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Everything posted by Cragus

  1. Cragus

    Where to go?

    I think Bell might be ok for young people
  2. I upgraded my brake discs recently as this was something my mod list. My OEM discs still have some life in them but perhaps not enough to justify postage costs etc. I was wondering if anyone has taken their old discs to a scrappies? Do they hold any value as scrap metal as there is some weight in them.
  3. Welcome - got to say I love a girl that mods cars! Welcome to the club - this is a good place to be as a z owner but try not to sign on too much as you bank balance quickly depletes. Nice green calipers - I was considering yellow when doing mine but ended up: RED
  4. I am considering the scorpion. Wanted the nismo but from the few clips I have heard, I dont think it loud enough - maybe I could be corrected on hearing it in the flesh. Don't want K1 loud but want a bit of a grunt
  5. Maybe worth discussing your concerns with Alex since you have now spoke to a rep. I am sure Alex will be able to answer any questions and put your mind at rest. I know alot of people have this combo and I don't think there have been any problems. A bit more noise at idle I believe but other than that
  6. I am sure this is the two items ZMANALEX recommends when replacing clutch/flywheel He is the man in the know - contact him and I am sure he will be able to advise you!
  7. Don't blame you at all mate - they don't deserve to get away with it! Especially when they are still trying to screw people! I am in the same position with this Eddz350... https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk/csmco2/index.jsp If you have an address and name, report them though this. Will cost you £25 but that gets added to the amount they owe you. Hope this helps
  8. You should of said - I have just sold practically brand new front and rear Ferodo DS2500s. What discs you thinking of going for? Can they not hold out until the 370z? Big money to spend if you are getting rid of her!
  9. Cragus

    pop charger

    Postage order off Chilli or Gaz on here would be my first stop I will PM someone to give you a PM
  10. Sorry to hear this mate!!!!!! Know exactly how you must be feeling! Its a major kick to the balls!
  11. Cragus

    pop charger

    I was thinking of taking my off to replace with the standard air box again with drop in panel or something a bit more blingy! Can't make my mind up...... If you are keen for one though I would bite the bullet and just buy one.....brand new they are about £120 now I think - 2nd hand they will go for at least £80 from what I have seen
  12. I reckon that sounds a little high but again I think it depends on where you live and sometimes if you have a past relationship with the garage.
  13. Congratulations mate! Can't wait to see the pictures! The ring can't be too bad - its the ball that attached to it causing you problems
  14. +1 Maybe bonnet bulge but keep it yellow me thinks.
  15. Cragus

    350z == dead

    Sorry to hear this mate! At least both parties are ok! You have any ideas about what you fancy next? The 370z roadster is
  16. Average of three prices to provide to the astra owner - I am with you
  17. Agree or buy one off here - there are quite a few floating around
  18. I'm going today Put me in the mood for one - like I need an excuse
  19. Looks great - I live just down the road from you! What sort of price does he charge and does he come to your door to do it?
  20. People sell them on ebay too You might find what your after there!
  21. You are always going to be one sticker away - thats how it goes I have won two big macs, an apple pie, a donut and about 20 Oatso porridges though!
  22. Pault is your man if your looking for something a little bit special in the light department. If you look in his posts you can see examples of his work - Dreamcustomz
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