There is a line that should be drawn with this. I dont think its bad or wrong for this type of thing to be done on the public road, but obviously there is a TIME AND A PLACE. For those of you that think this is wreckless driving - no its not, its just drifting. He has drifted pretty well in the video IMHO and is obviously in control of the car. Head over to driftworks if you want to meet some street drifters... they get up to this sort of thing every day. I've been to a few legit drift meets and everyone was talking about what they did on the streets in the week etc... they're different kind of people to on here.
...and can any one of you on here tell me that you've never exceeded the speed limit on any road? That is probably more dangerous than this
That said, he can see other traffic, so he should have stopped.
Lastly, i would never dream of doing this in my zed, and i've never done it in my drift car or my current shitbox. I stick to closed car parks at night.
For people saying its wreckless and dangerous
Cheers, un-biased, un-involved and educated.
Looks like you got caught up in the spam cloud!! Why post once and have your say when you can post 300 times!
Neo Ninja, there is no implying that the car was written off, it WAS written off! The guy obviously ran out of talent!
Chav DK wannabe springs to mind!