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CK@Chris Knott Insurance

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Everything posted by CK@Chris Knott Insurance

  1. Thanks for your business davedutch. It genuinely is appreciated. It's crazy, we've already reached 33% of December's target on the second day of the month! Other members should call us if they're due this month - we've clearly got great rates at the moment. best, Nick
  2. Hi davedutch, there'll be loads more info required in order to quote. Please could you supply a daytime phone number and we'll give you a call. best, Nick
  3. WIN TICKETS FOR 2016 MOTOGP with CHRIS KNOTT INSURANCE Hi, Get a quote from Chris Knott Insurance in December and you'll be in with a chance of winning a great prize. Just for requesting a quote on a car we don't yet insure you'll automatically be entered into our prize draw where you could WIN A 2016 MOTOGP SILVERSTONE, THREE-DAY TICKET FOR TWO. PRIZE DETAILS Enjoy access to Silverstone from Friday 2 September to Sunday 4 September 2016 and be part of all the exhilarating action of the prestigious MotoGP™ weekend event. Get off the sofa, don’t miss a moment and take a fellow fan along for the experience, with general admission tickets for two covering the exciting Practice, the spectacular Qualifying and of course the thrilling Race Day. MotoGP™ is the world championship of motorcycle racing, and there’s no better place to see it than trackside at Silverstone, the home of British motorsport. With three days' admission to the circuit you’ll enjoy the full experience that’s on offer, which includes the off-track entertainment as well as lots of bars and shops and the Moto2 and Moto3 events that are also taking place across the weekend. Perfect for any fans of the super-fast two-wheeled sport, this experience is made for sharing. Soak up the terrific atmosphere, sights and sounds during a full schedule of racing action across three days of unmissable motorcycling. HOW TO ENTER All you need to do is call us on 0800 917 2274 during December for a genuine car insurance quote. We'll be aiming to make you a winner by finding you a better car insurance deal but you'll also gain entry to this special Chris Knott Insurance December Prize Draw. In addition to great prices (and prizes) the Chris Knott Car Insurance scheme offers forum members first-class personal attention from fully-trained car insurance experts who understand both standard and modified cars. When you arrange your car insurance through Chris Knott you also benefit from all the ongoing support you need. Pick up the phone today and we can quote you for policies due in the next 30 days. best, Nick ************************************************ TESTIMONIALS Yet more feedback about our special scheme for car club/forum members: "I've been with XXXXXX XXXX for a few years now but decided to give Chris Knott a try this year. With exactly the same policy and company I was previously with they were immediately 10% cheaper on a £450 policy. I rang my broker to cancel my renewal and got the usual "we'll try and get a better price" and knocked a further £60 off the same policy... I decided I was still going to change, so rang back to Chris Knott to sort out. When I spoke to them again to say go ahead they had another look and came up with an even better quote, different company but same, if not better, specifications and saved me another £70. So overall I've saved myself £100 on my renewal quote, that's a great saving on the original £450. What more can you say !!! Well done." stokey1964, VWAudiForum "Already with you guys and would highly recommend you." cache, CivInfo "Have got both cars (Nissan 100NX and Octavia Scout) insured with Chris Knott for the same as just the Scout last year." RainbowFire, Briskoda
  4. UPDATE: New prices, even more competitive. Hi, If you're wanting to arrange GAP Insurance on a new car purchase I have some good news for you. Chris Knott GAP has always offered great value for money but while adjusting the prices for the new insurance tax rate we've revised the vehicle value brackets further to make it even more competitive for you. We know we'll beat many of the alternative providers out there, especially the car dealers who are generally overpriced and not even insurance people. Please give us a call on 0800 917 2274 or use our online GAP facility to get a quote & buy - Chris Knott's RTI & Finance GAP. best, Nick RECENT GAP TESTIMONIALS: "Just took up this (GAP) with Andy when we bought our new Toyota GT86. £151 to cover a £29k car. This is combined cover to clear any finance and most importantly, pay the difference between the insurance settlement and the initial invoice price. Dealer wanted over £400! They also provided regular insurance cover for her new car. Again, really competitive prices and I know from experience that the cover, should the worst happen, is excellent." Squadrone Rosso, Alfa Romeo Owners Club UK "I've used Chris Knott for a few years as a direct result of seeing them on here. They do great value GAP insurance too." dagdave, CMax OC "FYI guys - just got a very competitive quote for car insurance and GAP insurance on [my car] from a lovely lady at Chris Knott. Worth checking out!" mjogreen, DS3Club
  5. According to the British Insurance Premium Index, car insurance premiums have again risen during the third quarter of 2015 - this time by 4.8%. The index quote has increased to £569 (a rise of nearly £26 over the three months ending 30th September). I'm pleased to say that because we attract safer drivers, such as car enthusiasts like you, the Chris Knott average premium currently sits at £337, some £232 lower than the index. But it's not just cost savings that Chris Knott offers... We don't operate hard-sell tactics and our sales people are NOT on commission. Instead they're encouraged to offer top-quality personal service, good advice and all the ongoing support you need throughout your time with us. Your needs are put first and our car insurance experts will work hard on your behalf to find the policy that is most suitable for your requirements. You'll be treated fairly – the same way we’d expect to be treated ourselves. To ensure that you get a crystal-clear quote and the right price/cover combination, call us FREE at renewal so our highly-trained insurance experts can help. If you prefer to provide details online you can do so here - Chris Knott Online Quote Request - and we'll call you back. Chris Knott Benefits Summary • Competitive quotes • Personal contact • UK based staff • Impartial advice • Your needs put first • All the ongoing support you need • Qualified insurance experts • 30+ years' experience of looking after car club members • Multi-car discounts/Loyalty Rewards Simply call FREE on 0800 917 2274 (now also free from mobiles) and mention this forum to find out just how good Chris Knott Car Insurance could be for you. And, if you've had good service and prices from us, please leave feedback for others on here. Thanks. best, Nick
