May I ask why you feel sorry for the children I teach? I happen to be an excellent teacher and the pupils that are in my care enjoy being in my class. You have no basis for such a flippant comment - exactly the reason people disliked you post in the first post.
I feel sorry for the kids in your class due to the way you have came across in this thread- aggressive and and bullheaded.
Lay off the Buckfast, it may ease your mood
Ah, I'm Scottish - I must drink Buckfast...good old stereotyping is alive and well...and you feel sorry for the kids I teach? On that note, you needn't worry as my pupils don't frequent this forum. Regardless of this point, to say that I have been bullheaded and aggressive is absolute nonsense. You started ripped on the OP for no apparent reason - but that will be because the web is a nice safe place for you to troll on people after all those years of being bullied at school.