Is your Z a UK spec?
Question for all the people who know, does the Z always throw an error light for everything? IE engine temp sensor for the ECU, or
out of calibration for the UK lambdas?
Interesting to see all this talk of fuel consumption, guess it goes to show that some can discuss the subject
My car is a December registered 56 plate so just turned three years old and its a UK spec GT. Flew through its MOT and has full nissan service. I have reset the monitor several times and I keep getting back to that magic 19mpg.
do you mainly do short journeys?
i'm only getting about 20mpg at the moment as i'm running rich and only doing short trips of 4 miles each way per day
Yeah, predominately to school and back during the week! Probably why I guess. I'm going to fill up and test it next time I go a long trip.