  6. WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT Very many congratulations to the winner of the Chris Knott Insurance prize draw for October. The prize of a Karcher K2 Pressure Washer was offered as an incentive to encourage car club/forum members to call us for a quote in October and I'm pleased to announce that it was won by Mr Stephen Brown, a member of the Z4Forum, whose name was selected at random from all those requesting quotes during October. It is not yet known whether Mr Brown will go ahead with the policy but that doesn't make any difference to the prize draw. YOUR CHANCE TO WIN NEXT If, as a member of this forum, your car insurance is due within the next 30 days or so you've now got a chance to WIN a £100 Amazon voucher yourself just for calling and requesting a genuine quote during November. QUOTELINE: 0800 917 2274 also FREE from mobiles ONLINE QUOTE REQUEST: Chris Knott Car Insurance Quote Request - we follow these up with a call back shortly after receiving the details. We look forward to helping you find a better deal (see our other posts about competitiveness) while offering a high level of personal service so you're supported throughout your time with us. best, Nick
  7. WIN £100 with Chris Knott Insurance in November... Continuing our monthly offers to encourage you to pick up the phone for a quote on a car we don't yet insure, this month we're offering a £100 Amazon Voucher to one lucky caller. Simply request a quote in November (for a policy starting in November or upto 30 days ahead) and we'll enter you for our prize draw. Think what you could buy on Amazon with your £100. You can spend it on yourself or maybe use it to purchase Christmas gifts for loved ones - offset the cost of Christmas. To request a quote, you should call us FREE on 0800 917 2274 and mention this forum. If you prefer, you can Request a Car Quote online. We look forward to helping you save money. Insurance Premium Tax - the tax you pay as part of your premium - increased on 1 Nov so you may see an increase in your renewal from your current provider. Remember, we're looking to beat your best alternative so give us a call when their figure comes in. We'll try to reduce your premium and we'll automatically enter you for the draw - just for calling. best, Nick PS. October's prize winner will be announced soon - someone's won a Karcher K2 Pressure Washer! ******************************* DOING THE BUSINESS FOR CAR CLUB MEMBERS... These club members have liked our service and our quotes recently: "I have just transferred my XFR insurance to Chris Knott to do. Admiral quoted me a whopping £661 for renewal and reduced it to £440 when I phoned them. Online the best I had was £380...including legal and Chris Knott beat it as an introductory offer. £368.50 - Great deal and great service. Thanks." griff, XFForum "Chris Knott actually gave me the most competitive quote this year, beating my renewal and quotes from all the other 'performance' insurers out there!! So I am now a Chris Knott customer! Thanks Chris Knott " Johnny 5, TypeAccord "I phoned Chris Knott today before I phoned my usual insurers. '54 beetle, 1776cc, fully comp, UK Recovery, agreed valuation, me the wife and my 24year old son. £160. Saved me at least £60." Baz54, VolksZone "Just insured my Sportage with CKI this year - they cut £645 off last year's price with another insurer, so I'm more than happy so far!" Therkim, KiaOC "Renewed through Chris Knott again this year. Got straight through to an advisor, as with the couple of calls I needed to make to them during the expiring policy. I'm now covered by an insurer I know has looked after relatives needing to make a claim, at the best price I could find from any provider. They have always been quick and helpful each time I've called, showing you can still get good quality service with competitive quotes." Rabbut, A1 Forum "All sorted and renewed. Awesome service as always!" Deacon, GT86/BRZ Drivers Club *******************************
  8. UPDATE: Discounted breakdown cover, PLUS you beat the tax man! Hi, You can now save even more money if you switch to Chris Knott UK Breakdown Cover before 1 Dec! On 1st November (yesterday), the Chancellor increased the amount of tax you have to pay as part of your insurance premiums. The good news is that we're continuing to offer our £5 discount on comprehensive breakdown cover until 1st December - normally £59.50 for a single vehicle - AND WE'RE ABSORBING THE TAX INCREASE TOO. Here's the link if you'd like to Request a Breakdown Cover Quote online (ignore the advertised price on that page!). Alternatively, please call us on 0800 917 2274 and follow the 'CAR' options. Cover includes: Homestart, Roadside Assistance, Recovery, Overnight Stay, Onward Travel, 24hr Hire Car, Relief Driver and Message Relay - and there are NO 'age of vehicle' restrictions. The nearest equivalent cover with the AA costs £155 and the RAC £124. Get your cover today - you'll benefit from this limited-time offer of a price-freeze PLUS our extra £5 discount. Arrange cover now before the winter kicks in, before the tax increase and to benefit from the extra discount - call us FREE on 0800 917 2274 or visit https://www.chrisknott.co.uk/rescue to purchase online. Ignore the advertised price at the top of the web page - your discount will be applied to your quote and you'll still pay just £54.50 for a single vehicle. Get in before the price MUST increase on 1 Dec. best, Nick PS. Multi-car breakdown cover is also available - receive the price-freeze and the discount on this too. Phone us on 0800 917 2274 (all calls are FREE, even from mobiles) or complete a quote and buy online - Multi-car UK Breakdown Cover.
