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Posts posted by andlid

  1. It sounds quieter than before.lol. Sounds nice though dude,better in real life too?


    i think its due to the fact the google phone's mic isnt picking up the sound! lol I'll use the pvr setup at some stage, its mental loud when you floor it! and whe nyouo dont (idle or under low pressure) its very quite... B) just the way I like it...

  2. Here is a story:


    Was told to go fit tyre to a wheel at a place in Dublin. The guy before me paid 12€ fitted and balanced (not on cage). The guy before him paid 8€... I came in a suit and forgot to ask him how much before he fitted it... guess.... 20€... didnt work well wearing a suit! :teeth:




    fyi ; If they don't balance I wouldn't use them...


    they balance as well, ;)


    and thanks for the info, i'll go in sack cloth for maximum discount :lol:


  3. Welcome Z hopefull.... :byebye: Clio owner




    Go to a meet mate will be far nicer then reading up on stuff (do both). Take your time to pick your 'donor' car. Not sure what mods you plan on making in the future but either buy one thats modded the way you want or mod it yourself (last will be more expensive but at least you did it and not some former owner) Find someone on this forum that could actually go with you if you find a car. I found (my Z experience is a dangerous one, kind of lucked out so far) that having had the Z for a while driving around and poking around at stuff in the engine bay under the car etc and spending nice € on the car has made me a very good scout to go out and get another Z! Probably the same if you go and get another Clio you'd know what to look out for... at 23 I'd only dream what the insurance premium would be like :blink: (you might wanna check that 1st)


    all the best! When you do get her take it handy at first... it's a beast and can bite you if you're not used to it! :drive1



  4. Here is a story:


    Was told to go fit tyre to a wheel at a place in Dublin. The guy before me paid 12€ fitted and balanced (not on cage). The guy before him paid 8€... I came in a suit and forgot to ask him how much before he fitted it... guess.... 20€... didnt work well wearing a suit! :teeth:




    fyi ; If they don't balance I wouldn't use them...

  5. hey guys my 350z is arriving 23/10/09 but i have to put oil in her as im pickin her up from the boat, what is the best oil to use? not wantin to spend mega bucks but at same time dont wanna put no crap in my new baby lol. :shrug::shrug::shrug:

    :headhurt: You need to put oil in her? Sorry I don't understand, why is there no oil in it?


  6. Hi guys, :wacko:


    Changed plugs and there is was substansial oil in one of the chambers! Closest plug to the driver side (JDM mod)


    Here are some photos:





    Is this something I should be real worried about? In the photos it actually looks like it's only around the plug and nothing at the top of it... (strange?!) Anyone have any idea where this oil came from?




    a :shrug:

  7. Would have thought It'd be better getting wider wheels on the back and a launch control system if you are serious about drag racing. LC systems arent cheap though :)

    I think you can use the haltech ecu system for that (platinum)....


  8. Just come on everyday and hit the 'View Unred Posts' button. All threads displayed then you can pick what you want to look at quickly and easily.


    +1 :thumbs: Got to be a lot easier than wading through pages of emails, that you would also need to do every day to meet your objective.

    :snack: I don't come in here every day really, just in periods of time. (lately is one of those periods I think) Anyway I wouldnt need to wading through more then 20 new topic emails per day...


    pretty please mods ?



  9. 550 to 600 miles out of a tank in a Zed.......




    or is this a pic of you driving rtbiscuit..



    hmm you need to change that pic mate... you know that aol peps like that rev the @*!# outta their cars and SLOWLY relase the clutch... :band:


  10. hmmmm :wacko:


    what about just receiving mails on new topics posted ? That would mean a tiny 20 mails per day. And if you decide to post in them well... then you subscribe anyway.


    fyi, dont think I'd crash the mail server... (google)... maybe where the site is hosted would be seen as a spammer... and crash itself...


    :dummy: it would be good for the forum if you could do the following:


    get mails on ANY new topics/thread started (not responses to the threads), this in turn would get more members active if they see something they've got some 'cool' input too.



  11. I'm trying to get a notification when ANY new threads are posted and the info in the mail thats sent to my mail address. Is there anyway to do that? Pain to have to go into each and every forum and click subcribe and don't seem to be able to find if you even can change the notification type mail...


    :wacko: its to stop me missing something crucial (for me that is) since I'm a periodic user of the forum...




  12. :teeth:


    Sitting here waiting for my new custom built exhaust to be fitted from the cats (BERKS) back to the two ZEES end pipes! Had a proper look under the car this time, the org exhaust from the CATs back to the end-pipes where/are in rag order the resonator box in the end had holes in it from rust and metal threads sticking through it! Not very good for a high flowing exhaust system. So getting 2.5" from each cat back to a new 'muffler' and then out to the ZEES pipes!


    Have taken some pre photos here:

    http://picasaweb.google.com/ALNPHOTOS/E ... 0564644402

    And a video here:

    http://picasaweb.google.com/ALNPHOTOS/E ... 8503811570


    pre sound 3rd gear

    http://picasaweb.google.com/ALNPHOTOS/E ... 6674802674

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