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Everything posted by Cragus

  1. I know this was on a while ago but I can't get enough of it - cracks me up ever time! Have a watch if you didn't catch it!
  2. Well I look at the first photo, the video 'cool guys don't look at explosions' jumps in my mind. Don't ask me why.... Anyway Bonjour!
  3. Have to agree - all top blokes and blokette (Sarah )
  4. Thats too much power for a boy like you
  5. These not gone yet Paul? .......you know when you have been bumped!
  6. Feel for you mate...really do! Any garages available near or attached to your flat?
  7. I am sure I have seen pictures of you next to you zed wearing the same thing Paul
  8. Hey Craig, ZMANALEX is from perth but hopefully he could help out! I got my car scratched and tommy k badge stole last week and though I was bad off. Sounds like you got it worse off! Do you know who the wee cocks are? You ok - no lasting injury I hope! Puts you off having a nice motor. When scummy neds who we paid to keep alive through benefits get jealous and decided to wreck the things you work hard for. Chin up mate ad hopefully see you at a meet soon
  9. Red Bull F1 team - mighty interesting? What do you do? Don't say tea boy!
  10. Can't complain - he did a great job on mine. Like a glove!
  11. Did he look like this?
  12. Envy! Trader on here - contact ChilliRed aka Sarah. Gaz walker will also supply them!
  13. Ooooh.... I like them both. Think the colour coded could have the edge though!
  14. Does it have the red ring of death.......nope, thats just your wheels Good price mate - I am sure it will go quick!
  15. just PM him and under cut the person in front, seems to work well, that way you can jump in front and screw everyone else Sorry this may be my bad, I PM'd about the carbon pieces and saw the bonnet dampers, I just added it to the same PM and asked for everything together. Happy to have them posted to you if you want to pay me the price as I have already paid for them. I didn't post on the actual for sale thread, not sure who was first so happy to stand down. I know it shouldn't of happened going on forum rules, but thumbs up for offering to do the reasonable thing!
  16. WTF Did someone say something? This is quite harsh..........the rule of dibs is a sacred tradition to be adhered to when selling all things shiney........you must be invisible RT.
  17. just PM him and under cut the person in front, seems to work well, that way you can jump in front and screw everyone else Undercut the person in front? What offer less money and jump the queue Anyway, I am the person in that queue. Oh, wait a minute..........no I'm not. SOLD to the man with the big cheeser! <----thats me by the way!
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