  9. Did you claim under your policy for repairs, etc following the incident or is it just third party damage that might surface?
  10. Don't forget to call Chris Knott if your car insurance renewal is due soon. We'll place all quotes offered in October into our prize draw to WIN a Karcher K2 Pressure Washer. There's another draw in the pipeline for next month too and quotes last for about 30 days. Of course we want to save you money but our UK based staff also offer a high level of personal service, independent advice, access to a range of hand selected insurers who love car enthusiast business and all the ongoing support you need throughout your time with us. Please call us if your car insurance is due shortly and we'll show you why Chris Knott is trusted by around 200 car clubs and forums for both standard and modified cars. QUOTELINE: 0800 917 2274 (FREE FROM MOBILES TOO) or request a callback at http://www.chrisknott.co.uk/CarQuote/ Best, Nick Here's what car enthusiasts have said about us in the last few days: "FYI guys - just got a very competitive quote for car insurance and GAP insurance on the ultra prestige [model] from a lovely lady at Chris Knott. Worth checking out!" mjogreen, DS3Club "Just renewed for the second year, very happy with the renewal quote " deni.babe, Civinfo "Got a good quote which was about £30 cheaper so happy with that, just need to wait a couple of weeks to actually start the policy." bkwhoper, DS3Club
  11. Apologies to those without Facebook accounts for the non-functioning links. They still haven't sorted it so here's a link to the winning image on our website for those who couldn't get the above link to work - José De Bardi's Audi S1.
  12. Yes indeed and yours was a great shot. I think next time we might actually run a 'cars at sunset' theme and you can enter again.
  13. Hi folks, we've settled on our winning image for the 2015 Chris Knott Virtual Show & Shine. Congratulations to José De Bardi for the shot of his Audi S1. We liked the way the car is the main focus but it leads you into the summer landscape. We'll be contacting him to arrange delivery of his £100 Amazon Voucher shortly. Well done to all who entered this year - there were some really good images on display. Here's a reminder of the Top 20 entries - apparently you don't need a Facebook account to view them. And here's a link to José's pic on our Facebook page - WINNING SHOT. If you like competitions, please remember that if you ask Chris Knotts for a car quote this month you'll be entered for our draw to WIN a Karcher K2 Pressure Washer (including car attachments). QUOTELINE: 0800 917 2274 (free even from mobiles) - to receive the full benefit please mention this forum when you call. best, Nick
  14. WINNER Announcement Hi, We're really pleased to announce the winner of our September prize draw, chosen at random from among all the car club and forum members who ASKED CHRIS KNOTT FOR A QUOTE during the month. A member of R32 Owners Club, Jaspal Riat from Feltham, wins £150 mods/parts/accessories of his choice. When we spoke to him he was over the moon (just don't forget to tell us which mods you've added Jaspal ) October's prize is a Karcher K2 Car Pressure Washer so please give us a call for a quote if your car insurance is due soon to be in with a chance of winning this month's draw. QUOTELINE: 0800 917 2274 (also free for mobiles) Just this morning I heard from our Motor New Business Supervisor that we have already reached 25% of our October premium target in just the first 2 and a half days of the month, so we clearly have great rates for car club/forum members. Give us a go in the mix and see how much you could save through the Chris Knott Insurance scheme. We know we can't beat everyone's best quote but we'll do it for as many of you as we can. We're enthusiastic about helping enthusiasts. Please call us on 0800 917 2274 for a comparative quote when your renewal hits the mat. The call is free (even from mobiles) and there's a good chance that we'll be your best option this year. best, Nick PS. We'll be announcing the winner of the Chris Knott Virtual Show & Shine 2015 this week. Twenty finalists have been notified and pics of their cars are available to view at http://on.fb.me/1PeCQA3 if you want to check them out.
