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Everything posted by Shuck

  1. Cheers for the tips guys, will be installling the 64 bit version this weekend.
  2. I've got it, just not installed it yet. PC World delivered it to me on tuesday and I haven't got around to it yet, still running the RC version. Just wondering, is it better me installing the 32 bit or 64 bit version? I have 4gb of ram and want something that will work with the lest fuss. Is there really that much of a performance difference?
  3. I'm loving that Windmill inspired knitted jumper. 42 seconds, quite impressive!
  4. Congratulations, that is an excellent prize. Sooooo jealous!
  5. Looks like a very nice car, but the price is stupid. Weighing up the price, I'd much rather have a GTR, or three!
  6. to the club Benny. As many others have said, nice and easy on the noisy pedal, especially on roundabouts. Whatever you do, don't take the traction control off!
  7. Although I didn't see the programme, I heard about it this morning in the usual 'office debate' we have. I think the point Bundus made is quite accurate in my eyes. I'm not a big fan of politics and have the view that 'they are all as bad as each other'. This view probably goes some way to explain why I've failed my accounting politics module for the past year! I know some of the general population have the same sort of view as me. They only see Labour and Conservatives parties and if they hate both, they would vote for the BNP without knowing anything about them. A well structured programme last night would have educated these people about the stance of the parties, and given them it in a short hour long programme that wouldn't be too ind epth, I feel QT has missed out on this objective greatly. Looking forward to reading the rest of this thread, maybe I'll learn something and finally pass my exam
  8. I have clipped a badger before. Someone had already seen to it, but it was in a heap in the middle of the road, on a blind corner. I had no where to go so decided to attack it head on. It sounded like it was playing the bongos with the bottom of my car, and finally reappeared about 30 meters down the road. Luckily I had no damage, but a big lump of fluff near the back box. My brother found it hilarious in the passenger seat!
  9. They are hilarious. I like the way the guy is still crawling around in the background of the katana video as they zoom into the stand.
  10. Sorry to 'bump' an old thread - Baker21 is brilliant at detailing, well worth a look. Top bloke with a very nice write up and partner! Hope this helps, Rob. Baker21 is a good lad, met him at a North Eastern detailing meet a few months ago. I've been on detailing world for a while now, some very good info on there. Just reading through the studio part and seeing what peope do and use is pretty interesting.
  11. I know the basics and have played poker on some of the Betfair tables before but never on PKR. Thats the fancy looking one isn't it?
  12. This is an excellent package. I own most of this stuff and highly recommend it Thanks for the GB Tim.
  13. Last night, I was in a bit of a rush to get to the cinema and I passed a Gunmetal Zed with a V1 Nismo Spoiler. It had a private plate (I think began with V) and I gave you a wave. Anyone on here?
  14. The motorcyclist at 0:56 is hilarious. Very lucky, could have been a lot worse!
  15. Maybe a sticky post with peoples 1/4 mile lap times on could be arranged? I was thinking of going to the Pod this year but it hasn't worked out so far. There is always next summer. I'm not sure I can justify a new set of tyres afterwards though
  16. Whatever you do Jerry, don't watch this then! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqg3Pg2M9WU&feature=fvw
  17. Doh, totally forgot about them. They were like that when I got the car.
  18. I know you want to say spacers and lowering! If I spend any more money on the car before the wedding next August, my wife to be would rip my head off Wouldn't mind some new alloys though
  19. Hi everyone. Its been a while since I've had time to write this up and get the pics sorted out. You all may remember a raffle that happened in the summer for Working Hospice that looked after Curly. I managed to win the Nismo V1 Spoiler Reading recommendations on this forum, I took it upto Car and Bike Magic in Sunderland. They used to do all of the paint and body work for ESR so I know they would do a top job. I was amazed at what they did though, a perfect match. Now onto some piccies! Before and after Thanks for looking
  20. Since I'm first..........totally standard wheel setup with no drop. Its probably not what you want, but gives a basis for comparison Oh and this is the first pics of my car with the V1 Nismo Spoiler on. Will sort out more and a new thread tonight.
  21. Quite possibly. Was a letter, number and 3 letter type of plate I think. It was still early in the morning for me
  22. Driving around the one way system near the riverside. I was in the silver coupe, sorry didn't catch the number plate but it was a private one.
  23. Slightly related, my dad is looking for an updated sat nav disc for his X-Trail. Would any nissan disc work or does he need one specific to his model?
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