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Everything posted by Shuck

  1. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Really sorry to hear this Lexx, hopefully it will be an easy job as mentioned.
  2. I love the way people flock around once he fires it up. Such a nice sound!
  3. Now I'm not a betting man, but I'd put some money on the fact its sold. A more beneficial question would be "if this doesn't sell, could you contact me Beavis"
  4. That is shocking. Bill is being obtained from the stealers so will be very interesting to see what the fallout is of this situation. Awesome comment
  5. I maybe too nieve here, but assuming that you get everything done in time before the Turkish 'legal' system swoop into action, wouldn't it just be a job for the insurers to sort out? It does sound like a nightmare though. I can't believe that the thieves have been released!
  6. 1. I still think its brilliant. If I want to learn about the technical aspect of cars I'd use the internet. I think a show that is just about reviewing cars wouldn't last long on TV. People would say its too boring. 2. I loved the one where they went through America and got to Grafitti each others cars. That was a while ago though so a more recent one that tickeld me was where they were in Vietnam on mopeds. Hilarious!
  7. +1 I loved it and can't wait to get it on DVD when it comes out!
  8. I was under the impression that the lights adjusted themselves. I have no idea where I heard that from though. Someone wil be along shortly to help out.......someone that knows what they are talking about!
  9. Windows key and M I have Windows 7, got it on the prepay price of £45 from Pc World. Its a big step up from XP which was the last OS I used on my old PC.
  10. I think it looks awesome Woody, glad you are happy with it. Did you see the 240z they have there? I'm not a massive fan of older cars normally but it looked really
  11. The adverts on that site had me in stitches!
  12. I use Supernatural like Chris I during the summer. For the winter I put on a couple of layers of Collenite #915. Its bomb proof and gives me the protection over those nasty winter months.
  13. Touareg R50 Shelby GT-500 Aston Martin One-77 (7.3 V12. Imagine the sound!)
  14. Tesco vouchers are a godsend. We have converted ours into Goldsmith vouchers and are buying a wedding ring from there. Do you know you can save them for upto 2 years!
  15. Hilarious How about somewhere central like Leeds area? That way its kinda central for people that live in Newcastle, Manchester and those down in Leicester.
  16. The Hangover is a legendary film, and that guy has a brilliant part in it. If he is half as good in this A-Team remake as he was in the Hangover, I'm watching it!
  17. Hilarious video! Maybe he needs to read this next time........if he can see! How to get up Role onto front Get on all fours Faceplant onto floor Forget about it, your too drunk!
  18. Tonight is a special night - the parents are coming over to discuss funding for the wedding next year and which family members to invite. We'll be having chicken wrapped in bacon with melted cheese on top. Its my job to buy the bacon and cheese on the way home. Desert will be Banana split and for me and the old man, cheese and biscuits and red wine. (we don't normally eat normal food like this, its frozen pizzas or microwave meals)
  19. http://www.pistonheads.com/SALES/1268484.htm I understand the paint is different and he is making a statement, but the inside is decked out like that too! Someone needs a slapping
  20. That last roadster is hilarious. I was going to say, maybe they put 28k instead of 18k but even at that price, its still too much!
  21. Well done mate, can't wait to see the finished result. Wonder if they give referral bonuses
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