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Everything posted by Cragus

  1. AMUSE TITANIUM!!!!!!!!!! :drool: we need a drool icon
  2. OooOooOo....Part exchange - didn't know you offered such a service
  3. Are they supplied primed in that black colour?
  4. 1. Stew 2. JT1703 ( John ) 3. Jay 4. TT350z ( Kenny ) 5. Paulie 6. Vik54 7. Jacr87 (Jason) 8. J80 MOY ( Jamie Moy ) 9. Neilp 10.Cragus (Craig)
  5. Sounds like a safer system - work you guys shouldnt have to do though! We appreciate it!
  6. Think carbon coops is looking at doing these - no idea what they look like or anything but may be worth getting in touch!
  7. Yeah you are right - departed was another as was gangs of new york! All great films! This was a winner though - equally as good as departed if not better!
  8. Went to see this at the cinema yesterday - best film I have seen in a fair while. Its the new Martin Scorsese film with Leonardo DiCaprio taking the lead role. If you are heading to the cinema give it a try!
  9. Sounds like you have been hit with all the common faults! Most of them are easily ironed out though.....
  10. Hi mate - have to agree with Marzman. Common issue - rear clicking Axle. I am sure ZMANALEX on here offers a kit to repair it
  11. As far as the 'why have you done a HOW TO on applying a decal' comment I think you have to appreciate that because you may have experience using them some people may be unsure. I had never used them until I put brembo decals on my painted calipers Yeah they are pretty straight forward but whats the harm of having a how to for people who are not familiar. Changing brake pads is a walk in the park for some people while for some its not. All I am saying is the poster has took a little time to try and contribute to the site and hes being shot down - for what reason I am not quite sure.. As for putting the nismo decal on - i think its a nice touch and know plenty of people on here who have did it - if you have nismo products whats the biggie. Just my 2p.
  12. Now we are talking! Love it! I owe you big time!
  13. Thanks I'm just happy your willing to change it - I would of had a more difficult time trying to get the headteacher to change the name of the school to suit the logo
  14. Emailed you back mate! The C in COllbrae should read Tollbrae I am really impressed - considering how bad the qualiy was before also! And I was expecting it back in days- not a nights turnaround! Really pleased!
  15. Thanks Marzman - its not the best quality being off a t-shirt but its certainly bigger! Really appreciate you trying for me! Gotta live the community spirit on this forum!
  16. No you cheeky bampot! I will audition for a part if your paying good money though!
  17. This is a bit of a strange request but hoping someone has the skills to help me out! The children in my primary school are putting on the production of joseph this year. We would like to use this logo on the big screens at the start and on our tickets etc The thing is we would like to change the word 'Joseph' to 'Tollbrae'. That is the name of our school if you are interested. I have scanned the image of a t-shirt so its not the best quality. If there is anyone out there who could clean the image up a little and change the writing at the bottom while keeping it similar to the style it is I would be eternally grateful. P.S. I can send a larger version of this image if it would help!
  18. I like the tennis sketch with Andy Murray - the ice sculpture bit is top! Also slagging Freddy knee - looked alright in that advert last week - kapow!
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