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Everything posted by andlid

  1. Ha ha ha nutter. So is that bumper bigger then you thought? You must have spent a bit there. What does she have left?
  2. So you got 0 on your drive then ;p
  3. Safety in numbers - buy lots at least one will work You leave my New Zed alone I paid a reasonable amount for it didn't I ? Should go get a few z's so;)
  4. Easier in work where they're 4k dumped PC's in a lab environment buy cheap buy twice... Is that why you got another Z? Have a mate going to China in two weeks, might have him pic a few up
  5. took the mini pc to work and ended up looking like this: So good part, the mobo is working. Bad part is that I think the PSU isn't. Although, when I was putting it all back together I noticed chinese quality control isn't the greatest.. two cables for the power to the SATA drive wasn't connected properly, might have been shorting or causing something when I tried it earlier. So will give it another shot with the car battery over the weekend before I order a new PSU.
  6. 700£ hope you never experience that again! at least sorted and back on the road yeah? Potholes? not likely is it? I've hit mahussive potholes in the past and that's never ever happened.
  7. andlid

    Summer wheels on

    Yes Chris, they used to sit on your Zed... he used to own a z?
  8. andlid

    OEM Front Bumper

    don't pm him guess what i bought today anders good man, no moines left for Sarah's goodies
  9. andlid

    OEM Front Bumper

    well priced Got anything else on offer? Everything I have left pm me a list
  10. andlid

    OEM Front Bumper

    well priced Got anything else on offer?
  11. andlid

    OEM Front Bumper

    what colour do you want? I might just get a new one if I can shift my oem one, have take out the oem fins though and stuck a net on.
  12. what happened to this thread Going to try and fit my RS pedal and see if I can get my heel toe feel back. Think though it's more due to me sitting closer up to the pedals making it more akward, doing that to get more steering control and feel. Might have to go back to the lean down setup
  13. andlid

    Summer wheels on

    looks great, wouldn't mind a set of them... what tyres are you running on them?
  14. more like why is that lower powered car overtaking me in the corners Going to push it on a bit and see where it 'lands'
  15. did not know you got a pas... well done on the work dude
  16. Could be, bed them in again... what do the pads look like? The garage should have spotted that though...
  17. it was you two reminding me about it... just annoys me when someone takes the **** like that.
  18. If anyone knows the OP, tell him he still owes me for shipping the slimdrive dvd over
  19. was wondering it looked shiny. well done.
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