  15. Our 'Awesome Autumn' Offer - £5 OFF UK Breakdown Cover Chris Knott Breakdown Cover normally costs £59.50 for a single vehicle and there are extra discounts for covering multiple vehicles. However, to help members as we enter the misty mornings and cooler days of Autumn, we're offering £5 OFF these rates until further notice. You can arrange cover by calling FREE on 0800 917 2274 or you can use our 'quote and buy' facility online at https://www.chrisknott.co.uk/rescue - this seasonal discount is added once you've entered your quote details. Cover really is comprehensive - you'll benefit from all of the following: • HomeStart - to help you begin your journey when your car won’t start • UK Roadside Assistance - to get you back on the road • UK Recovery - to take you and your car back home or to a local repairer • Onward Travel - to take you and your car to your original destination • Overnight Stay - to help you continue your journey the following day • 24hr Hire Car - to get you home or to help you continue your journey • Relief Driver - to get you home if the driver is taken ill • Message Relay - to let loved ones or colleagues know you’ll be late In addition you'll be covered for eventualities such as flat batteries, lost or broken keys, accidental damage to tyres and running out of fuel. With an average call out time of just 35 minutes you'll be glad you're not left stranded like those who don't arrange cover before the really cold weather sets in. So, either call Chris Knott Breakdown FREE on 0800 917 2274 or use our online 'quote and buy' facility at https://www.chrisknott.co.uk/rescue for competitively priced UK Breakdown Cover.
  16. WIN a Karcher Pressure Washer with Chris Knott this October!! Get a quote from Chris Knott Insurance's special car insurance scheme in October and we'll enter you into our draw to WIN a Karcher K2 Car Pressure Washer. It comes with all the car attachments so you can keep your pride and joy in tip-top condition. Either call us FREE on 0800 917 2274 or request a callback using our online form at http://www.chrisknott.co.uk/CarQuote - all calls to the Chris Knott Quoteline are free even from mobiles. When we quote you a price, that'll trigger your automatic entry into the draw. Simple as that. This draw is for new policies only and doesn't include Chris Knott renewals - you have your own year-round benefits. Genuine quotes only please - we will ask the winner for proof of their due date just to confirm they are eligible. Whether you win the main prize or not maybe you'll be saying what this satisfied car club member said: "Thanks for insuring me with such a great quote, I purchased there and then! Nearly £200 cheaper than my renewal!" dolphinfriendly, JagInfo PS. We'll be announcing the winner of September's prize shortly. Someone has won £150 mods/car parts/accessories of their choice and we'll be letting them know early next week. And there's the Virtual Show & Shine Competition which has now closed on our social media pages. The winner of this Summer's competition will be selected tomorrow and they'll receive a £100 Amazon Voucher. We hope you'll agree that we offer more than just boring old car insurance. Give us a call and see how much you could save and maybe you'll win this month's prize. ************************************************* MORE HAPPY CAR CLUB/FORUM MEMBERS Feedback received about the Chris Knott scheme in the last week or so: "Big thanks to Chris Knott - spoke to Kathy was a lovely person knew what she was talking about and an excellent quote of £350 for me Many Thanks." Ash1990, FiestaSTOC "Wow just got a quote from Chris Knott beaten everyone else and then some. One very happy soon to be new customer. Highly highly recommend giving them a call." Triggerboos, VWAudi Forum "Got my documents thankyou and thankyou for making it really easy, Cathy. Declared mods and you beat my previous insurer by over £100, £250 if you add the mods on." Shel, Hyundai Coupe "Must say, I spoke to Rebecca today who was very helpful, not only did she match my already very good quote from Admiral, she actually beat it by about £60 with all my modifications properly declared. Definitely worth the move to Chris Knotts, it was nice saying my car has a remap without trying to explain to an Indian that a remap is not a suspension change, nor is it a chip that goes on the side of the engine. Will be ringing up to confirm in the next few days." Alex121, Volvo Forums "All mods declared and got a lovely quote of £300 today! Lovely stuff! Beat Sheila's Wheels by £12, but it's still about £140 less than my Swift Cover renewal. I prefer having my insurance with a modified car insurer anyway. Happy days!" JaceMindu, Hyundai Coupe OC "I have just renewed my EP3 cover with yourselves and my Mrs has just swapped her FN2 cover to you as well. Very happy with the service. She is only 26 and saved over £200 with yourselves so can't argue with that." al_typeR, Type R Owners *************************************************
  17. UPDATE: a note about competitiveness Looking at the YTD figures Chris Knott Insurance has won 38% of all new quotes offered during 2015. That's really good and means we're frequently beating the best rate that members can find anywhere else. And, if you thought that was just a ploy to attract new clients and then hike the rates in year 2, you'd be wrong - we keep 82% of policies at renewal. This is because we try to offer consistent pricing (as long as there have been no claims or other changes during the year). We're all about trust and long-term relationships, not wildly fluctuating quotes. Please give us a call if your insurance is due soon and we'll do all we can to find you the best deal - sometimes that involves using your best alternative quote to negotiate with the insurers who are vying for your business. To find out how much you could save with Chris Knott you should call 0800 917 2274 (now FREE for mobile