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Everything posted by andlid

  1. Keyser, great job. Used Tcut and Halfords in the past, need to do it again might get a polisher though so I don't have to redo them to soon again
  2. I think I want to get rid of the BOSE center unit and get an aftermarket one and feed 4x speakers in total of that, but can't be bothered. want some free space now since I don't have the cubby anymore (Taken up by a lilliput)
  3. think you got it bang on, I wouldn't do carbon on the rocket covers though, would do them RED and silver lettering. Allthough don't know what the carbon would look like.
  4. do try and keep the cage, makes it look awesome and 100% safer driving around in! WELL DONE!
  5. Well... CD009 gearbox = no good suppose that's what you can get hit with if unlucky. At least stung with the labor on fitting the gearbox now, and x2 that also Still think CD009 is the way to go instead of servicing the current one.
  6. ...or when they measure it at the pits good for MOT's, they'll be measuring the gases at the back, when in truth they could be shooting out the side haha, class
  7. ...or when they measure it at the pits
  8. Yeah not sure what's best really, probably using two get rid of the mid box use two pipes. I could probably use the Haltech to control the opening of the valves but if it takes 5 seconds I've already probably starting letting off the accelerator and dropped under the RPM limit
  9. CD009 will fit on a DE. Anyway, 1k for a CD009 shop around mate, got mine for 60% less of 1k...
  10. been thinking about a cutout valve myself (was discussing this with Husky at the time), I too have the problem of having to have two. Was thinking on maybe redo the exhaust a bit and have it going from 2-1-2 and stick the cutout before the mid silencer. Has anyone thought about the effects on the engine this would have? Good to have some sort of compression from the exhaust I'd say? Who's going to be the first FI person to go with something like this? I wouldn't mind some noise on track! I'd only do this now if it gained me some power and engine response, will ask around and see what's what. What's the electrics like? Was thinking I could make this open automatically @ certain RPM or boost, can it open quicker then 5 seconds though?
  11. turbo... mmm sure you insure it and have her as a named driver get a role cage in it while your at it!
  12. what year and miles is yours? Mine packed in at 70k/km 3rd was crunching (is) fourth felt really hard to get in, crunch in 1st and 2nd but that went away replacing (hopefully happening as I type this..) with a CD009 donor box that has better design and should last a good bit longer. What oil are you / have you been using? When I stuck Nissan oem oil in and a shot of.. mmm can't remember what it's called it behaved better, think I knackered mine with shortshifter / redline oil combo! Might be better trying to get a CD009 depending on refurbing costs.
  13. buy my old one and have that refurbed
  14. LS1? What colour coding are you going for? Green would be sweet
  15. Iphone junk, no lol Problem is that I've got the HD not the HD2 so would need to do a lot of hacking to hopefully get it working. Been told to look at the Drift HD camera, looks ok but all of these needs to have external mic to really pick up some decent sound. Should never have sold my PVR I had, the microphone in that was awesome! (and could have upgraded the camera part separately)
  16. Right so had a brief look around on the net for something that can fix my rubbish GoPro HD (not a 2) sound recording. Did the electric tape fix and that sorted the crappy crackle noise but audio is still not half as good as I want it to be. Had a look at everything from cutting an old Iphone cable to buying a premade cable with USB powering built in... Looked at these prices and started consider getting another camera with better sound recording capabilities, still be using the GoPro for video but add another camera for sound/video. Went to my friend, Ebay, Amazon, Google. Found something pretty interesting, my eyes landed on this first: http://www.youractioncam.de/product_...ie-neue-.html& Thought it looked a bit 'rebranded' so google again for aee camera (saw it on the side). Found below from China: http://www.aee.com/en/productshow.asp?Sendid=78 Now they look pretty similar right? Decided to pause the look and have a think...After my short think I decided to look at what my old friends at dogcamsport sells these days. Found below http://www.dogcamsport.co.uk/action-...et-camera.html (WHAT, that's the same as the other two!? Said to be made in the states by some other company, these guys: http://www.astak.com/product.asp?serial=CM-7100) Anyone heard of EITHER of these, really more interested in the sound then quality, think they're pretty much similar to GoPro HD (even HD2). Anyone make any sense why it seems so many go to a China factory and rebrand these? Made me wonder if you can get either of these including a GoPro knockoff from China somewhere Haven't been able to find anyone selling the AEE Police stuff anywhere. (I just can't help doing these things...)
  17. great you got out on track in her! Shame about the belt, wasn't it a new belt? hope it's S*it happens and won't happen again. Hoping to hit a track next month if not sooner Can't wait! Great writeup!
  18. sterling effort, don't give up you're at the end now! Will look class on the car with black wheels. Hopefully it'll make it stop proper! How did you manage to find them? Wouldn't mind trying something similar this winter to keep me doing something useful at the kitchen table
  19. What inputs outputs cost is it?
  20. deserved that, at least he hadn't bothered to paint the bumper or skirts
  21. Best bet buy from the us. Although heard someone using one as a table stand...in the uk. Tuning you need to have a kook and decide I'm in Ireland. I'd check haltech website first then ask here
  22. I would not look at a stand alone unit for the reasons you say. I would look at haltech since I got one and it controlls the boost controller better then the unichip both are piggy types so you don't loose any oem settings like you describe. I know some people say go with only uprev which maps the oem ecu, IMO you don't get all the goodies that you do with the haltech like boost control and using the internal map sensor on the ecu instead of the limited oem maf sensor. You get plenty more but that's enough for me also use the mini PC to hook it up to a mini LCD in the cubbyhole is neat as I said we have the same or similar setup and I have buckets more torque and plenty more HP, torque is very noticeable;) Djtimo on here runs uprev and other support bits and run higher then me (for the moment...) I used the uprev to delimit mine;) Btw I got my aps kit from the same guys doing that dyno shootout. I'm currently running 0.9bar boost. My clutch is rated 600torque and feels oem to use. Its a southbend clutch from the states with xda flywheel.
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