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Everything posted by Shuck

  1. And to think I used to like you............
  2. But with your fresh coat of wax on, the rain should just sheet off the car. I love a freshly waxed car!
  3. Your car would remind me of a Mars bar! Seriously though, what your proposing to do sounds good. I'm looking forward to the pics.
  4. Looks good Edgey, you'll have to show us pics when you get around to doing the Zed! I found that a light pad and cut is all I needed and it hardly took any work at all to sort out the car. I was under the impression when I was learning that I'd need to machine polish 2-3 times a year but thats not the case. Most of the work is done applying the wax and keeping that topped up and corrected.
  5. Its probably one of the best estates I've seen, but thats not a compliment........I hate estates!
  6. For such a small space, Cleveland has loads of garages, 7 in total
  7. I have always used 99 ron when I can from tesco. If needs be and it is unavailable I use the 97 ron stuff. The trick I've found is to check all of the pumps as some garages just have one pump dishing it out and others have loads. The 99 ron super unleaded has a green and silver sticker I think.
  8. That first pic looks like a place where naughty Zed's go at the end of their life! I think it looks cool, but I personally wouldn't get it done to mine if you know what I mean.
  9. I always take a pic of my mileage before handing the keys over to the dealers. Sorry to hear you've been taken advantage of. That is a god awful picture RTB. They look like macho extras from the village people/next catalogue!
  10. Looks like a lifetime of sanpaper and grit bucket washing! Excellent job correcting that What is the Ford paint like to work with, soft like the Jap stuff or hard like the German stuff?
  11. Hi Mobius, I'm sure Jester350 on this forum has a 350 GT, so maybe worth while sending him a pm with some specific questions on. Where abouts are you based? Oh and before I forget,
  12. I was just thinking that when I saw the picture further up the post
  13. Thats shocking, I remember signing a petition against this quite a while ago! Do they expect things to be quiet at a racetrack??? Any pics?
  14. Jonathan Granville-FAIL springs to mind! Nice pics though and a nice car.
  15. Membership needed unfortunately. Is it a good forum to join?
  16. I noticed that change when reading about the 'discussion' behind the domains. Caught me by surprise but looks very good. A large amount of posts on here are not 350 specific, so shouldn't be a problem when the 370 owners arrive. I'm looking forward to seeing all the new cars and what mods can be done to them.
  17. Glad you had a good day, unfortunately that wasn't me. I totatally overdosed on red wine and cheese at a wedding I was at on saturday and much of sunday was a blur! Any pictures?
  18. They do that all the time with the decals on the car, always make me laugh but thats probably because I've got the sense of homour of a child! Loved the part where James May went screaming past the other two and hit his piano screaming "****". I had tears in my eyes!
  19. Only took her twenty minutes to reel it in I used to go fishing with my dad about 10 years ago, never really any goodbut enjoyed myself. Used to take me twenty minutes to reel in a 1 pound fish! I must be doing something wrong
  20. you get one FREE with 350 posts, You'll have to purchase the second one Yep, thats was my plan. I'll pm you now Mikey, just reached 351!
  21. I thought this might be the case Well I'm planning on still going anyway if anyone else fancies it?
  22. According to this thread http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=85&t=22872, it doesn't look like Martin will be able to make it...........and then there were three!
  23. Cheers for reminding me Husky, I nearly forgot about this. I'll probably be ordering one as well anyway, one for each side
  24. Fruit, thats what will help you out there......plenty of Fibre!
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