After my last outing on track I had gearbox issues (3rd one crunching) left her in 4th most of the times (plenty of torque and power but not much fun). I had issues with syncro (I think) 1st,2nd,3rd driving it in town once so I swapped the clutch fluid (pedal was feeling a bit strange and squeaky). The fluid needed replacing!! So after that I took her for a spin around the block, 1st and 2nd worked fine! (I did an adjustment of the pedal too to make sure it's fully engaging before changing gears). I never tried 3rd since I thought I was sorted. Driving down to Mondello I tried 3rd... crunch... it goes in if you force it (did 2nd time) but it's obviously not going to make the life of the box and better.
I'm going to have a look and see if the plate (guide plate?) isn't on properly and see if that makes any difference, I think it's a long shot and I'm looking at two options:
1, New gearbox (second hand on fleebay or the like)
2, Hand the auto in somewhere in Ireland, get the old box out and renovate (strengthen it at the same time)
3, leave it until I leave the gearbox on track? (not very nice for other motors on that particular day...)
What do you think?
I know there is a revised version of the 350Z gearbox that's got stronger syncros.