phones too). If you call before the end of September we'll also enter you for our current prize draw to win £150 mods/parts/accessories of your choice - see our other posts for details. best, Nick ********************** TESTIMONIALS Feedback about Chris Knott's prices and service, gathered in just the last week... "Just wanted to give a shout out to all the people at Chris Knotts, not only did they beat my renewal quote but also improved on the offerings, and that was including the fact my previous best had an extra 10% off for my dashcam! Top knotch service and an unbeatable price, thanks guys and gals!" spikedog, MPS Owners "Well after the hunting and chatting to a few folk, then receiving my renewal quote from Sheila's Wheels which has mysteriously jumped up £100 without any mods declared. I called Chris Knott. Had a chat with the lovely Cathy and taking into consideration the mods that have and are being done got a quote of £200 less than Sheila's who were very concerned about the mods and really did not really understand the mod issue. Hastings jumped dramatically when I mentioned the mods especially the uprated front brakes going on next month so I dropped them out. All in all I have a much better policy, declared mods, better excess and other addon's for £440. Which when you consider my Coupe is parked on a London residential street at home is not bad." Shel, Hyundai Coupe OC "Just changed my car and had a pleasant and effortless time on the phone doing it. As I spoke the lady was simultaneously emailing my new documents over. Premium should have gone up a bit but no charge, swapped my GAP insurance over to my new car as it had over two years to go and all for a modest £15 admin fee. Got off the phone with all new document printing out of my printer and a smile on my face as I was braced for spending out £100 or so. Highly recommend." dagdave, CMax OC "I'm with Chris Knotts myself now since there's a fair chunk of mods on the car these days. Think it was Cathy I spoke to as well when I called, pleasant and no faffing around Well, no faffing at their end, I called back about 3-4x as kept remembering more mods." Lexo, Hyundai Coupe OC "You beat my previous insurer by £200 with the modifications declared and so easy to deal with. Many thanks." Sherri Joyce, Facebook "ALSO a HUGE thanks once again from me! Did a shop around with another company, they sent me [their] quote cheaper, Knott were sent this quote and matched (even beat it by £20), so this is the FIRST TIME in over 16+ yrs of driving I've ever paid for a policy in one go! Very happy again. Cheers guys." vwnutant, UKPassats "Rang you up today and you beat my best quote so I insured through you. Thanks." Outofthi5world, Briskoda **********************
  18. Don't forget to ask us for a quote if your car insurance is due soon. If you obtain a quote during September you'll be entered into the Chris Knott draw to WIN mods/parts/accessories OF YOUR CHOICE upto the value of £150 (obtained through Euro Car Parts). Kim, Ian, Kathy, Rebecca and Tabitha are all waiting for your call, so don't disappoint them. They want to save you money on your car insurance. Please call and give them the opportunity to find you a better deal. It's what they do. It's what they love doing. QUOTELINE: FREEPHONE 0800 917 2274 - now FREE for mobiles too. best, Nick ******************************* THE EXPERIENCE OF OTHERS... Here are some testimonials about Chris Knott Insurance received in the last month: "I found them good and extremely helpful." veilside z, 350z-uk "My Giulia's insurance is up this month. Direct Line can go take a running jump. Chris Knott provided me with a very good quote indeed - thanks Ian." MarkiT, AlfaOwner "Another happy customer , CK were one of the only insurers happy to touch my American Corrado, as soon as it's back on the road CK will be getting a call." kerrly1, VW Golf Mk2 OC "I've just renewed, great deal on both my cars again." STGeege, FiestaSTOC "Well, put it this way, I won't be moving from yourselves after the support and backup you gave me after being hit by someone with a dodgy policy. I didn't need yourselves in the end as Churchill paid out anyway but knowing you were there was good to know, thanks again CK." lizard, Vectra-c forum "I've used Chris Knott for a few years as a direct result of seeing them on here. They do great value GAP insurance too." dagdave, CMax OC "Big thank you to Rebecca (and the team) at Chris Knott Insurance. Due to one too many claims on my policy LV (who were otherwise excellent) decided not to offer a renewal. Panic set in - but Briskoda to the rescue! Read the various reviews here and decided to call CK - within the day all set-up with a like for like policy with another Defaqto 5 star insurer - £20 increase in cost over previous LV policy. Rebecca was extremely reassuring, helpful, and went into a lot of detail to ensure that the policy was exactly what I needed. Thank you!" chadlington, Briskoda "Quoted and we're accepting. Brilliant! Beat the cheapest quote we could get online and 20 quid multi-car discount." shnazzle, MR2 Roadster OC "I can't recommend these guys enough, I hate the big firms, that monopolise us all like sheep. You speak to 15 different people before a girl at the end of the phone tells you your premiums are 5 grand and asks if you'd like to purchase the policy, yes I reply just after I've sat on a porcupine and removed the spines with a kitchen knife. At Chris knott.. It's all different, I was sceptical I must admit, but after speaking to two wonderful ladies at Chris knott, one being Kim, and the other I didn't catch her name (only young but please commend!!!) I was assured they were better than all that. I don't trust the big firms not at all, so today I'm gonna send my documents off and get them to Chris Knott... I honestly can't say enough, if you're in need of a quote... These guys are pretty bang on the mark. I hate insurance time of year... I have spent endless hours on the phone to idiots. But not these lot. They're brilliant. Thanks again to Briskoda and Chris Knott!!! Big up to ya'll." kipperbailey, Briskoda "Well after speaking to Sky, Adrian Flux & Prestige, Chris Knott has come in at first with a mind blowing £280 which I will be going for." carlsberg, Hyundai Coupe OC "Just switched to Chris Knott this week, saved me over £200 on a like for like fully comp quote compared to Flux Direct. Was very easy dealing with both Tabitha and Kim on both occasions I called in to get the quote and then to amend some details. My documents were sent out quickly via email with no issues at all. Great service and a brilliant price..." ColbyCol, EK9 Forum *******************************
