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Everything posted by Cragus

  1. My zed is a GT, December registered 56 plate so has just turned three years old and flew though its first MOT. It has done around 26k miles and is immaculate condition. They offered me....... - £11, 595. Go and touch yourself!
  2. yes mate, i'm secondary tech, and i do feel your pain, my wife teaches year 1 reception. we're both working, and do most nights average joe bloggs don't realise the hours that go in to teaching My girlfriend is a primary teacher also. What grills me is when people say aye, teaching must be great! Go in at 9 and out at 3 and all those holidays. I feel like exploding! I, and I am sure its the same for you, work more hours than most of my friends (getting paid no overtime) and as for the holidays, yeah they are good but they also have drawbacks such as being the most expensive times of year to go anywhere
  3. I felt that was going to come....
  4. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/footba ... -zone.html Results are in - banned for 4 months and a £1000 fine which his lawyer asked for 21 days to pay. He is on 100k a per week. He has appealed though so its not completely over....
  5. At least your secondary mate! I am a primary teacher - feel my pain! Your a tech teacher are you not?
  6. Tooble is the business - isn't it! I have it set up so that it send the video clips to my music folder i think - not itunes. I am sure you should now be able to go to the insert menu on powerpoint and select video clip from movies and sounds- then go choose the file - no?
  7. I got four new RE050s fitted for about £600 pounds....if you are only buying two though you might expect to pay a little more Good luck
  8. What about changing gear then? Are we out of control then......next time I see cops on their radio/phones, il be taking some pics!
  9. Yeah, guys! Been a huge fan since a young age....my older cousin introduced me to motorcycle emptiness and I went from there. Seen them around a dozen times since and also followed James Dean Bradfields solo album! I will get some pictures up for sure.....they will be good...if you have never been to King tuts then you will know its not much bigger than my living room!
  10. Hey bud, Download the video using the URL - there is a free and great program called tooble to do this. I am rubbish with tech related stuff and even I can use it. SHould be easier to include in your presentation then Or if you don't want it in your powerpoint you can stick it on a pen drive or cd or whatever Let us know how you get on
  11. I thought that was burger king! Hope they sort you out mate - they ain't short a buck or few so sure they will.
  12. ....and thats why you don't let the wife drive the zed! Just kidding bud...at least nobody was hurt and now you have a good excuse to get a nismo bumper
  13. You couold wait two years and get one even cheaper but miss out on two years of ownership.....its all relative. If you see the car that is in a good condition and this price is right get it! Good luck!
  14. I thought you had decided to keep it!?! It's because your running out of things to change on it - isn't it! Whats next? For anyone looking for a unique zed with top parts and looks I can certainly vouch for this car! It's the nicest zed I have seen. Good luck with the sale Paul!
  15. Just paid £206 for Manic Street Preachers gig for 300 people in King tut Wah Wah Hut. Been a fan as long as I can remember and have never seen them in a venue this small. Had a small army of people trying to get them for me on phone and net as soon as they were released but with no luck. Ah well.....it's only money ! Better be a good gig!
  16. I think this will be a marmite topic for people! I am not for cars trying to be something there not but I have to say I love the aggressive look that this bumper gives the 350z! If the product was of a decent quality I wouldn't rule it out.
  17. Anyone see the boy on the news tonight who was charged by the police for sneezing? http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scott ... -22000682/ Really....come on to ****!
  18. Call bullshit on her! Failing that, I am sure special delivery insures whatever you are sending....but it would be on you to prove they damaged it I imagine. You stil have the pics from lilsting it also? Simples! Couldnt resist...
  19. Cragus


    I didn't have her number (wouldn't of wanted it either - she was huge) Left her reg plate and my details with note saying what had happened. I would hope that someone to do the same with me but i tend to park so far away that people are too lazy to park near me and walk for 60 secs to the shop door.
  20. I have ordered a few things off Envy - nothing as major as the poster - but been more than happy with the service they have provided! Like other people have said though, its good to hear a range of peoples experiences and in this instance even though it is one of our friendly traders, it doesn't sound like the best service. This is nothing against Gaz, Sarah and crew because any times I have spoke with them they have been very helpful and friendly. I hope the parties can come to an amicable agreement to resolve the problems.
  21. Cragus


    Sorry to hear that mate! I parked in a supermarket carpark the other day and was heading into the shop. A young girl swung open the door of her 206 and wedged it against a merc! She couldn't close her door as she had opened so hard that it was actually stuck - she had to rock the merc with her arse to free her door. I stood and watched thinking fair play - stupid but she didn't mean it and will leave a note! Instead she walked off with her two mates laughing about it. So I did her a favour and left a note for her on the persons car.
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