Right, so started at 12:00 and finished at 17:30, weather was perfect but that was probably the only thing that was perfect with the day. Noticed when I took my tools and bits out of the storage at there where a lot of water... a lot of stuff wrecked and other needed drying Back garden spread out with plenty of bits and tools that I've gathered over the years. Took me probably best part of 1 hour to clean and throw out bits that couldn't be saved. (HATE WATER)
So my coolant hose replacement plan = fail, must have got the wrong ones sent to me, no way they'll fit.
My extract broken bolt plan = fail, to tight for drilling
My bumper cutting = fail, ran out of time but have a nice idea (will post later about the idea)
Investigate pathfinder mod install = success but result is fail
Investigate swapping wastegates without taking engine out = success but result is fail
Upgrade my haltech = fail, no time
Install my I/O Can extender = fail, no time
Install Widebands and calibrate = fail, no time
Install ARB's = fail, no time
Clean throttlebody = success! (very quick really...)
Install front panel ducts for rad = fail, no time
Install new discs = SUCESS Pics below, old discs don't look the greatest, probably fine for road but think they've done their bit for the track (pretty blue and shiny, glazed)
Replace brake fluid, fail, no time
Keep the missus happy = epic fail, makes me rethink the time I spend on the car...
Pic time!
Old disc... looks a bit sad
New disc, look fresh and happy
With the feel on, looks pretty cool, shame the black will go. Hope they'll last 1 or two trackdays at least. (The discs not the black...)