  19. Hi, Those who follow Chris Knott's forum activity will know that we regularly offer tempting prizes to reward members who ask us for a quote. This month is no exception as we launch the September Special. Simply ask us for a car quote this month and we'll enter you into our draw to WIN upto £150 worth of performance car parts from Euro Car Parts. The best bit perhaps is that you'll get to choose the exact parts you want and we'll just pick up the tab. We know that we have great rates for car club/forum members as insurers help us to win more business and we're really keen for you to give us a try when you're getting your quotes. We're all about trying to save you money - and this month we're hoping to do that on both your car insurance bill and your parts/accessories/modding bill. Please pick up the phone and find out just how much you could save with Chris Knott (0800 917 2274). We only quote via the phone (or you can request a callback at https://www.chrisknott.co.uk/CarQuote) because it enables us to get a better feel for you and you should be rewarded with a better deal as a result. This enthusiast was certainly pleased with his quote last month: "I have today arranged the insurance for my XC60 through them. Excellent customer service from Ian at CK (and one of his colleagues, Kathy, when I called to chase something). They matched the excess, included the Polestar upgrade and beat my best quote by £30. Top marks from me for now." St James, Volvo Owners forum So, if your car insurance is due soon please give Chris Knott Insurance a call on 0800 917 2274 (now free from mobiles too) during September for your chance to win. Quotes are available about 30 days before renewal and we'll include all car quotes offered between 01/09 and 30/09 inclusive (proof of winner's actual renewal date may be required). Whether you end up winning the main prize or not, we look forward to helping you save money on your car insurance. best, Nick "Hey, you promised us upto £250!" Oh, yes, so we did - and that's because this is the final month of our current Virtual Show & Shine competition on social media. Post a pic of your car in a summer setting on either our Facebook page, Twitter feed, Instagram page or Google+ page and use the hashtag #CKShowShine (full details can be found in our separate post in this section of the forum). We're offering a prize of a £100 Amazon voucher for the best image. So, there's upto £250 worth of 'stuff' available in September and all we need you to do is ask Chris Knott Insurance for a quote and maybe post a pic of your car on social media so we can see it.
  20. ***Feedback about the special Chris Knott Car Club scheme*** Hi, Our single biggest source of business by a long way is personal recommendation. It's great to know that you're telling others when we've given good prices and service. Thank you! Here's all the feedback about Chris Knott that people left for other members to read on forums and social media JUST LAST MONTH (there's a lot of positive feeling out there, for which we're grateful): "Another year with you guys. Thanks for your continued support to us owners with lots of modifications" dawesy, MR2OC "My current insurer on the 210 did a deal but Chris Knott beat that so I'm happy." toby1, Mercedes-Benz Owner forum "I usually don't move insurance companies often but over time, my quotes for renewal start to rise despite no incidents, convictions etc. I called CKI today for quotation for insurance on all my cars as mine is due tomorrow. CKI were much more efficient with the modifications and the telephone manner was pleasant as with most other companies I've dealt with. CKI beat the renewal quotes on the cars by almost £100 on each car (and £15 on the S70R) first time. This is after the existing insurer considerably bettered their renewal rates. Lets hope CKI keep doing good work with sensible quotes for years to come." DSK, Volvo Owners Forum "I switched the S60R to CK this week under the VOC scheme. Very good price, helpful guy on the phone too (thanks Ian Willis)." Yosser, Volvo Owners Forum "I rang around this time for insurance and all in all Chris Knotts provided me with the lowest quote without sacrificing cover. I renewed all my cars (as they are all co-termed for my ease to the distress of my wallet) with Chris Knotts for the next 12 months yesterday. My experience with the 2 ladies (Tabitha & Cathy) I dealt with was a good one as far as customer service goes. Friendly and straight forward talking when needed and going through the modifications was painless." DSK, Volvo Owners Forum "Just received a quote from Kim who was accommodating and helpful. She also applied the AO owners club discount and this was very competitive. Highly recommended!" TheToon, AlfaOwner.com "BEEN WITH G********* FOR FOUR YEARS AND YOU BEAT MY RENEWAL BY £70 A GREAT SAVING" gazza172, FocusSTOC "Didn't mention it back in May when I renewed the C5, with declared tuning as before, and again got unbeatable rate. Short while later came time for house insurance, and couldn't be arsed like before to go chasing all over the World, so thought "What the heck" & gave CK a try. House & contents now covered