Right so had a brief look around on the net for something that can fix my rubbish GoPro HD (not a 2) sound recording. Did the electric tape fix and that sorted the crappy crackle noise but audio is still not half as good as I want it to be. Had a look at everything from cutting an old Iphone cable to buying a premade cable with USB powering built in... Looked at these prices and started consider getting another camera with better sound recording capabilities, still be using the GoPro for video but add another camera for sound/video.
Went to my friend, Ebay, Amazon, Google.
Found something pretty interesting, my eyes landed on this first:
Thought it looked a bit 'rebranded' so google again for aee camera (saw it on the side). Found below from China:
Now they look pretty similar right? Decided to pause the look and have a think...After my short think I decided to look at what my old friends at dogcamsport sells these days. Found below
(WHAT, that's the same as the other two!? Said to be made in the states by some other company, these guys: http://www.astak.com/product.asp?serial=CM-7100)
Anyone heard of EITHER of these, really more interested in the sound then quality, think they're pretty much similar to GoPro HD (even HD2).
Anyone make any sense why it seems so many go to a China factory and rebrand these? Made me wonder if you can get either of these including a GoPro knockoff from China somewhere
Haven't been able to find anyone selling the AEE Police stuff anywhere.
(I just can't help doing these things...)