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Everything posted by Shuck

  1. some good ones there!
  2. Amen to that, I have used it a couple of weeks ago and was blown away by how easy it was to clean off even the most stubborn dirt. Wheels looking good Stew
  3. Stupid work firewall! The Websense category "Tasteless" is filtered
  4. Surely you mean incidents or ocurrences, really hope you didn't have accidents on slip roads Yeah sorry BM, poor choice of English there. Incidents should be the word. Most of the slip roads near me are downhill, great for 'building up speed'
  5. Thanks for this, I'm off there on my way home tonight! Chris, your a lifesaver!
  6. 1. martinmac 2. Shuck 3. Shire 4. InsanezeD I'm definately coming
  7. If I want to take the wheels off one at a time and give them a good cleaning, would a scissor jack not be the best thing to use? I'm a total newbie when it comes to things like this! (sorry for the thread jack!)
  8. Car looks lovely Husky. Only problem is now you have raised the bar with your cleaning, your going to have to keep doing it otherwise you won't be happy. Its a very slippery slope!
  9. One thing I've learnt from this thread........MISSILE MODE I've had a couple of slip road accidents where I've been going up through the gears only to realise that I'm joining the main carriageway at an illegally high speed. Apply the anchors, put on cruise control
  10. There is an offer at the moment to downoad the betaversion and then get the full licence for £50 when its released in October isn't there? I may have only picked up half the story there, so if anyone could correct me if I have, I'd be grateful! Building a new system in the next week and need to know the best way of getting Windows 7 on it.
  11. Looks like a lovely spot! Hope you had the weather as well. My mate had a look around my Zed last weekend, he has just bought a Mini Cooper S. The boot on that is stupid and the rear seats are a waste of space. He didn't want a Zed because its unpractical I'll never work some people out!
  12. Thats a sorry sight, just hope the occupants were ok.
  13. Just been to buy it yesterday and its not out yet. Any idea when it will be released?
  14. Lovely looking Zed, and as mentioned before, great wheels
  15. Congratulations Muddy. Always loved the look of your car, now I'm going to have to buy the magazine!
  16. Fingers crossed this will all end happily for you BM Been following this thread closely as I have not long since bought some Bilberry and foud it to be great at shifting dirt. 1:5 concentration for me.
  17. The fees are shocking, especially with the limited postage. I'd put in an official complaint and tell them that it cost you more then their upper limit. I've used eBay quite a bit recently to sell loads of old games and bits that were left in my parents loft. For items under £50 its pretty good as any money you lose through fees you can normally 'almost' make back in postage profit. Just to clarify, I'm not the sort of person that charges £10 p&p for a cd
  18. Mine is area is at least older then December the old Vectra is still parked outside my house. Reckon it was in the summer though as my parents haven't got their caravan on the drive and I cannot imagine them going away in the box during winter! Its quite a good site though. On a side note, anyone know how long it takes for Google maps to update the system with the roadside pictures they take? I got zapped getting out of the Zed at work and then again at home a few days later in my shorts!
  19. Hi Andy and Great looking car, where abouts are you based?
  20. Lovely pics Stan, France is a beautiful country. I drove there a couple of years ago to my in laws place down on the west coast (Cognac region) and went past Tours, but unfortunately I only had a Vectra then. Would be muchbetter in the Zed, I'm envious
  21. I had a tear in my eye watching that!
  22. If you are new and trying things out, go for the sample kits or panel pots. They are significantly cheaper and usually have more then enough to get a whole car done..........irrespective of the name panel pot! I started off on Megs stuff, but will be testing out some dodo juice kit in the near future. The thread that Martin has put up though is full of good advice to get you started (its what I used) and the traders here really do stock everything you need. Good luck and take some pics when you are finished We all love pics
  23. Not sure but I will find out. I know he said he can do about 4 cars with a diluted 1 litre bottle but also puts a bit of shampoo in it. Does that sound right? Almost forgot the obligatory beading shots, taken tonight after a massive downpour!
  24. Cheers for the comments everyone. Walbertonio, its really easy to use. Just need to make sure the surface your working on is well lubricated and make sure you pick a smallish area. There are loads of guides on the net if you get stuck and your not that far away from me. Are you coming to Croft in two weeks time? (slightly off topic there!)
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