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Everything posted by Cragus

  1. I know mate but there are motor heads of all sorts on here! It is a MkII Cossie 2WD rally car.
  2. Hello all, Just a little bit of advice from those of you in the know. Will this B&M short shifter fit a Glebe T5 Dog Box? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/B-M-PRECISION ... _894wt_972 Thanks in advance, Craig
  3. I hope the chimp hunts them all down predator style!
  4. I can confirm I paid £400 off A1 Jap spares and sold these on to fxn for £400. Think this is a more than fair price for your seats mate!
  5. Anyone? THis is really frustrating me!
  6. Usually I can get these things but I have tried all the usual things to no avail!
  7. Hello all, I am looking to download this video about Oscar Pistorious to show my class at some point as they are learning about the Paralympics. I am using a macbook pro - does anybody know how I might be able to download it as the school filters block it. Thanks in advance! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HitTOg8brBI
  8. First time I have caught this thread! You are truly mental - I would absolutely love to do something like this. Maybe when you write up a thread on completion giving us the final details, it will inspire me enough to man up and do it. .....or if not, give me something to read while I slob about and drink more beer.
  9. True that! http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6dhe7Dndt1qgfcwwo1_500.jpg
  10. That was me putting it through as a new quote - when I phoned they said they could drop it to £440 - I just laughed.. Found another company who will do it for £280 which is still pricy for what it is!
  11. I don't get insurance companies. With Admiral, For my modified zed and my peugeot 306 shed (1.9 turbo diesel) I was £600 all in. I am due to renew this month. My renewal quote is £470. Get this though - this is to insure my new shed only which is a 2005 VW Golf SDI (75BHP and insurance group 4) ONLY. I have sold the zed and got shot of the peugeot. How can I go from £600 for 2 cars - a turbo diesel and modified zed to one non turbo diesel and only drop £130 off my premium? No claims - 11 years Driving experience - 13 years Points - one SP30 No accidents or claims When I phoned the guy was like there are lots of factors that affect price change. I said well: - I am only insuring one car now. - It is lower than both previous cars insurance groups. - I have one years more no claims. - It is a low powered relatively low value car - no accidents or points since last renewal What factor is making my premium so expensive. I will not be renewing with Admiral this year!
  12. Polished tanks still available
  13. All I know is those wheel are the mutts nuts!
  14. I like this guy Down to earth - says things as he thinks them!
  15. Actually looks quite good - although as already said not a fan of replicas. If you want one, buy one. If you can't afford it buy something else.
  16. Fantastic car and fantastic price, especially with the plate and spare Rays etc! Didn't see this coming. GLWTS!!!!
  17. Abbey are very knowledgable and good guys, no doubt.......... Nobody has questioned your logic. However, the OP was advised to phone Abbey for some advice. In your own words Abbey are 'knowledgeable and good guys' and I am sure their business is profitable enough without having to stiff someone into buying a relatively cheap part. Furthermore, at no point did the OP indicate that he intended to buy from or Abbey or use them to fit the part. What I basically trying to say is the advice offered by you, while prudent in most situations, holds no real............actually, why do I even bother? C0ck.
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