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Everything posted by Cragus

  1. No it doesn't. You can't do the break test on them at MOTs but you can do a power run with no problems I stand corrected.....don't brake test
  2. Also, dont put the zed on a rolling road as it messes the LSD i believe
  3. Yeah ....its not bad, not quite in the same league as mine though! Your team are doing well tonight - got it on in the background while I am working. I will need to stop in and see you soon and get those appointments made to finish my gub off!
  4. It is yellow my friend - what makes you ask that? Did she pull an illegal manouvre on you or smoke you at the the lights?
  5. Haha, Looking through my old posts and found this - now is your chance Irfan
  6. Is your Z a UK spec? Question for all the people who know, does the Z always throw an error light for everything? IE engine temp sensor for the ECU, or out of calibration for the UK lambdas? Interesting to see all this talk of fuel consumption, guess it goes to show that some can discuss the subject My car is a December registered 56 plate so just turned three years old and its a UK spec GT. Flew through its MOT and has full nissan service. I have reset the monitor several times and I keep getting back to that magic 19mpg. do you mainly do short journeys? i'm only getting about 20mpg at the moment as i'm running rich and only doing short trips of 4 miles each way per day Yeah, predominately to school and back during the week! Probably why I guess. I'm going to fill up and test it next time I go a long trip.
  7. He is not sure if they are eibach spacers carl. I PMed and asked and dibs a while back. Taken them in the hope they are!
  8. Write properly now Irfan! I think the lesson we all need to learn here is look in our mirrors for police!
  9. Is your Z a UK spec? Question for all the people who know, does the Z always throw an error light for everything? IE engine temp sensor for the ECU, or out of calibration for the UK lambdas? Interesting to see all this talk of fuel consumption, guess it goes to show that some can discuss the subject My car is a December registered 56 plate so just turned three years old and its a UK spec GT. Flew through its MOT and has full nissan service. I have reset the monitor several times and I keep getting back to that magic 19mpg.
  10. This happened to me after not driving my car in the summer for a couple of weeks when was on holiday. Was really annoying as the drive became quite a jerky one. I put in a can of redex (but stronger) type liquid in my tank when running a quarter tank of petrol and did a ferocious bit of motorway driving which seems to iron this little issue up for me. Don't know how or why but it worked! Never had a problem since.
  11. I like how he revs the smart car in response when the girl comes up
  12. Probably a repost but I had never seen it!
  13. An ax demonstrating the very latest in ESP/ABS/VSC and traction control...
  14. I can't get my car to do more than 19.2 mpg. I certainly don't thrash my z either. WHats going on.
  15. Nope? why would you ask that?? My dad was a bus driver a taxi driver and a waggon driver lol... Because of the nickname smudge and where you live. Was a long shot but my dad was in the forces and saw your nickname and thought perhaps you were the son of someone he worked with years ago.
  16. I am guessing thats a no then. Royal Army Medical Corps
  17. Brilliant mate! Your dad wasn't in the RAMC, was/is he?
  18. Whats that then? Two packets of minstrels, a curly wurly and a packet of crisps!
  19. I agree with everything you say - i run two after school clubs, a health commitee and am part of three working parties this year. I also attend several evening and weekend events throughout the year as well as CPD courses and parent evenings etc. This is all on top of long and short term planning for my class,preparing resources, the teaching during the week and all the marking goes with it. I also work at the very least half a day per weekend and often in my holidays! I do enjoy teaching but I sometimes wish I had went into a profession that pays better for the amount of effort you put in. I bust my balls in my job and I know I am a good teacher (call me big headed if you like but I am) and I sometimes get peeved off. It perhaps wouldnt be as bad if the general public appreciated teachers - but they don't. And for the people who are giving the violin treatment.....come teach in a school for a week.
  20. I totally agree! They are paid far too much for kicking a ball about. In my opinion these wages fuel their egos to the point they think are god like (i.e. doing what they please with no consequences).
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