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Everything posted by Cragus

  1. His price is cheaper, his car has more mods than yours and his car is newer.
  2. Thanks mate where did you find 3 hours to spare No we sort of do Busters car as we go - every time I unbolt something he bolts it onto the Ginger Ninja However waiting in the wings for the day I finish this project (if ever) we have my better half's 350z - originally acquired as spares but now adopted by her! also I have a project for "other cars" if anyone wants me to post up on it Yeah we started holidays weeks ago. It's a total gutter because I only have a month left Get the 'other car' project up! Does it involve your trusty sidekick 'Fagman' aka busta Lung? What do you do for a day job Chris?
  3. Just read all 77 pages - took me three hours to read in detail. Mainly because I was drooling at most of the photos. I know it has been said a thousand times but this thread shows amazing talent. Well done! Are you doing buster's car next?
  4. Glad to see you got one anyways - let the modifications begin and good luck - plenty of people on here to encourage you to spend money on parts I have found.
  5. Did you go especially for it after the recommendation here?
  6. Congratulations! Looks clean. Are you going to change the wheels to a set of Rays or have some kind of other aftermarket idea? Who are thinking about taking it to for the uprev?
  7. Just to clarify, if I call a particular member an a$$Hole, would that get me in trouble?
  8. Put in your usual delicate way there Liam...
  9. May I ask why you feel sorry for the children I teach? I happen to be an excellent teacher and the pupils that are in my care enjoy being in my class. You have no basis for such a flippant comment - exactly the reason people disliked you post in the first post. I feel sorry for the kids in your class due to the way you have came across in this thread- aggressive and and bullheaded. Lay off the Buckfast, it may ease your mood Ah, I'm Scottish - I must drink Buckfast...good old stereotyping is alive and well...and you feel sorry for the kids I teach? On that note, you needn't worry as my pupils don't frequent this forum. Regardless of this point, to say that I have been bullheaded and aggressive is absolute nonsense. You started ripped on the OP for no apparent reason - but that will be because the web is a nice safe place for you to troll on people after all those years of being bullied at school.
  10. No - the megs tyre dress stuff. It is bubblegum heaven!
  11. I could do that pizza by myself after my dinner and a gastric band op.
  12. They so a strawberry laces hand wash too - that sounds more up my street.
  13. Looks good - if there a member nearby, they might be willing to go look it over with you. Looks a fair deal from the description and photographs.
  14. As bad as Ashley for having to have all thing including shower gels and such like matching! I would eat it but my head is too sore
  15. May I ask why you feel sorry for the children I teach? I happen to be an excellent teacher and the pupils that are in my care enjoy being in my class. You have no basis for such a flippant comment - exactly the reason people disliked you post in the first post.
  16. This was his ride round the Nurburgring. I hear he has nicknamed it 'The Cockmobile'.
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