when approximating crank hp yeah but you got the DIN HP and SAE HP...
  12. Now I'm confused... are they not really the same? (think it's 17% btw).... Next time I'll ask to get it into Kw Tried to figure it out but got even more confused (bhp vs hp) so it's goodnight for me
  13. andlid: sorry but the Zed has been out for years and its pretty much proven that gains arent that easy to come by from what I've seen. I'm not saying you're lying but I havent seen numbers that high before so as you can appreciate I would like to see results from a member that has been around longer and on a dyno that is trusted. Put yourself in our shoes, you've been around a while and not seen these kinds of numbers, then some new member pipes up about how they got such good results from the ECU and tune. What would you think? I'm hoping that its all good and then I can get one PS See the guys whos got 470BHP, and see what I mean lol yeah I know what you mean ... Well all I can say is whats on the paper and whats in the car (if someone didnt hide a single turbo down there somewhere) the standard baseline on 265 is quite low though? (same dyno) for arguments sake I can say that the tuner I go to the lads that want 470 out of their Glanza need not apply. IT's a no bullshit dyno. Had my altezza down there and got gobsmacked at the low HP's it produced and some of the other lads down there where not to impressed either one reason I said to hell with 2.0l here we go 3.5 I'd say it's hard with all these different dynos etc. What I think in my own head is that you start with a baseline at the dyno and keep yourself to that dyno and it's YOUR numbers and you can see if what you are doing is actually gaining HP or not... a finger of salt is always needed. My tuner was actually happily suprised at the gains he saw, even with the basemap it was giving 300bhp, would be nice to see what it does now when I don't have the plenum in it anymore. Anyhow point taken! If you really want to you can all come over next summer and have a go
  14. I wait with baited breath! Probably missed this but who is doing the work for you? And what dyno do they have? Will be nice to see results from a more well known member on a proven dyno TDI in essex are doing it.. not sure what to expect, but I view it is a base on which to build they have a "Rototest VPA-R chassis dynamometer".. I believe it is pretty decent http://www.tdi-plc.com/index.php?pge=C_dynocam to bad it's not on a dyno dynamics...
  15. I wait with baited breath! Probably missed this but who is doing the work for you? And what dyno do they have? Will be nice to see results from a more well known member on a proven dyno whats that supossed to mean...
  16. (deleted the quote) - was starting to get very long... its all on the flywheel. Don't think I got the one pre haltech actually (proving the 8-9hp increase) but got the rest of them. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... highlight=
  17. mmm pay me 50% of the cost and I'll do it for you their webpage (cosworth) states 24bhp against standard.... that's some increase My Pure one did 8-9 from standard I might be willing to take the hit on testing this myself (I'll see what santa brings for Christmas...) 8-9HP? How long was it run before you did the dyno? Did you give the ECU time to learn it was there? There have been lots of rumours that if you dyno the car straight after the mod it will show gains, but then if you do it after say a month, the ECU has learnt the mod and cancels it out. Jury is still out on it, but no one is seeing consistent gains over these things other than the spacer giving more torque mid range. proved on dyno sheet, anyhow... mine is a JPM model and not a uk one dont think I suffer for that stuff above Sorry forgot you're tuning with the Haltech, tnought it was with teh OEM ECU mmm the 8-9 bhp was a gain BEFORE I tuned with the Haltech ECU. I had it in for about 1 month or so before I did the Haltech ECU swapout. Here it goes: STANDARD DYNO: (APEXI SLIP IN+ZEES Exhaust) 265BHP EVENT installed the Pure Plenum Spacer (1 month went by...) DYNO PRE HALTECH: (APEXI DROP IN+ZEES Exhaust + PURE) 273 +-1 BHP DYNO HALTECH ECU INSTALLED (BaseMAp+APEXI DROP IN + PURE+ ZEES Exhaust) = 300 bhp LAST DYNO: (tuned map+apex drop in+pure+Zees exhaust+haltech) 324 BHP There
  18. Hmm It can't be a load of bollix, sure they are advertising it to gain HP and if you think about it. Better and MORE air and throw in a bit more petrol and ignition timing BANG you got more HP... and the org ECU is SO safe it's ridiculous! Pingu2 will soon be among the tunables
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