Hi All,
Just picked up an 04 Blue zed, she has a few miles on the clock 56k and needs a bloody good clay bar to bring her back... but all in all very impressed, especially how flat she is round corners...
Been snooping around the site for a few days now, just reading up on the tips and tricks... must say it is a good site and that from what I can see zed ownership isn't that problematic.
Anyway babbling on there bit, just wanted to know what you guys fill up with and what kind of performance/economy differences do you notice?
I know this is a sort of loaded question as a few years ago I used to fill up my last jap car on Optimax/V-Power and on that car I did feel a difference, wondering if this engine will be the same....
So my next question is... if it has to be 98 or above what's the best bang for buck? I've never used supermarket fuel due to all the scare stories, but anyone tried the Tesco 99ron?