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Everything posted by Shuck

  1. thats mean But funny! The mental image I have now is just daft!
  2. Hi everyone, I was at a local detailing place last week that were hosting a meet for people off Detailing World. Met a lot of people there who knew their stuff and I learnt loads too. One of them called Dave offered to help guide me through a machine polish, and I snapped his hand off. I went up to his place yesterday and this little write up shows what we achieved. Car had been washed the week before but it was evident that it seriously needed claying. The paint was not smooth and there were bits of sap and tar stuck all over the place. You could hear the rough paint when washing with a lambswool mitt. We started off at 9.30am by covering the car in snow foam. This was brilliant and is definately on my list of things to get! The snow foam was rinsed off and then washed using a zymol sponge. After rinsing off the car again, we started claying. I never realised how much dirt was embedded into the car, afterwards the paint was super smooth and looked loads better. I unfortunately got no pics of the clay covered in dirt but needless to say I don't think the car had ever been clayed before today! We snow foamed the car again, and dried thoroughly. I managed to get a pic of the car after claying that shows some slight hologramming (I think that’s the term) in the paint. Apart from the afore mentioned hologramming there were a few light scratches in the paint but nothing major. As the paint is notoriously soft, a very light polishing pad was used with some Poorboys SSR1. Under Dave’s expert eye he took me through all of the pitfalls, and made sure I wasn’t making any mistakes. Once finished we gave it a quick blast with the pressure washer and dried completely. Our final task was putting the wax on. For this we used Dodo Juice’s awesome Supernatural. The exhausts were polished with Meguiars NXT metal polish, the alloys sealed with Poorboys Wheel Sealant and the tyres dressed with Megs Endurance High Gloss Tyre Gel. Finished after 5 and a half hours of grafting, spot on 3pm. Time for some final pics. Would like to say a massive thanks to Dave for everything he showed me, and also for the massive shopping list I came away with. Will be putting this write up on Detailing World too for him to see. Just need to repeat this effort for Croft in two weeks time!
  3. I just use the megs nxt metal polish and they come up really well. Takes a bit of elbow grease on the inside though, will have to get some wire wool.
  4. Shuck came from my surname Cruickshank which is Scottish. I've been called it ever since Primary school and its stuck. The only people that don't call me Shuck are the lads I play rugby with, who all call me Chucky.......like the egg
  5. Would have definately had a spray with the pressure washer if it was on my windows. Any idea how long its been there? Looks a bit like those things they have to eat on 'I'm a Celebrity' in the Jungle.
  6. Doesn't look like a bad one, its a random orbit so is more forgiving then the rotary polishers. As an alternative you could try THIS one, which is both cheaper and I'm made to believe better. I tried machine polishing yesterday, just writing a thread with the pics and results for all to see.
  7. This is a good idea on very large forums with 30,000 members but I think this is something we could do without. I'm not knocking your suggestion though, but I think that underused button at the top of the screen (the search one) will reveal everything regarding past trades. *prepares for a telling off here........*
  8. Just noticed only 4 more posts and your on 12345 Matrin. I really should be leaving work instead of hanging about reading the forums. Would you not suggest the ultra tiny aerials then?
  9. Congratulations to you both, and as Nixy has mentioned, well done with the weather. Glad the whole day went smoothly, now where did I put that kilt???
  10. sorry I was trying to be clever and put the link in the word If you click the word HERE on my original post, it should take you through to an ebay auction for a stubby like Martinmacs ultra small cf one. (I never thought I'd be saying that about someone I have never met! )
  11. To be completely honest, doesn't look that much different to a normal Mirca.
  12. Well if we are comparing Its worth noting that I didn't start playing till the last day of leg 3, hence the very poor result as I tried to figure out what was going on! Overall = 50776 leg 1 = 60376 leg 2 = 95903 leg 3 = 127641 leg 4 = 66963 leg 5 = 65828 leg 6 = 62290 leg 7 = 55692 leg 8 = 33537 leg 9 = 43323 Can we get a table or something up?
  13. Any more info on this Rob? Just under three weeks to go and I'm starting to get excited
  14. website filtered by the nazi firewall we have at work. 15k does sound a lot when you can get a brand spanker for 18k. Just for the record mine is a GT 04 plate that doesn't have RAYS
  15. I obviously knew all of that when I made my post earlier! I think this is going to happen because we are a popular owners group. Its the price of doing a good job, so a pat on the back to all of you! I was gutted that I couldn't see the black zed with black and red wheels. Will have to jump on the image search now and see what I can find.
  16. Problem solved then, I'd be parking outside of the house if I lived there! The £600 a year you save can be spent on mods
  17. to the forum. Sounds a bit like an advert to me, but glad you got a good deal! Can't wait to see the pics.
  18. Love it......."What you braking for".........."because I don't want to hit the Ferrari"
  19. I save 20p coins and have just checked through £29.80 of them. I have 5 with the royal shield design but all have 2008 dates on them Gutted!
  20. Looks pretty hopefully the technology will improve over the years as its going to be the only way I can get my car into the garage AND get out.
  21. Argh, I totally forgot last night (and this morning) to check so will be on there tonight as soon as I get home. Am I stuck on a cliff yet? My boats name is "Flying Zed"
  22. Whoa, where is this from?! Never seen that before
  23. My car used to do that too, I made any passenger get out so I could park without scraping the underside. Eventually I raised my drive a bit which has stopped the problem but mine was paving slabs so easier to do then yours. 20" wheels are the way to go
  24. Lovely looking kit, and I like the alloys too. The front bumper reminds me a bit of a Ferrari.
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