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Everything posted by cfoster

  1. Supporting an ADB conference (Asia Development Bank) in the capital Tashkent (work for an investment bank)
  2. Uzbekistan mate! Another 5 days then im outta here!
  3. cfoster

    Vinyl Costs

    SJS are very good (in Chelmsford I presume?) but I'd imagine would charge a bit more. £40 seems a fair price, i would probably charge that, maybe a spit more in carbon as the vinyl is a lot dearer! (buts loads nicer!)
  4. Sketch - looks tempting mate Sasha - Working abroad in 90+ degree heat has an affect on my brain!! I talk to anyone / thing when this far from home!
  5. They look really smart mate . Didnt you fancy painting the indicator surrounds aswell? Chris
  6. Decided that I want to get a front splitter for the Z, been looking on the Z Store but cant seem to decide! Dont want to spend a fortune so what you all got?!! Mine is Azure blue and quite fancy a carbon or maybe a black one. I like the VS one (plus its pretty cheap from Envy) but want to see what else is out there! So, show us ya pics Chris
  7. I've found this firm here that do LED lighting and seem quite cheap, reckon they may tuck in behind the door reflectors and stick underneath the doors as puddles. Presume i'd just wiring them in series and take a feed from one of the interior lights or the door switch? http://www.litewave.co.uk/lighting_gizmos.asp Chris
  8. ikarus - its now not legal to have any form of text on the plate bar the suppliers postcode and the BS conformaty of the materials used to produce. I think that main dealers can have the showroom name but main dealers only, not normal car garages. Also only in black. GB/UK etc are allowed but limited. To be totally honest though you'd need a really anal MOT tester to fail on these things! With all plates (show) I sell I do offer a 100% legal on the road pair as well at a heavily discounted price if purchased at the same time! Carbon came off as I didnt particularly like it (wasnt sure from the start!). Roof and bonnet are still on though!! Chris
  9. Quite fancy installing some LED lights into the door reflectors and also some leds pointing down as puddle lights. Has anyone done this and if so where did you buy the lights from? Chris
  10. £40 posted for them mate? Fancy a try tinting a set so these would be ideal! Chris
  11. Gibby / Chrisjones - no probs at all chaps, i'm working abroad until the 5th May so cant do anything until im back in the UK. If you send us a pm with what your after we can sort it all out and i can just make and send them out on my return next week. Husky - indeed mate
  12. Chris - indeed forums are dangerous things for storing data!!! Therotically they should be illegal but since this law i've had nothing in the post informing me of this change officially so fook it. Until then i'll carry on as i have been!! gibby - i have the template on my numberplate software. JDM are no probs, have plently of 12x6 in stock Chris
  13. Law change, what law change?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure I can get some 370 ones made up Chris Chris
  14. Thought i'd make up a set of new plates for the Z after ripping off the carbon wrap! What ya think, I think it looks quite subtle but enough to be a little different! Chris
  15. Innotec double sided tape, it wont be coming off! I have a cut down front round the front bumper and it holds it fine!
  16. Well its all off now!!!! Took it off on Sunday! Left the roof and bonnet on though. No pics im afraid and im off to Uzbekistan in the morning so will get some when im back. Hopefully my mate is detailing it whilst i'm away!
  17. Dene8 - got loads of it left mate as i've ordered a load more since the above! If the size you are after is different let me know and Ill work a price out. Chris
  18. I presume he has painted them as well? Wonder what the light output is with the lights like that.
  19. I presume he has painted them as well? Wonder what the light output is with the lights like that.
  20. Look nice mate, did my door handles the other day, very nice to do!! Mirrors look alright as well, cant see a join though can i?!!!! . Bastid of a job to do!
  21. 12x6 is hte JDM and US size, have them in stock as well!! Lettering wise JDMs can have slightly smaller lettering, 44mm to be precise. Chris
  22. Witsu has first dibs as I received a Pc from him, if it falls through then its yours mate
  23. Any ideas where to buy these leds or is it just an ebay jobby? ALso what sort of resistors are needed? Chris
  24. Price down to £60 now, no offers!! Thanks
  25. Just found this link, seems that you still get 80% main beam with them all black? Are the pics 06+ lights though, not sure how to tell? http://www.myspace.com/twistedhouzings Chris
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