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Everything posted by Cragus

  1. Love the look - kinda similar to how I want my zed to end up looking! Do my eyes decieve me though? Black with polished rim on the front but not that back.
  2. I want them. Dibs if they havent been taken.
  3. I might be interested? You got any pictures mate?
  4. Hope your not selling all your lights paul
  5. I would be interested to find out about the quality of coops cover, as with the numbers we have already there would be a twenty pound saving and with a few more people it gets even cheaper. As long as the quality is equal.
  6. Cragus

    Black Handles

    Looks smart! Especially like your wheels - did you put the red lip on after buying the wheels or buy them like that?
  7. Any chance we can see pictures? I know that Scott from here has taken over this group buy mate, but his price is £80 no matter how big the numbers? Some people may be swayed if we can get 20 here because that price is a good saving!!! There is already 13 on the list in the other group buy so cost is down to £60 straight away
  8. Clears it up in my mind.... If i would be spitting fire if I were you coops. Big losses for you but you have did the right thing and everyone here will support you, I am sure!
  9. Are they new mate? Or are is them on the car and you want rid of them?
  10. Ah, thought something didnt look quite right.
  11. http://london.craigslist.co.uk/pts/1386498646.html I am no expert but is this not silly cheap for a twin turbo set up?
  12. Tried phoning you today about these Sarah. I will try again tomorrow!
  13. Could be one of a million things i imagine. Best bet would be to take it to a garage and pull the error codes off or buy a cheap handheld diagnostics off ebay, plug it in below the steering wheel then post the codes on here
  14. Thats the michael jackson of the zed world!!!
  15. Tasty..... I think I am going to have a very empty bank account
  16. Just think when the kid grows up though.........."You broke an arm. ppphhrttt. i was run over by a train - grrrrr"
  17. What must go through her head when it falls and she sees the train coming???? I think my heart would stop...
  18. A jet washer.....me no lokes the sound of that lol
  19. Whats the best way to clean you engine without getting Aggie and Kim over?
  20. The small ones will suprise you
  21. I might even buy you a wee present Irfan......if your nice to me when im in that dental chair!
  22. What about a polished plenum? Not fancy that?
  23. Thats pretty tidy Ian.....i have never seen the square shaped polished coolant bottle! Also like the black plenum - is that powdercoated or painted? Not sure about the timing cover- i think i prefer the carbon covers
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