via their policy and a saving of 80 quid, to boot. Result .... one chuffed Wrinkly." The Wrinkly Ninja, Citroen Xsara OC "Been insured by Chris Knott on either mine or my wifes car for the last 6-7 years and I've just bought a mk4 GTi and switched my insurance across at a great price. Great stuff cheers!" isitafox, UK-MkIVs "Just renewed for another year. Great price & friendly service. Happy days:)." stuMR2eye, MR2 Owners Club "I moved to Chris Knott when my insurers of over twenty years flatly refused to add my daughter as a named driver, as she had only just passed her test. CK was most informative and helpful, so I have just renewed with them this year, and will continue to do so." acrorat, Nissan Juke Owners Club "I've a 2011 Audi RS3 (was RAC) and 2010 Audi TT roadster (was SAGA) and transferred both to these guys. I had no issues with communication and or the quotes both of which were accepted. Next year I'll be giving them a chance to quote on our A2 (currently A***** F*** who was way £££s over with the RS3) as well... And no, I don't know 'em or have anything to do with 'em other than they provide my 2015/16 insurance." 45bvtc, Audi-Sport forum "After a break of around 18 months, I'm back with Chris Knott. Competitive quote, friendly staff (Kim and Cathy)." RainbowFire, Briskoda "Took out a policy with them myself just the other day after discovering H******* wouldn't insure a modified Fabia. Great service." Lee01, Briskoda "Chris Knott Insurance just beat my car insurance renewal by £390 and my next best quote by £132! And all in 10 minutes. Big thank you to Ian for sorting it all out for me and walking me through the cover. Really friendly and knew what he was talking about. Would definitely recommend." Lauren Bvb Woodfine, Facebook “Gave me an excellent price thanks guys.†Grant2015vxr, Astra Owners Network “I really like chris knott insurance, excellent service, always ring for a quote and you guys are always the cheapest.†Naeem Arshad, Peugeot GTi-6 & Rallye OC "You guys beat S**'s renewal premium by £104 which they couldn't match or even beat despite their policy 'we'll beat any quote like for like and refund the difference'. Anyway thanks to Kathy at Chris Knott Insurance." kish, CRX-UK "Just had great service from Chris Knott Insurance. Very informative, great level of cover. Best price for my circumstances. Thanks Tabatha" Oliver O'Brien, FocusSTOC "Never insured my own car before (always been on my wife's policy). I asked Chris Knott to beat my quote of £318 and they did £285 including admin. I had high hopes for AXXXXX FXXX but they were just about twice as much. Cheers CK" insx, MR2 Roadster OC "Once again it's renewal time. Having searched for someone to cover a fully wrapped car, Chris Knott found me an insurer who was willing to match another quote from a different broker (shame I now have to wait a month for the wrap to happen). A big thanks to Nick and Dawn who made me a happy camper (I really hate moving my insurers/brokers so this was why I'm happy)." tempra007, Briskoda "Well, never used you for the vxr, kinda forgot about the renewal for that so just stuck with **********, but just took another policy out with you guys for a 2nd car, and can't fault you, met and beat the comparison quote which even A***** F*** couldn't get near. You guys were my last option, and the lass I spoke 2 on the phone was great, couldn't have asked for better service." BigDov, Astra Owners Network "Hi, rang company I'm with. after two calls and half an hour on the phone couldn't give me a quote - too many mods. had to cancel insurance - cost me £90. rang up Chris Knott told them all the mods. after 5 minutes no problem got a good quote so now I'm insured with them. Brilliant service. Thanks." paulmow, Vectra-C/Signum OC "a big thanks to nick and ian for getting the insurance that most would not help with for the daughter and son in law. talked to nick via the forum email then rang and talked to Ian both very helpfull." bugsb, MG-Rover forum "Bit of feedack from a new customer. Was quoted £80 less than my current insurer (1st Central) which i'm delighted about, the lady I spoke to on the phone was really helpful too. Recommended!" DaleM, R32 OC "I can whole-heartedly recommend Chris Knott (also a sponsor), got 2/3 of the household cars with them now (Standard Octavia Scout and a Nissan 100NX) The Scout was £280 and the NX £230somthing. The NX was done in one call (giving all the details etc), the Scout then followed......"oh yes, we've got all your details here".....done in less than 5 minutes." RainbowFire, Briskoda "Just wanted to say that Cathy from Chris Knotts was fantastic! It's the first time I have ever bought or got a quote from Chris Knotts and dealing with them and Cathy has been great. In fact I brought another car to them and I think I will also get my other car and house insurance from them. Very impressed. " gstraw, 350z-uk.com If you'd like a car insurance quote please call us FREE on 0800 917 2274 - which is now also FREE for mobiles - and mention this club/forum. best, Nick Chris Knott Insurance
  21. UPDATE: WIN £100 with the CHRIS KNOTT VIRTUAL SHOW & SHINE 2015 We'd love to see some pics of your 350Z or 370Z this Summer! Thanks if you've already done it. If you haven't yet, just post a photo of your car on any of our social media pages (and tag us in the pic) for your chance to win. Facebook seems to be the most popular so far - https://www.facebook.com/ChrisKnottIns. FACEBOOK - simply post your pic/pics on our page and tag #CKShowShine TWITTER - tag your post with @Chris_Knott_Ins and #CKShowShine GOOGLE+ - tag your post with @ChrisKnottIns INSTAGRAM - tag ChrisKnottInsurance when you post your pic Don't forget, it's 1. LIKE/FOLLOW (if you want to make us happy) 2. SHARE (if you want to help us) and 3. POST (if you want to win). Thanks, Nick PS. Forum admins, please boost via PM and your own Social Media if you can. Thank you.
