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Everything posted by andlid

  1. id go for asus eee pc 10" series. make sure you get the fastest one though. and upgrade the ram
  2. Did you not do the compression test? not much good to you with a plenum spacer if the comp is gone?
  3. what are you planning on using the lappy for? have two netbooks at the moment a asus eee 900 and a 1015px both great for what I use them for but for anything needing some extra juice they are pretty rubbish IMO.
  4. eh are the cars not from the same place? LIKE JAPAN? Hate when they come up with crap like that. Glad to hear you're ok, any sign of the person that cut you off? Can that not be reported to the lads in blue? Get some nice tuning done when you're fixing her (makes you feel better getting her back on the road again)
  5. andlid

    piggyback ecu

    oh stick a build thread up;)
  6. andlid

    piggyback ecu

    why fit a turbo without a ems plan? what kit is it? I'm slightly bias but haltech is my choice of ems. is the engine forged? what are your powerplans?
  7. Lol on the worlds most in-accurate dyno take that up with the dyno operator. not sure where and what your basing that on thats not the hub dyno figures since they dont compare with the base dyno. the lattrr last dyno hub had less flywheel hp with a somewhat magic torq figure! lol dont think the translator of the hub torq to fly torq is there anymore now shurrup and get your car sorted.
  8. Mine had 265 standard, when I gave up NA it was up at 318 but to much £££ per HP spent (fly hp on 95 Octane)
  9. Hmmm dont remember it that bad...when did you swap the plugs?
  10. How is she at low revs and idling?
  11. Wouldnt crap compression show up on the dyno? my bike has low comp all cylinders and runs like crap below 4k...and idling is rubbish.
  12. looks great, black shouldn't be to hard to colour match should it? What's happening to that spoiler I wonder? What about the front bumper is that going on? Do like the Z smooth rear though. For the gearbox tool, LOL is the only thing I can say about that. Well done. I went out and got one of these: Guess it's manual work and not a fancy air pump Well done as normal!
  13. get out there and start pushing it over
  14. I was quoted 16hours to get the engine out and back in again..
  15. andlid

    What else?

    Driving fast safely is hard. Too many people "think" they can drive and are good drivers. What makes a good driver is being able to control the vehicle when something unexpected happens. Thought it was not to let the car out of control in the first place ) To be pedantic Neil said 'control the vehicle' therefore the car would not be out of control in the first place I double that pedantic statement and it cleary states: is being able to control the vehicle when something unexpected happens. So out of control, or something else happening causing driver to action...
  16. Om delighted to since i xan make my mind up if i need these
  17. andlid

    What else?

    Driving fast safely is hard. Too many people "think" they can drive and are good drivers. What makes a good driver is being able to control the vehicle when something unexpected happens. Thought it was not to let the car out of control in the first place )
  18. Well if you have to get engine out i was thinking fi and at the same time forge her! )
  19. 350z akbar! Even facing the right way!?
  20. See it possitive.. get her forged and stick some turbos on!
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