  22. Hi, If you’re replacing your car soon - perhaps buying a new 65 Reg vehicle - and you’re thinking about protecting your purchase with GAP Insurance, why not ask us for a quote? There’s a good chance you’ll save quite a bit of money over the dealer’s offering when you ask for a Chris Knott GAP quote - just read the Testimonials below. And as we’re insurance experts you’ll have the benefit of professional advice if you need it too. For a free, no-obligation quote please call us on 0800 917 2274. Alternatively, you can get a quote online by using our quick and simple quote system if you prefer. GET A GAP QUOTE Our cover is a combination of Return To Invoice GAP and Finance GAP, giving you the best of both worlds. To find out more about Chris Knott Combination GAP please visit our website at https://www.chrisknott.co.uk/GAP/CombinationGAP We look forward to helping you arrange cost-effective protection for your new car. All it takes is a FREE phone call to Chris Knott on 0800 917 2274 (now free for mobiles) or a couple of minutes online. GET A GAP QUOTE best, Nick PS. Oh, and if you’re tempted or feel compelled to buy your GAP cover from the car dealer, here’s a cautionary tale from an episode of BBC’s Rip-Off Britain last year… http://www.chrisknott.co.uk/news/why-people-should-buy-GAP-insurance-from-brokers.html ******************************************* Chris Knott GAP - Testimonials: “Just wanted to say Thanks to Chris Knott for providing my GAP cover, dealer quote £300... Chris Knott £112. This is on a New Juke Tekna, upgraded alloys, spoiler." unrealuk, Juke Owners Group “Got my GAP insurance through Chris Knott, half my dealers quote, will definitely approach them for a quote when my annual insurance is due. Having the support through Chris Knott and the club gives a good feeling.†Lobo, Yeti Owners Club “Just done mine. Took about 2 minutes. Very user friendly." bagwafu, FiestaSTOC “Thanks for the GAP Insurance info, just took it out £83.....Dealer wanted £399.†g1smo, Juke Owners Group "Just got ours [GAP] through CK for £112 (for a Ford Kuga). Not bad for 3 years." AlfaJack, Alfa Romeo Owners Club "I bought GAP insurance at my local ford dealer when I purchased my ST. The price of it was £350 and thanks to signing onto this forum and Chris Knott Insurance I was able to cancel my current gap insurance as it was still in the 30 day period for a full refund and I've taken it out with Chris Knott for the price of £112.68. £237.32 back in my pocket! Thanks!" Ldube1992, FiestaSTOC "Have to agree with this, CKI quoted much less than the dealer for the GAP insurance on my Skoda." velocemitch, Alfa Romeo Owners Club "Agree completely about the GAP - probably would pay around 3 times the cost if bought through the dealer for the same insurance." actd, Juke Owners Group "Just did the same for mine... great Service at a fantastic price!" Anthony Trueman, FiestaSTOC *******************************************
  23. CHRIS KNOTT VIRTUAL SHOW & SHINE (with £100 prize) Here's a chance for members to show off their cars and their photo skills once again as we launch the 2015 Chris Knott Virtual 'SHOW & SHINE' on Social Media. It's been a couple of years since we ran the last one. There's a PRIZE for the winning entry of a £100 Amazon Voucher and we'll feature the winning photo on all our Social Media in October. THEME: Car & Summer HOW TO ENTER Just post a photo of your car looking all Summery or in a Summer setting on as many of our social media pages as you can (and tag us in the pic). FACEBOOK - simply post your pic/pics on our page https://www.facebook.com/ChrisKnottIns and tag us in the pic. TWITTER - tag your post with @ChrisKnottIns and #CKShowShine GOOGLE+ - tag your post with @ChrisKnottIns INSTAGRAM - tag ChrisKnottInsurance when you post your pic It would be great if you could LIKE or FOLLOW and SHARE whichever page you're on - and then POST your pic of your car on the page. The closing date for entries is 30th September 2015 - so just over 2 months for you to get the creative juices flowing and come up with something if you haven't already got an image to post up. Your car could be stock or modified - there are no restrictions in that regard. Be inventive. Remember, unlike a traditional Show & Shine, this is a photo comp so we will be looking for the photo that shows off best the combined Car & Summer theme but please keep it clean (the photo)!! It doesn't have to show the whole of your car - it just needs to have a car in it. Think about location, lighting, angles, etc. The pic can be anything amateur - an Instagram photo, straight camera-phone pic or something a bit more serious and we're happy if you want to use effects. The only stipulation is that it must be your own photo and your own car (not an image nicked off the interweb). Have a look at the photos we've added to our Facebook page and commented on over time to see the sort of images that we've appreciated in the past. We ran the last Virtual Show & Shine back in 2013 on Facebook so maybe have a look at the winning entries again. We're really looking forward to seeing some new pics as you post them. There's no limit to the number of different photos you can post. Don't forget, it's LIKE/FOLLOW (if you want to make us happy), SHARE (if you want to help us) and POST (if you want to win). Thanks and good luck! best, Nick
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